Someone please clarify...

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Someone please clarify...

Postby The Silence » Fri May 14, 2004 7:05 pm

This is starting to bug me just a little bit:

Again and again I keep seeing any sort of debate on any topic, besides whether kaoru is good enough for kenshin, being suppressed. I understand that the mods wouldn't like any arguements and hurt feelings and all that stuff, but I wonder how the result of that really turns out. It wouldn't be so terrible if the mods would only put a stop to things when somehting really did happen, but what I see now is them ending anything that MIGHT lead to something that might lead to an arguement.

I question the value of these boards in this case. A whole forum full of only polls about which bishie is the hottest, doesn't really appeal to me , intellectually. (This ins't say there shouldn't be such polls, how could we live without our imaginary dream guys...)

I think someone once told me that since this is a christian anime forum, that they feel topics should remain exclusivly anime-related. This seems a little wrong to me somehow. After all, as Christians, our whole life should be focused on christianity and how we should do everyhting, anything in a christian manner. But life isn't entirely focused on anime. So why are anime topics that have nothing to do with christianity fine but any sort of debate on a christian topic that has nothing to do with anime automatically ended? This I find ever so slightly offensive. If Christians can't dicuss theology among themselves then who can?

It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that this is the way things are...
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Postby Ashley » Fri May 14, 2004 7:29 pm

Wow, where to start. I guess since I am the one who started CAA 2 years ago, it is my place to answer this. And since this has become such a prevalent issue lately, I will answer this publically.

A long time ago at our first home, MSN, we had decided to quell debates on topics; we being my much smaller at the time staff and I. We saw the damage they did at other places, and how people were torn apart and left with bruised feelings because of what was supposed to be a civil debate. That was not the kind of site we wanted to run. Plus, with the diversity even among the members at the time, it was going to become a serious challenge to keep a neutral stance and mod debates fairly with such sensitive topics. Let's face it, no one likes being told their wrong, but especially not when you try to tell them what they sincerely believe to be the truth is wrong.

As for putting a stop to thing when they DO happen, well that is the secondary level of our work. As I recently explained to a member, if I'm cleaning up the mess I've failed at my job. The staff and I have always taken a precautionary approach rather than a janitorial one. To put it frankly, we're a bomb squad, not a clean up crew, and our job is to defuse arguments before they explode, not salvage the pieces and try to keep the peace after there's been words. Granted, this doesn't always happen, but that is our aim. Always has been, and until I hear otherwise from the Lord, always will be.

I would like to say we are far, far more than a "forum full of polls about which bishie is the hottest". Nor are we just an anime board anymore. As we've grown, we've gone on to add everything from tech support to roleplaying areas and an arcade. Take a look at the sheer number of forums--general, goof off, art, etc. etc. etc.--and I ask you, do you see just anime topics here? There may not be your philosophical, lofty debates on theology, but I dare say that doesn't make us any less of a forum intellectually. And that sort of place is not what we have ever intended to become, so I don't think it's fair to really accuse us of not living up to something we never claimed to be. From the very start, this has always been a place of fellowship between what I used to think was quite rare: Christians who happen to like anime. Who value the same things I do as a Christian, find offense in the same things I do as a Christian, and who would not think me narrow-minded or extremely conservative because I chose to be a Christian. That's all. It's also a bit of a ministry as well, trying to reach out and spread the word of Christ by being a wholesome example to the world. So is that without value? A place where Christians, despite denominational barriers, can have fun together and fellowship with one another? Does our lack of debate make us devoid of purpose as well? There are plenty of other forums out there--some who have shallower purposes than ours, some who have much greater ones. But all in all, we have found our niche and I don't plan on seeing it change any time soon.

I cannot think of ever saying this place needs to be exclusively anime-related. Again, the sheer variety of forums attests to that. Perhaps it used to be that way, but the staff has matured along with the site and have made decisions about precisely the kind of site we wish to manage. I very much agree with you that Christ needs to be the focus of our lives, and I would like to think that I never challenged that supremacy. That's why we've had a "Christian growth" section from early on, even if it wasn't always called that. That's why we tie in verses to our projects and do all things with a Christian perspective. That's why the staff prays over each other and our decisions.

So why are anime topics that have nothing to do with christianity fine but any sort of debate on a christian topic that has nothing to do with anime automatically ended? This I find ever so slightly offensive. If Christians can't dicuss theology among themselves then who can?

For the first part of this, it a simple answer could do. Anime topics are much less likely to offend someone's faith than say, a thread like "do you believe in the necessity of baptism?" or other such ones. As I said, CAA was not meant to be a place to hash out theological points and divide us. As to the "where to discuss" question, I suggest your local church. I have told numerous people in the past, we are not trying to replace your spiritual home, and genuine questions of faith really should be taken to a pastor whom you trust. That is the person God has placed in your life to guide you on your walk in Christ much more than anyone here. So there is the answer to your question--if you really must ponder a theological point, ask it among those who know you and love you much more than the online personas here.

I hope that has answered your misgivings. For the moment this thread is being left open, but this will be closed if things get ugly.
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Postby Vyse » Fri May 14, 2004 7:31 pm

Actually I've had this conversation(about whose hot and whose not) with someone else before, I totally agree with you, the "whose hottest" polls do seem really... external, I mean its just anime... its nice to admire the drawings... but when you start going into whose hot or not, that also offends.
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 14, 2004 7:45 pm

Maybe I am going out on a limb here...and if I am Ashley can feel free to correct me. But I do not think the staff cracks down only on Christian fighting points. Any topic that causes bickering, arguing, debate etc is closed 99% of the times. Somtimes staff members make judgement calls....somtimes right, somtimes wrong. Newsflash...were human and we make mistakes. Example, Neon Genesis Evangelion threads most times are closed, because they always no matter what end up. NGE IS EVIL, I LOVE NGE....therefore since the staff knows that only a fight is gonna result...we close the threads. Topics like homosexuality, abortion, if I missed get my point. Topics that the staff tend to frown on are not strictly Christian topics.....I think a few closed topics are being blown into a large issue where there is no issue. We provide a link to a theology debate site for people who got an itch on that. So I am sorry...but I just don't see what your saying. Any subject....anime, religious, heck about toe nail color...if it caused debating....would probably be frowned on. The way I see it...I would rather annoy a few members and get posts like this, then see 15 threads turn into flame wars where by the time its over half the site hates the other half.

"If Christians can't dicuss theology among themselves then who can?"

We do have a PM system that can be made use of.
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Postby The Silence » Fri May 14, 2004 7:47 pm

^_^ Ok, that's what I wanted to know. Thankyou, and I'm sorry if this a speech you've had to give too many times.
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 14, 2004 7:51 pm

Its not somthing that we have had to give speeches on a lot....its just an issue I suppose. Every forum is gonna do somthing that annoys people....the staff trys there best not too...but its just a fact. Every other forum I post on irratates me in some way. The staff are not trying to be ruthless cut-throats on issues....but at the same time we are trying to keep a growing forum a nice place to be.
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