Raptor Jesus?

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Postby Ante Bellum » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:13 pm

Wasn't Jesus from the Middle East, meaning that he'd have darker skin and hair?
I think I heard once that the white skin came from...I think the Renaissance artists? I have no idea.
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:20 pm

Ante Bellum (post: 1454233) wrote:Wasn't Jesus from the Middle East, meaning that he'd have darker skin and hair?
I think I heard once that the white skin came from...I think the Renaissance artists? I have no idea.

Let's just say that, yes, he should look Jewish/Aramaeic, like the current inhabitants of that geographic area. White skin came in due to models being used that were european but also due to antisemitic sentiment (note things like Shakespeare's portrayal of Jews in merchant of Venice).

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Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:21 pm

I vote renaissance artists. They were pretty much creepy. If you look at a lot of art from that era, all the good guys in the Bible are slender, rosy cheeked, and bleh! They are unclothed a lot of the time too. Well, I may be a little biased, since I really dislike Renaissane art. XP
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:23 pm

TopazRaven (post: 1454228) wrote:I didn't think so. Lol. Why do they always make him white then?

Because traditional icons of Christ tend to mimic the culture in which they're used. It's not just that all depictions of Jesus are pale and white. Some look more Hispanic and those icons are found in Hispanic culture. My professor of my Pop Icons class once brought in two candles that had images of Jesus on them and the differences were clear. One candle was purchased in a Hispanic culture and Jesus looked a bit darker and had slightly larger eyes. Also, his hands were in a slightly different position in relation to the Sacred Heart and he had a much sturdier frame than the paler, smaller image.

The whole idea of depicting Jesus as one race over another plays into the sense that people relate more easily to a God who looks like them. Of course, that presents a number of problems ranging from historical accuracy to racism, but most people these days tend to understand icons as pointers to the real truth of Christ. Instead of icons simply telling them what Jesus looked like (which we know is inaccurate anyway), they remind people of his nature, his love, his compassion, etc.

Personally, I think any icon of Christ should depict him as Middle Eastern, but there's still a transcedent value to icons that goes beyond physical appearance and we can certainly find things to appreciate in that respect.
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Postby Midori » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:24 pm

I think it's more likely the fact that if you hear a story about some random guy and you aren't told what he looks like, you're gonna assume he looks kinda like you; I suppose that's technically ethnocentrism, but really, if you say to me "I'm gonna tell you a story about a guy named Mark who died for your sins", I'm gonna imagine him as a white guy unless you tell me otherwise.

Now, I personally would still rather see pictures of Jewish Jesus than Blondie Jesus, but I'd expect Europeans back then mostly didn't know any better.

Oh, but back to the topic at hand: I wouldn't be offended by the idea of Raptor Jesus any more than I would be by Raptor George Washington, you know? I'm fine with almost anything as long as the implication isn't that Jesus was a fictional character who didn't really live, die, and rise again. And as long as you aren't making "fan-fiction" of the bible. Sometimes Jewish culture has had issues with that and it leads to all sorts of problems.
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:32 pm

Midori (post: 1454238) wrote:
Oh, but back to the topic at hand: I wouldn't be offended by the idea of Raptor Jesus any more than I would be by Raptor George Washington, you know? I'm fine with almost anything as long as the implication isn't that Jesus was a fictional character who didn't really live, die, and rise again. And as long as you aren't making "fan-fiction" of the bible. Sometimes Jewish culture has had issues with that and it leads to all sorts of problems.

Fan-fiction of the bible. xD I wish I didn't know what you where talking about, but I do. I'm currently reading a book called The Red Tent, it's by a Jewish woman, Anita Diamant. It's based off the biblical story of Dinah in case you've never heard of it. It's very well written, but it makes me facepalm. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it once I finish it because I don't think I like it enough to keep it. It's nothing like I expected it to be so far. I could go on ranting about what bothers me about it, but that might take all night. :lol:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:43 pm

While it is true that depictions of Jesus tend to look like the ones making them, it's not ALWAYS true. There are some Jesus depictions here in Korea that are Asian, but most of them are still white. Because a mostly white culture is in power in the world, a lot of people here want to look white. There are ads for plastic surgery all over the place, and two of the most common surgeries performed are to make the eyes and facial bones look more Caucasian... No joke. One of the ads shows a bunch of ascii art on things they'll change, and ignoring a funny one on the second row, the two that stand out most are the -- changed to oo, with the caption saying that it will change your life...

