Pokemon: The Truth

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

Postby Masquerade1412 » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:37 pm

OCC: Say hello to the Masquerade!
....now to catch up....]
Zeke Salvador opened his backpack.
"...compass....map...Potions...Pokeballs...cash... food...flashlight...that should do it."
He closed the bag and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going, big brother?"
Zeke turned around to face Abby.
"...the one time I regret fixing that squeaky wheel."
Abby rolled her wheelchair toward her brother, glancing at the backpack.
"...If you're going on an adventure...can I go, too?"
"I'm sorry, sis," Zeke said. "I need someone to look after Dad for me while I'm gone. And if I can beat the League, I can get enough money to get the doctors to fix you up!"
Abby was quiet for a moment. "Won't Dad be mad?"
"...Probably," Zeke looked toward the forest. "...but more about the fact that I'm leaving with a Pokemon..." He saw a figure moving through the trees. "Promise me you'll be a good girl."
Abby looked at her brother's dark eyes. "I promise."

"Ready, Rune?"
"Yes," Zeke's Absol, Rune, replied. "But we better hurry. It's almost dawn."
Zeke and Rune ran through the forest with the speed of Raikou, sidestepping branches and dodging trees.
"Which way to Flight City?" Rune asked.
"According to the map, Flight City is...What's up, Rune?"
Rune stood completely still. "..........Fire."
Zeke spun around. "I don't see any..."
Rune leaped and said, "This way!"

it screeched to a halt as burning cedar fell before it. It looked wonderingly at the cedar, but it's wonderous expression quickly turned to terror as it turned back... The Beam had started a Small Brushfire. Pokemon of all shapes scampered and fluttered from the forest, trying to escape the fire.

Zeke, gasping for air, said, "I'm trying! Slow down a little..."
Rune stopped. "We're here."
Zeke looked at the destruction and the charred remains of once healthy, green trees. "What could have done this?"
"Careless trainers. Not all trainers know the true power of Pokemon. Or the consequences of their actions."

A tree near it creaked and snapped as the fire burnt it and the winds and sand smashed against it, falling, threatening to crush the small, metallic, bird. Ion ran as fast as he could baseball sliding as he snatched the Skarmory from under the tree.
The fire finally out, He looked about the scene. "We'll a portion of the forest is burnt and some trees are knocked down, but at least a majority of the forest is safe." He watched his step escaping the forest, seeing the sense of loss from the pokemon who lived in that portion. A family of rattata came to him and presented him with berries to heal the injured skamory, now in his arms.

"However," Rune continued, "some trainers are kinder than they believe themselves to be."
Zeke looked at the boy and the Skarmory in his arms. "Perhaps you're right...but we can't do anything here. Let's get moving."
Rune took another look at the boy. "...I pray that you keep that Skarmory safe...He needs you more than you know..."
__________________________________________________ _____________

"We've made it," said Zeke. Looking at the large building, he noticed a rather intimidating man entering the gym. "That must be the Gym Leader...Let's go Rune!"
"Humph, can't wait to finally test my abilities."
They entered the gym, but...

The man began to chuckle then he said in a scary voice:"Im the gym leader.Surprised?And don't you think we aren't gonna have a rematch.Its on spaz!"

Zeke stood immobile in the doorway. "Perhaps we have come at a bad time."
"Actually," said Rune, "I think have come at the perfect time..."
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Postby AtmosBreak » Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:32 pm

Not caring about waiting for anyone else, Ezio ran towards the forest again with the nurse in hot pursuit followed by Dust. He was worried about the pokemon, he remembered seeing quite a few injured before he quickly ran off to find the nurse. Glancing back, he was relieved to see that in fact a couple of nurses came as well as a few other trainers either curious or genuinely worried. He hoped it was the latter but it was no time to pick a fight, they never were worth it anyways.

He did a quick double take at a young woman who happened to have a Dratini. And he thought they were rare in the games, Ezio hadn't actually seen one in real life yet, just on T.V occasionally and on the net but never up close. Continuing to run forward, there were more pressing matters on his mind. He could always ask her about it after the pokemon were safe.

It wasn't too long until they had finally reached the charred remains of the part of the forest that was destroyed. Many small pokemon suffered minor injuries, thankfully nothing too serious. There were some that were burnt, others sustaining injuries from fallen trees and branches, but everything seemed to be ok at least.

The nurses and trainers had spread out to help as many pokemon as they could and the trainer's pokemon all seemed to group together to help the others. Ezio admired that about them. There was much more unity with them than in the human race. They all seemed more trusting with another than with one man to another, why couldn't people be more like that?

Clearing some of the fallen branches away, Ezio stopped as he heard a soft whimpering. "Nuz.... Nuuuz...." it cried out. Rushing to behind a bush, Ezio's eyes widened as it saw a Nuzleaf laying on the ground with its arms on its leg. It was trapped under a rather large branch, the pokemon in obvious distress.

