Well, he can't use veggies, apparently...I don't doubt that Satan would use bad diets to weaken a person's body or something, but come on.
Rusty Claymore (post: 1453108) wrote:Well, he can't use veggies, apparently...
Stop smoking, but stop eating sugar first. Sugar will destroy your health faster than smoking.
Davidizer13 (post: 1452525) wrote:*Walk or run everywhere you go. Do not use a car, bicycle, or modern transportation.
*Work hard at manual labor for your subsistence. Don't work an office job.
Using the Internet is fine, though!
[Bread is evil blah blah, but it was okay for them to eat in Jesus' time because it was a different type of bread blah blah and their lifestyle was different...]
In summary, some bread would be OK to eat today given the follow requirements.
* Walk or run everywhere you go. Do not use a car, bicycle, or modern transportation.
Pascal (post: 1452533) wrote:I wonder what this website would think of Daniel 1:12-16, when it spoke of Daniel in Babylon when he chose to only eat Vegetables instead of eating the food of the King?
, That evil villain Daniel!
This story actually proves the vegetarian diet is bad. The men ate the special vegetarian diet to prove God was working miracles in them. The men and the king all knew the vegetarian diet should have made the men sickly. That is the reason the men ate only vegetables and water. They proved God was performing miracles in them by maintaining their health and improving it.
TopazRaven (post: 1453726) wrote:So...you actually agree with them then? I suppose I'm out of luck any other way. I rather do like bread, fruits and veggies.
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