As for raptor Jesus, well... There are worse things that have come out of that place about Jesus. Someone in my class in college felt the need to show me one because he wanted to get me angry. It nearly worked, but I just shook my head and walked away. I'm much more patient in real life than I am on the Internet, I think...
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:54 pm

I'm white and I'd still much rather see a Jewish/Middle Eastern Jesus as that is closer to what he would of looked like. Meanwhile, it makes me really sad that people of other cultures feel they need to be white. What's so good about being white? This is a big problem in India to judging from an article I read awhile ago. They actually have creams out there that supposdly will make your skin paler or something like that. It truly sickens me that companies would take advantage of people like that. No one should have to be ashamed of their race.
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Postby Cardiche007 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:26 pm

Here and there across the interwebs I have encountered the Raptor Jesus, but I never delved out the reason he came from whence he came. Of course, I understand he is parody manifest. Only he might also come with an agenda--extolling evolution at the expense of Christian dogmas--that at any rate was my gut reaction. I am not saying that's the truth. I mostly doubt he was made with anything like that in his intended design. Yet I am also convinced the imagery is loaded with more than enough circumstantials to support that claim if one wished it so. Again, however, I once more assert this is mere speculation for the sake thereof. I suppose I am kinda curious though.
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Postby Furen » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:13 pm

I don't think I can go a week at school without someone making that joke, those memes are really annoying some times, granted some can be funny, I don't like this one.
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Postby Nate » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:46 am

Cardiche007 wrote:extolling evolution at the expense of Christian dogmas

Wait I don't see how. Theistic evolutionists DO exist y'know. I'm one of 'em. But let's not discuss that, shall we? That conversation never goes anywhere good and besides it's against the rules. I just wanted to say this statement doesn't make a lot of sense. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying (which is possible).
Topaz wrote:What's so good about being white?

Power is a bit part of it. People in power are seen as being attractive. Europe for a long time was "king of the world" and let's not forget the old saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire" because Britain controlled so many territories back in the day.

And now the US, a country founded mostly by whites, is a major power and has been for a while, with the President being called "the most powerful man in the world" and up until Obama, the office was held exclusively by whites.

So the fact that whites are in power (especially white males) is a big factor. Another is the whole "foreign is cool" factor. I know I've met a couple of white Americans (on here even) who have said things like "Man Japan is so cool I wish I was Japanese" and the like. The culture of Japan is foreign and exotic and exciting to them. They want to be a part of it because they find it so cool, since they weren't exposed to a culture like that. Of course, if they were Japanese raised in Japan, it wouldn't be foreign or cool to them at all, and they'd look at the US and say "Man the US is so cool I wish I was American." The grass is always greener on the other side.

Racism may have a bit to do with it as well, since well...let's face it, there's a lot of racism out there in the world. And since as I mentioned before, whites are seen as mostly being in a position of power and privilege, being white would make things easier in a sense. They'd be less likely to be discriminated against on the whole. They'd be better off than others, perhaps. Look at the days of Jim Crow...I'm almost positive there were at least a few blacks who thought things like "If I was white, I'd be a whole lot better off." The frightening thing is that even though we don't live in a society anywhere near the horror of Jim Crow today, whites are generally better off than other races in this country, which is very, very sad.

So there you go.

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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:24 am

I can't deny that you're right that's for sure. It makes sense. I'm going to openly admit I've kind of wondered what it might be like to be Japanese before. xD I can't stand racism though. It figures my uncle and his girlfriend are racist to. I really have to resist the urge to beat them over the head with a stick sometimes. -_- I'm so violent...
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Postby Cardiche007 » Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:15 am

Nate (post: 1454349) wrote:Wait I don't see how. Theistic evolutionists DO exist y'know. I'm one of 'em. But let's not discuss that, shall we? That conversation never goes anywhere good and besides it's against the rules. I just wanted to say this statement doesn't make a lot of sense. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying (which is possible).

I don't agree but neither am I a scientifically literate in the full sense of evolution theory or much thereof. I'll make concessions within the realms of things I don't understand. You might be right. My statement may be as nonsensical as you say.

But I hesitate to explain myself and my reasons any further. As you said, this sort of hackneyed jibber-jabber isn't a permissible debate under the rules of the forum. And I don't wanna get black-balled. Peace.
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Postby MxCake » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:49 pm

i get offended by anything bashing Jesus or making him less important then he is i dont knwo why im just kidna hot headed like that sometimes >.< its just something stupid people started to bash something there afraid of.
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Postby Nate » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:55 pm

I disagree, it's very difficult to be afraid of something you don't believe exists. I don't believe in invisible pink unicorns in my sock drawer, so how could I be scared of them? If I made fun of invisible pink unicorns in sock drawers, it wouldn't be out of fear, because I don't believe they exist.

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Postby MxCake » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:58 pm

ill send you a pm nate about it since this is not the right thread to talk about it XD
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