1. How do you deal/react with stress?
2. What things in life stress you out?
3. What are some things you do to relieve your stress?
Curl up in a corner and cry. (half joking here)steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote: 1. How do you deal/react with stress?
Too many things to count. Sometimes I make up things to stress me out. (sometimes a bit of stress can be okay, but I tend to go overboard with worry. >_>] 3. What are some things you do to relieve your stress?[/quote] Watch/read an uplifting anime/manga (NOT Magica Madoka, but something like Ouran or Yotsuba&!). Alternatively, if the manga has pretty art, this is a plus for me personally.2. What things in life stress you out?
<--- Thiiss has been happening to me lately. Its downright creepy! >_> I'm not even attractive. UGH!But other than that, I get stressed out by men who are either way too old or way too creepy who indicate that they are interested in me. That is not relaxing. That is the opposite of relaxing.
Tsukuyomi (post: 1470174) wrote:I'll admit that I don't handle stress the best that I can, but I try ^__^ Most of the time, doing crafts/crocheting will help take my mind off of things ^^ Or, listen to music. That helps as well ^^
Yamamaya (post: 1470734) wrote:Watching Madoka or End of Evangelion when you're stressed is more likely to make you depressed.
steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote:Just out of curiosity, place your vote in the pole then answer the following questions:
1. How do you deal/react with stress?
2. What things in life stress you out?
3. What are some things you do to relieve your stress?
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote:1. How do you deal/react with stress?
steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote:2. What things in life stress you out?
steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote:3. What are some things you do to relieve your stress?
steenajack (post: 1470103) wrote:1. How do you deal/react with stress?
2. What things in life stress you out?
3. What are some things you do to relieve your stress?
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