With a grunt, he lifted up the branch to free the Nuzleaf who only backed up slightly, away from the human that just suddenly appeared. Ezio neared it cautiously, with his hands out, softly making a shushing sound, showing he had no ill intent. The Nuzleaf looked at him suspiciously before attempting to get up, only to fall back down in pain, clutching its leg. The fallen branch had broken it and there was no way he was going to be able to walk on it. Scoping up the Nuzleaf, he quickly ran to a nurse to make sure it got treated right away. The leg was bleeding and clearly in bad shape, he had to be treated right away.

The Nuzleaf was surprised as it was scooped up by the human, it wasn't something he expected. Squirming slightly before the pain of his leg stopped him, he let himself be carried away. It was something he was not used to but yet... it felt strangely nice, and warm, like he was protected, safe. It wasn't a feeling he had felt in a long time. The Nuzleaf was all the more disappointed and shocked when the human passed him off to another human, a female one this time but relaxed when she appeared to have that same sort of warmth about her, though, it just wasn't the same.

Content that the Nuzleaf was in good hands, Ezio turned around to help more of the injured pokemon. They had made good progress and they were sure nearly all the pokemon were safe, thankfully there were no casualties. As they set out to return back to the pokecenter with the more injured of the pokemon, something caught Ezio's eye in a far off corner of the damaged part of the forest.

Walking over, he soon ran as he noticed a Pidgeotto laying on the ground, panting heavily. Spraying a potion onto it, the Pidgetto seemed to improve yet remained laying on the ground, one wing laying on its stomach whilst the other outstretched and seemingly pointing at something as it turned its head back from the human that helped it to where it was pointing. Its eyes black and teary, its entire body language screaming beyond sad.

As Ezio turned to look at what it was pointing at, his eyes grew ever wider in shock. A small Pidgey laid there emotionless, wings and body tainted with the pitch black of charred wings and the deep crimson of blood. Rushing over to it, holding the Pidgey in his hands carefully whilst breathing deeply, in shock, Ezio noticed that its stomach moved up and down ever so slightly. It was still alive.

Carefully laying down the Pidgey and getting out a revive from his bag, he watched in Anticipation as the Pidgey's breathing slowly improved and it began to regain consciousness. Picking it up ever so carefully it again, all hope disappeared from Ezio's face. "Pi...pidge....." The Pidgey winced out weakly and heart-wrenchingly so, in extreme amounts of pain. It lifted its head slightly to look at the Pidgeotto before it dropped its head back and made no more sounds, no more movements.

Ezio's hands began to shake as he lowered it slowly to the ground, his breathing becoming ever so shallow and louder. Small shills were sent down his spine as his body shock as he just stared at the now dead Pidgey, shell shocked. "N...No....." was all he could let out.

Raising his hands to his face, tears started to form and drip down the side of his face. Why did this have to happen? It was just but a Pidgey.

"Ot... Pidge ot..." The Pidgeotto cried out tearfully as Ezio's attention was brought back to it. Taking another look at it from where he was, he noticed that one of its wings were charred and appeared broken. Still shaking, he walked over to the Pidgeotto, picking it up in his arms before turning back to one of the nurses that remained. Most of the other trainers had gone but still a small group remained behind and the other nurse had taken the pokemon back to the Center, or so he was informed.

"Le... Let's go back to the Center" Ezio let out slowly, his mind still on the Pidgey. Walking towards the PokeCenter with the Pidgeotto still in his arms and not waiting for a response, Ezio kept staring at the ground. The image of the dead Pidgey etched permanently into his brain.

OOC: Ok so sorry for taking so long to post again, had to rush through this a little so sorry for that also. Ezio hasn't returned to the PokeCenter yet but just started walking towards, like he's only walked a metre or two which is like..... i dunno how many feet.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:47 pm

"You!"The gym leader pointed to the boy with his absol."Come witness this battle.When I take him down I will battle you."He lead them to a stadium.He went to a platform and threw out a pidgeotto."Go kunai!"Joseph's pawniard went on the field."Use quick attack!"Said the leader."Fall down and put your blades up......now!"Kunai fell and slashed the pidgeotto."Get up and use metal claw!" "Dodge and use wing attack!"The pidgeotto dodged the sharpened claws and smacked kunai to the ground."Kunai are you alright?" Kunai got up."Yeah im fine...ergh..." "Can you take another blow?" "Yeah why?" "Trust me." The gym leader look confused."Stop acting like you understand your pokemon.Lets end this.Use featherdance!"The pidgeotto shed its feathers and smothered kunai."Heh...when his other stats are lowered his offense rises!"Joseph smugly."Kunai use scary face!"Kunai gave the pidgeotto a evil look that put him on edge."Use gust!"Kunai was thrusted against the wall."Finish him off with quick attack!"Joseph waited for the perfect moment."Use assurance!"Kunai's blades glowed black and he slashed the charging pokemon into the ground.The pidgeotto fainted."Return.Okay...ok...go GLISCOR!"A gliscor came out."USE EARTHQUAKE!"The ground shook and kunai was vaulted by a leveled piece of ground."Use aerial ace!"The gliscor took down kunai before joseph could react."Heheh...send out your Riolu.I dare you!"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Masquerade1412 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:01 pm

"hmm...." said Zeke.
"What is it?" Rune inquired.
"It's that kid's strategy...He let his Pawniard take as many hits as possible. Then he used Assurance for maximum damage....It's so foolish, yet..."
"It seems to work for him!"
"I know...but a strategy like that should be used for the final opponent...not the opening act."
They looked toward the battle and saw the Gliscor defeat Kunai.
"hmm...Riolu? Know anything about it, Rune?"
"It's a Fighting-Steel type...against a Ground-Flying type like Gliscor...He has very little chance of victory."
Zeke leaned back into his chair. "I wonder what this kid will do next..."
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Postby raider~joseph » Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:24 pm

OCC:Riolu is fighting only HOWEVER when he evolves he becomes steel also.

