dothackzero (post: 1445958) wrote:Actually, I've never heard something that bad before about God. Atleast from what I remember...
Wallachia (post: 1446244) wrote:I dislike hearing negative things about my religion in any form of entertainment. Especially since despite being able to get around it with the thought, "It's just that character's opinion." it's usually a thought from the author's mind as well, so it tends to impact everyone else in the show at the time.
It's nice when a show has characters with multiple opinions or manages to clearly show some don't support a negative opinion [on Christianity or about God], but that's extremely rare.
Atleast if any negative statements about religion are made, they're usually spread pretty thin to avoid upsetting viewers who may disagree with the opinion in question...
ABlipinTime (post: 1446811) wrote:I agree. And sadly, you're right, character's statements do reflect the author's point of view. But that's the way of the world. ... Not that I'd put up with it. (I refuse to watch Inception because of the blaspheme friends told me was in it)
Lynna (post: 1447202) wrote:Also, I second wanting to know exactly what kind of blasphemy was in "Inception" because I watched it and foud nothing wrong with it
Characters abuse Jesus' name five or six times and God's a dozen times—pairing it with "d‑‑n" another half-dozen. We also hear "a‑‑," "h‑‑‑," "b‑‑tard" and "bloody."
Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.
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