"You ready?"Joseph eyed his partner with flame in his eyes."Always."Rio had the flame in his eyes as well.He jumped to the field."Use sandstorm!"The gliscor blasted a tornado of sand.People could see through it and it didn't look very threating.From the OUTSIDE.It sucked Rio in and he was able to regan stability in the eye of the storm.He could see everyone and when the gliscor entered the sandstorm he...turned invisible!"Sand veil...Dang."Joseph muttered under his breath."Aerial ace!"Rio was sent flying out of the vortex and was sucked back in.He hit the ground."Okay...wait....run in a circle and use quick attack!"Rio ran in a circle.Gliscor sucker punched him in the head.Rio got mad and began punching randomly.He actually got a hit sending gliscor out of vortex."Use earthquake!"Gliscor slammed the ground destroying the field.Riolu however used it to launch himself in the air."Use gust!"Gliscor used a powerful wind to to unbalance his jump and cause Rio to fall on his back."No at this rate he is gonna go down." The red haired bandit chuckeld."Whats wrong?Scared to lose?"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Masquerade1412 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:13 pm

OCC:....my bad! I'm used to fighting Lucario...

Zeke and Rune watched as Gliscor and Rio battled in the sandstorm.
"Hey...where did he go?" Zeke exclamed.
"Sand veil allows a Pokemon to blend into the sandstorm, increasing its evasion," said Rune.
"oh..." Zeke returned his gaze to the battle just as Rio was hit toward them. "Ack!" Zeke quickly dived to the floor.
"Relax...the vortex sucked him back in."
"....I knew that...I just...um.......Just forget about it." Zeke returned to his seat.
"Now," Rune said as Rio was knocked down, "we shall see if the young man can pull a victory from defeat."
"Hey, that was kinda poetic!"
"...just keep your eyes on the game..."
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:40 pm

"Use...um....use um......."Joseph was at a loss for words he never encounted a tactic like this even during his training.But the he realized something....riolu's fourth move....but it was a risky move....a move even he didn't like to use.It was gonna take some mind games to win."Stop playing games you biker wannabe!Hit me head on!"If the gym leader fell for it he would win if he used any other move....boom.The end."Use Aerial Ace!Give him his wish!"The Gliscor hit Rio with his best shot."Rio use reversal!"Rio glowed red and slammed his paws on gliscor.It was so powerful that it busted the sandstorm.Gliscor grabbed him and threw him."Use sandstorm.Let him suffer."The sadisticness in his voice was scary.Period."Yes he fell for it!Okay use forsight!"Rio eyes glowed red."The reason I don't like this is its not a attack...but...forsight does more then reveal the pressure points on ghost pokemon.It can increase his eyesight 10-fold!Can you see him?" "Yes...I...CAN!"Rio grabbed the gliscor dead in front of him."Use...ahh you know it by now."Rio glowed red.(The more glow he has the more powerful it is.)And punched him into the ground.The gliscor fainted."N..NOOOOOOO!!!"The gym leader slammed his fist on the railing."Okay..you want your badge?Come and get it."
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Masquerade1412 » Sun May 01, 2011 10:46 am

"An excellent battle!" said Zeke. "Wouldn't you agree, Rune?"
Rune got up swiftly. "I would...If the battle was over."
"What?..." Zeke turned to look at the Gym leader's furious face. "Oh...I see what you mean. Hmm...Things are about to get ugly."
Rune looked at his friend. "...I know what you're thinking...but if you get involved and cause a mess, Uriah will find us."
"I know.." Images of his father flashed through Zeke's mind. "But if we don't help, we might as well be the one's hurting him!"
Rune let out a long sigh. "You and your sympathy. Fine. Let's go!"
Zeke and Rune jumped down from the stands and joined the young victor's side.
"You did a good job out here. But your Pokemon need to rest. Plus, I don't think he'll last long against Rune!"
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Postby raider~joseph » Tue May 03, 2011 9:50 am

The gym leader pointed a gun at the group."Okay now...back off."Joseph close his eyes suddenly...when they opened he looked diffrent...his eyes full of mallice.Pure mallice."Heh....okay.I can play that game."His voice was diffrent.He walked up to the gunman."You got a lot of nerve.Whats up?You gonna do something...make a move...I dare you."He disarmed him with a swift kick to his hand.Then he chopped him in the neck.The leader staggered back and coughed in pain.He pulled out a black switchblade and held the mans neck.He looked at him and pondered."Nah your not worth it."He put the blade back,kneed him in the stomach and threw him down to the ground knocking him out brutally.He laughed and passed out.Rio ran out and began to drag him outside.He stopped and walked to Zeke and Rune.Tears in his eyes.He used his telepathy to talk(Riolu can do that.I am not making it up..for real!)"Listen....|sob|its not him...that wasn't my trainer.|sob|That was a....monster...I swear...A MONSTER!"He had a unbelieveable fire in his voice."Please help me before he wakes up."Kunai picked the leaders pocket and got two shiny things.He then put them in his trainer's pocket."That will teach that guy to point a gun at us!Joseph was sooooo cool!"Rio exclaimed"Shut up kunai!You don't know WHAT your talking about!....look just...help me pick up his arms."Kunai and Rio began to drag their unconcious trainer to the door.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Masquerade1412 » Tue May 03, 2011 1:56 pm

Zeke watched the events unfold with pure disbelief. "W-what just happened!?"
Rune was silent for several moments. "...I...I don't know...I can't think of any reason why that kid Joseph would go ballistic like that..."
"Well..." Zeke started, "...let's just help them out for now!"
They rushed over to Kunai and Rio, and Zeke slung Joseph over his shoulders. "Let's get this guy to the hospital...Pronto!"
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Postby firestorm » Tue May 10, 2011 10:22 pm

AtmosBreak (post: 1474756) wrote:"Le... Let's go back to the Center" Ezio let out slowly, his mind still on the Pidgey. Walking towards the PokeCenter with the Pidgeotto still in his arms and not waiting for a response, Ezio kept staring at the ground. The image of the dead Pidgey etched permanently into his brain.

Ion had just tossed a log off to the side when Ezio walked by him. As he stared and walked to Ezio's side, the small pokemon a small lillipup scampered across the floor between their legs and ran off into the distance with a bandage on it's hind leg.

Ezio horrified look sank deep into Ion's heart. He couldn't know how to help him... but he had to think of something...
"If you wish... "He said softly. "We could stop by Heavenly Tower to pay repects for it. Would that be o...."

Ion quickly moved his arm in front of Ezio stopping them in their tracks. All of a sudden, Dust kicked up from the road ahead. All he heard were thunderous rumbles, and roaring metal sounds. Something mechanical indeed. Hardly able to see from all the dust, he thought he saw several figures coming toward them, and his anticipation was confirmed by the klinking of their chains on their Leather Boots. Ion's sweat trailed like bullets, which when mixed the dust, stung his eyes.

"Sifter!! ..Come.... now!!"

<"Rrrrrgg!"> Sifter and the group lifted the trunk and wedged it upward just enough for the small pokemon to crawl out. It was a rather smallish zigzagoon, with a mini gottee of white fur on it's chin, it's small linings of greyed out fur indicating it was a bit aged. Finally, there was a tuft of grey and brown fur that stuck off to the side. Sifter at first sight of the actually had de ja vu, and thought he looked very much like a certain celebrity researcher.

"I thank you my good friends. I wouldn't have been crushed under that tree i you hadn't..... hadn't ....BWAH!!! I... I'm naked... Don't stare at me til'. * The rattata looked quickly around. and noticed a white coat still stuck under the tree. "My glasses!!" he ran to the coat likity split, and heaved to pull it out, quickly fall to the ground as it suddenly released from under the burnt cedar tree.

He quickly wrapped the coat around him and slide his forelegs through the sleeves. reaching into his coat pocket he pulled out a set glasses with square black frames. quickly he returned to the others.

"I am endepted to you all, truly I am. Thank you all for your daring effort. I'm Prof. zigzagoon. and I study in pokemon human relations."

"Study? relations? professor? huh?" Sifter looked at him quizzically.

"Well you don't think that one becomes a professional at human relations without studying them in their own habitat due you?" He responded coyly.

They all looked at each other.. still puzzled at what Prof. had to say.

"Okkaayyy..." He drooped his head dwn "Truth is I'm no proffessor." Then looked back up at them joyfully "I'm an assitant to Prof. Rattata. The pokemon world's chief researcher on said subject. Come by my hollow later, It's in the smallest tree in the right side of the forest. As thanks for saving me. I'll show you something that I'm truly excited about. Well I must begone!! tata!!"

Asst. zigzagoon then scurried across the floor through Ion and Ezio's legs and attempted to cross the road when the dust kicked up. Disappearing into the dust storm suddenly felt something squeeze across his midsection, and slowly was lifted into the air. "Unhand me you brute!"

Sifter and the others, unaware to what had happened went back to work when she Ion call him.

"He sounds worried. Let's hurry back!"

and running at all fours sifter quickly found out why he was worried... and got a bit scared herself...

Soon the dust settled, and group of twelve, rather angry men surrounded them. a bald man in a tatter leather biker jacket slowly walked forward from the group of bikers, their hogs still roaring after kicking up the all the dust.In his right hadn a small... oddly enough clothed zigzagoon, was writhing in pain from the strength in which he was grasping it. The man scowled Ion as he started to walk toward him faster.

"Yoouuu...." he spoke angrily. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE BOSS?!? HUH? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!

Ion tried to speak "I didn't."


"I didn't DO anything. You were there when Ray confronted me." Ion stated bluntly "I don't know what your talking about?"

"Boss sent us out to look for yous guys, and when we came back. He's knocked out across the floor of the gym, AND THERE AIN'T NO NURSE JOY TO HELP HIM!! and you all are just pretending to play saviour out here on the road?!?! I don't think so..somethings fishy... and we intend to rectify it. So..."

The man reached into the front pocket and pulled out an old zippo light. it seem like it's been through a few fires cause of the burns along the bottom of it. Flipping the lid up, the flame sparked and came alive and he pushed it toward the zigzagoon's neck.

"Unless you send a Nurse RIGHT NOW.. and make amends..." The man said angrily. "..Your little friends and this whole forest is gonna go bye bye. Capish?"
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed May 11, 2011 10:03 am

Athena gasped. She had been in the bushes the whole time this was happening. She knew that she needed to get help. After thinking for a few minutes, she had an idea. She crept away until she was sure the men couldn't hear her, then she ran to an undamaged part of the forest. "Quickly! I need your help! The forest is going to be threatened again! Please help!" she shouted to the Pokemon. Instantly Pokemon emerged and ran toward her, all asking the same question: "What do we do?!" In a few minutes Athena explained the situation, and her plan, and found a squirtle who agreed to help her. As they all started back, Bolt suddenly pricked up his ears, then he jumped off of Athena's shoulder. "Bolt, what's wrong?" she called to him. "You guys go on! I'm gonna go do something!" he answered, and dissapeared into the trees. Athena stood looking at where Bolt dissapeared, then she joined the other Pokemon. Soon they where back at the spot, and Athena and the squirtle quietly went to a position where the squirtle could aim. The squirtle was quiet for a moment, then suddenly squirted a hard jet of water at the man with the zippo light. The water knocked it out of the thug's hand. Then the other Pokemon emerged, snarling and roaring angrily. "I suggest you get out of here." said Athena, also emerging from the bushes. "In two minutes all of these Pokemon will start to attack you. You have until then to drop the zigzagoon and run for your lives." she concluded.

ooc: How's this for a rescue?! XDDD
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed May 11, 2011 5:11 pm

Firestorm is in charge till I get back from....secret...I gave him instructions the rest is improv.I know you can do it.Goodbye for now.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed May 11, 2011 5:16 pm

ooc: Ok, bai Joseph.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Sat May 14, 2011 9:49 am

OCC: Forgive me, Joseph. I need to borrow your Pokemon for a minute...
"Remind me why we didn't take the car," said Zeke.
"Because you never got a license!" Rune replied.
"Right...." Zeke, Rune, Rio, and Kunai had been struggling to find the hospital for the last 10 minutes, with little success. "We have to hurry, you guys!" said Rio
"Just give me a second....." Rune closed his eyes and searched his memories. "Hmmm...I recall a hospital...but not where it is...maybe..." Rune glanced around and noticed a flower shop selling Gradiceas. "This way! Hurry!" Rune leaped in the direction of the shop.
"Hey, wait up! This kid isn't light as a feather ya know!" said Zeke.
Rune went out of sight as he turned the corner.
"Where are we going?" yelled Rio.
"Hopefully not flower-shopping!" Zeke looked around the corner and saw Rune standing completely still.
"Found it." Rune said calmly.
"About time, too!" Kunai exclaimed.

Zeke went into Room 257 alone. Rune had to stay outside because he didn't have a Pokeball. "You don't need to be cooped up in a little ball all day. You should be able to enjoy the fresh air!" Zeke remembered the day he said those words: The day after he met Rune. But that was the past. Right now, Zeke had other things to focus on. Like the fact that Joseph, the kid now asleep on the hospital bed, had gone berserk on the Gym Leader and almost killed him. "And with a switchblade, too! Really, where did this guy get a switchblade?!" Zeke thought. "Anyways, I should be going...but...I need to make sure he's going to be alright...and his Pokemon are probably worried about him...What should I do?..."
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat May 14, 2011 1:08 pm

Joseph gasped and almost vomited waking up."Reaver..."He saw he was in a hospital bed his vision was blurry but he did see his clothes on the table next to him.He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a badge of a plane.There were two of them."The Wright badge."He said to himself.On his bed were Rio and Kunai asleep."Rio...kunai."Rio woke up."You okay?!Reaver had a lot of control this time around!He is getting stronger...he didn't...kill the guy but...well he...you know reaver."I should throw that...THING...away..."Joseph said with anger."He is lucky its my dad's."Rio shouted."HAPPY THOUGHTS....OPTIMISM!!"Joseph came back into focus and almost forcably smiled."Your right.Hey where did that guy go?"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Masquerade1412 » Sat May 14, 2011 5:22 pm

Zeke quickly gathered his things and stuffed them into his bag.
"Are you sure we have to go?" Rune asked. "After all, I still have no idea what happened at the gym! Perhaps he knows something about it..."
"I'm sorry, Rune," Zeke sighed. "We might get caught if we stay any longer. And the next gym is miles away!"
"Gym...Hey, wait a sec!"
Kunai picked the leaders pocket and got two shiny things.He then put them in his trainer's pocket.

"Zeke...Remember at the gym? That Pawniard, Kunai was it?, he picked up 2 badges from the Leader! Think Joseph will give us some "remuneration" for helping him?"
Zeke stopped. "...I have a better idea..."

Room 257. "Here we go," Zeke said. He opened the door to Joseph's hospital room with a smiling face.
"Sorry for the wait, my friend! Feeling better?"
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Postby firestorm » Mon May 16, 2011 8:09 pm

Diamond Dragon (post: 1478290) wrote:Athena gasped. She had been in the bushes the whole time this was happening. She knew that she needed to get help. After thinking for a few minutes, she had an idea. She crept away until she was sure the men couldn't hear her, then she ran to an undamaged part of the forest. "Quickly! I need your help! The forest is going to be threatened again! Please help!" she shouted to the Pokemon. Instantly Pokemon emerged and ran toward her, all asking the same question: "What do we do?!" In a few minutes Athena explained the situation, and her plan, and found a squirtle who agreed to help her. As they all started back, Bolt suddenly pricked up his ears, then he jumped off of Athena's shoulder. "Bolt, what's wrong?" she called to him. "You guys go on! I'm gonna go do something!" he answered, and dissapeared into the trees. Athena stood looking at where Bolt dissapeared, then she joined the other Pokemon. Soon they where back at the spot, and Athena and the squirtle quietly went to a position where the squirtle could aim. The squirtle was quiet for a moment, then suddenly squirted a hard jet of water at the man with the zippo light. The water knocked it out of the thug's hand. Then the other Pokemon emerged, snarling and roaring angrily. "I suggest you get out of here." said Athena, also emerging from the bushes. "In two minutes all of these Pokemon will start to attack you. You have until then to drop the zigzagoon and run for your lives." she concluded.

ooc: How's this for a rescue?! XDDD

OOC: perfect :D
Rex flew to the ground soaked, the lighter tumbling out of his reach.

The other bikers ran him "Rex!"

Asst. zigzagoon, slipping out of Rex's grasp ran to hide behind Athena. "You..You brute, you neandrathal, you'll pay for your ignorance, Mister Baddy!" He looked to Athena. "Embarassedly... well... good luck!" Then scampered behind a cedar tree.

Rex, jumping to his feet, reached for the lighter and tried to light it, but to no avail. Only small sparks rising, Rex, tossed it aside in anger. It's spark again doused by the wet ground. Rex scowled at the foolish girls attempt to interfere.

"Errr... Stupid little girl don't try to stop us!!!" he screaming. Grabbing a blue/red pokeball from a chain around his next. he threw it toward the girl in anger.

"Marshtomp, Teach them that no one interferes!"
The uncommonly large blue beast roared out of its container then stomped wildly on the ground. all of a sudden the earth jutted upward in front of them tossing Athena and the pokemon up in the air. As they landed the earth closed on some of the pokemon, crimson seeping out of the soil, and captured others trapping them in the earth.

Marshstomp turned toward Ion and roared. It was much larger than the regular Marshtomp, towering over Ions height. the fin on it's head flared up as it roared. The spikes on the side of it's face tapered to a sharp point, and it's yellow eyes traveled from sifter to Ion and back, assessing the duo. Getting on all fours it readied itself for battle.

Sifter's anger grew to a boiling point and he dug under ground. The earth continued to shake and opened around Ion and the Rex, alienating them from the rest. The make shift arena suddenly caved and fell deep into the earth catching everyone off guard. Ion struggled to bring himself back to his feet, still in pain from the burn from earlier.

Ion looked about noticing deep tunnels going in five different dirrections. each tunnel easily seeed to fit a semi within it, and Ion saw no end to them. The ground felt moist and the air was damp which meant one of these lead to an underground lake. While that can prove useful at another time, right now... it's not a good thing. The Giant Marshtomp can easily flood this place in seconds if that imbecile notices. He thought. Got to finish this quickly.

"Well, looks like we've found the Underground..."Ion said to himself quietly " heh, just like in Diamond and Pearl. Guess this will be good for smuggling runs later."

Rex seemed out of sight and Marshtomp was gone as well. Ion side stepped warily to one of the tunnel walls. He whispered to the walls, "Sifter, good job. Smart thinking. now he can't hurt anyone else... I think you got em' though so let's.."

"Don't count us out yet pretty boy!" A voice yelled from underneath the soil. Marshtomp pushed itself up from the rubble shaking off the dirt, it's figure striking and towering in front of Ion. Rex crawled from under it and smilled at Ion slyly.

"I'm just getting started... Get prepared for hell!" Rex yelled" Marshtomp ...Take Down Ion."

Ion's stance stood unnerving as the beast charged toward him. the beast roared wildly, it's eyes red with rage. Ion slowly walked backwards into the dark of the tunnels as it charged toward him. Closing in on him it jumped up on to it's hind-legs ready to Take Down Ion underneath it's large girth.

"Sifter! Now! Fury swipes!" Ion Commanded

Sifter bulleted from under Marshstomp slashing it across it's body wildly. continuing to shoot upward it slashed a single claw acros the entirety of Marshtomp's face. Then disappeared again into the roof of the tunnel. Marshtomp cringed at the attack covering it's face with it's hands as it doubled down for a second before turning back to Ion even more angry. Marshstomp lifted it's arm and the ground below Ion raised toward the roof rapidly. With quick reflexes Ion dodged, barely missin another that was coming across.

Grabbing the two columns the Marshtomp ripped both of them off weilding them like club swinging at Ion madly. Then from behind Marshstomp sifter shot out again from the floor of the tunnels. Shooting in and out of the tunnels, Sifter furiously Furyswiped and scratched Marshtomp repeatedly til it feel to it's knees.Sifter jumped in front of and turned toward Marshstomp. Ion stared coldy at Marshtomp "Good going sifter... now... let's kill them."

All of a sudden Ion could here water surging from behind him.

The rest of the bikers couldn't believe what happened.

"Rex! We've got to help him!" Some shouted "No! we need to take care of the others! No witnesses!" The bikers rode to around the debree and the wreckage to where the others were.

"guess It's a bad day for you all. right guys?" One of them said.

"Yeah!" They all shouted.

"Then let's get em'!"

Pokeballs then flew everywhere and dotted the landscape as the situation got more dangerous as several of their pokemon attacked Athena,Ezio, and the others.
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue May 17, 2011 3:05 pm

Athena didn't have time to respond to the zigzagoon, for the next moment both she and all the Pokemon were thrown into the air when a giant marshtomp emerged from the thug's Pokeball. Many of the Pokemon where injured when they came down, and Athena hit her head on a treetrunk and fell unconscious.

When Athena woke up again, the first thing she noticed was the Marshtomp and Ion fighting madly inside a arena-like area. Then second thing she noticed was that she lost her hat. Athena touched her left eye. Blue flames shot up from that eye as if her iris were on fire. Athena quickly whipped around toward the other bikers as they starting throwing Pokeballs at her, Ezio, and the others. Oh, what a bad time to not have Bolt! She thought worriedly. A Dewott came out of a normal looking Pokeball near her, and it started to attack her. Athena dodged the attack and started to run. Suddenly she ran into a Cinccino, and accidently put her hand in it's head. The cinccino stopped moving, and looked almost sleepy. Then after a minute it seemed to recover, and hit Athena with it's white tail. As Athena hit the ground, a light suddenly surrounded her, and all the nearby Pokemon shied away in surprise. Athena gasped as she felt herself changing. What's going on?! thought Athena in a panic. When the light died down, Athena looked down at herself in shock. She was covered from head to foot in short gray fur. Her ears had gotten huge and furry, and had moved to the top of her head. Her black hair was replaced with long shiny white fur that cascaded down her back, and a tail of the same color was swishing behind her. Her nose had become much smaller, and her eyes had turned to a chocolate brown.(also her left eye is glowing brown slightly, but she doesn't know that) "I've turned into...a Cinccino human?!" She cried.

ooc: And this just gets more interesting. XDDDD
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby firestorm » Wed May 18, 2011 12:28 pm

OOC: DD, What are you the benten of pokemon? XD


Far from the battle, shadowy figures meet in a large dimly-lit room. By the echo of their voice, you can tell the room is quite grand with a high vaulted ceiling. In the center of the room a long wooden hand-crafted dining room table at the head of which sat one of the shadowy figures as they folding his hands in agitation. The rest stood around him discussing.

"They said the boy almost killed one of our handlers. That man is now in the hospital with no Nurses to tend to him."one of them said.

"Who? leo?" another muttered

"No, they say it’s Ray.” The one next to him responded.

Mutters were heard from about the group.

“Ray handled half of the southern district.”

“That’s a large area. Our profits could take a dip soon.”

“What should we do?”

They all whispered and muttered. Then through the noise the man at the table spoke.

“This boy is more trouble then he’s worth. He shouldn’t have left home. Now we’re gonna have to send the family to deal with him. If he’s at Flight City right now then it’s logical that he’ll be taking on the whole east coast before he heads west. Hitting up and speaking with the underground at each badge city. He can become very powerful in a very short amount of time. Aldo.. Adelaide.. seems like your heading to the Nation’s Capital. Pray you don’t fail me.”

“Yes sir.” 2 shadows responded then disappeared from the room.

The older man looked as if intently looking at something but rather was deep in thought. “What are you planning boy”

Diamond Dragon (post: 1479586) wrote:
Suddenly she ran into a Cinccino, and accidently put her hand in it's head. The cinccino stopped moving, and looked almost sleepy. Then after a minute it seemed to recover, and hit Athena with it's white tail. As Athena hit the ground, a light suddenly surrounded her, and all the nearby Pokemon shied away in surprise. Athena gasped as she felt herself changing. What's going on?! thought Athena in a panic. When the light died down, Athena looked down at herself in shock. She was covered from head to foot in short gray fur. Her ears had gotten huge and furry, and had moved to the top of her head. Her black hair was replaced with long shiny white fur that cascaded down her back, and a tail of the same color was swishing behind her. Her nose had become much smaller, and her eyes had turned to a chocolate brown.(also her left eye is glowing brown slightly, but she doesn't know that) "I've turned into...a Cinccino human?!" She cried.

ooc: And this just gets more interesting. XDDDD

[font=Calibri]“Let’s take her to capture her. You know, how Aldo likes rare pokemon skins! Maybe he’ll give us enough funds to help the boss!”

The rest of them shouted “Yeah! Let’s do it! Go Musharna use hyponosis!”

“Abra use Confuse ray!” shouted another

“Elekid use thunderwave!” said still another

They all charged toward Athena as the rest of the group stared in awe…
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed May 18, 2011 4:04 pm

ooc: I perfer to call it Pokemorph.
BIC: Athena suddenly realized what the bikers were saying. "I'm NOT a Pokemon!" She shouted. and who's this Aldo thier talking about? she added to herself. By this time the Pokemon had launched thier attacks. Athena was able to avoid the first two, but she then got hit with the thunderwave. Her muscles suddenly cramped up, and she couldn't move. This isn't good...what can I do? she wondered worriedly.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat May 28, 2011 7:47 pm

Occ:sorry for the lack of posts.

A old shaolin monk-like man appeared out of the shadows.The men pulled a gun on him and fired but he caught the bullets with his hands until they ran out of ammo.Then he dropped the bullets and beat the collective group up with advanced martial arts so fast human eyes would not be able to follow his hands.When he was done he turned to the two."Hello."He bowed japanese style.

Occ:Take it from here Fire.You know the truth and he IS a ncp.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:13 pm

OOC: Awaiting Mr. Masq.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby raider~joseph » Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:57 am

OCC:As am I.I also wait for firestorm and Dia to post.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:19 am

ooc: Actually I'm not really sure how to respond to that post, so I was waiting for Fire...
Edit: Nevermind, I'll post now.

BIC: When Athena was sure she'd be barraged with attacks, as strange man appeared, and in only a matter of minutes beat all of the thugs up. Then he turned and bowed to her. "Who are you?" she asked quietly, her now brown eyes looking at him in a serious type of curiosity.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:55 am

OOC: It appears that I am needed. Perhaps, this will help!

Uriah Salvador parked his car in the parking garage on 5th street, far enough away from the place he planned to go.
He grabbed his black suitcase, and once he had left the garage and was out of the security camera's range, Uriah pulled out the card his "source" had given him.

[font="Book Antiqua"]257 Blackguard Road

Uriah looked around town until he found a hotel at the address specified. He took a brief glance at the directory and found Room 427 on Floor 5.

"So this is the place," he mumbled.

He entered the elevator, rang up Floor 5, and waited patiently for the doors to open.

Why, Zeke? Why run away? After all that I have done for you! It's a good thing I heard about this "legendary bounty hunter"....Perhaps it IS a bit harsh...but Zeke, you leave me with no other choice!

The doors opened to a hallway filled with cheesy wallpaper and shaggy carpet.

Alright, now....Let's see....423...425...427!...Here we go...

Uriah took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

OCC: Your move, Sorano.
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Postby raider~joseph » Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:40 am

The old man smiled."That I cannot say yet.Pokemorpher.But I must ask you a question?Have you met your counterpart yet?The overtaker?He's in grave danger you know."He looked at firestorm."Well well...look at you.So far from home.You have basically saved your own life leaving home.You know the you-know-who are doomed right?Yes I know about you-know-what.I know everything."He sat down and took a loaf of bread out and began to eat.


Joseph smiled and left the room."Hey listen thanks for saving my life.Here.He put the other badge in his hand.I know you didn't earn it but...you know...evil gym leader and all."
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:16 am

Pokemorpher? My counterpart? Grave danger? What's going on?! Athena's mind shouted. Out loud, she asked, "Pokemorpher? Is that what I am? What is a Pokemorph anyway?? And I have a counterpart called the overtaker??"
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:15 am

OOC: Nice entrance, Mr. Masq!

A quiet knock was heard at the main office door; Ember began to growl deep in her throat. Yana raised an eyebrow and looked over her paper.

"Come in".
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:50 am

OCC: This is about to get interesting....

[SIZE="3"][font="Times New Roman"]Uriah slowly opened the door and noticed the dark-clad figure and the oddly colored fox beside her.

She's the bounty hunter? She certainly doesn't look like it...but....she is the only person here...so...
"My name is Salvador. I have a job for you, Ms...[/font][/SIZE]
OCC: This would normally be considered a MEANWHILE, but I wanted to be original! :sweat:
Zeke looked at the badge in his hand.
"No. This is not how a badge is won."
He put the badge back in Joseph's hand.
"A badge is won because the trainer defeated the leader of the gym, the strongest trainer. You won against the leader, so that makes you the strongest trainer.
I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle! The prize: the Wright Badge!"[/font]
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