Comments on the Missions Field?

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Comments on the Missions Field?

Postby Angel37 » Mon May 17, 2004 5:54 pm

Jesus preached that we should go out and tell the nations, right? Well what better way to do that then through the internet! I mean, it can reach iternationally! But how? Any ideas? I mean, I post stuff on my lj and there's always CAA, but most people aren't looking for a religous forum to get saved. How do we get their attention? My friend Keiko suggested doing something through e-mail but most people don't like chain letters. I dunno. What do you guys think? Any comments? Ideas?
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Postby JediSonic » Tue May 18, 2004 5:19 am

Well the problem is, any real debate here gets closed, so how can we plan on evangalizing in a debate-free environment?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue May 18, 2004 5:45 am

I seriously doubt any of us will evangelize on CAA... we're all Christian. This serves as nothing more than an arming grounds, hopefully the home base before we go out into all the world. Personally, my missional activities are with my friends (approximately half non-Christian) and in my hopeful career (both missional and ministral).
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Postby Angel37 » Tue May 18, 2004 6:20 am

Yeah, I know uc. But how about extending here too? Like...I dunno...somehow getting the attention of millions of internet surfers to think about religion or something? This is a debate-free forum? Seriously. WHY?! That's so stupid if I can say that without offending anyone. But seriously, why?
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Postby shooraijin » Tue May 18, 2004 6:27 am

Bluntly, would you like to be visiting somewhere where people argue all the time? I can think of several avowedly Christian forums like that.

Lest you say that couldn't possibly happen here, it most definitely could.

More to the point, that isn't even this site's focus. We're not equipped to discuss theology, and we don't have the manpower to manage an explosion of topics on it. This is a Christian anime site, and that remains its chief mission.
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Postby Angel37 » Tue May 18, 2004 6:29 am

But debating is needed to express opinion and get answers and see a new way of looking at something.
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Postby shooraijin » Tue May 18, 2004 6:33 am

Where we, the mod staff, have been drawing the line is on topics that are controversial and have nothing to do with the mission of the site. Sure, debate is needed for meaningful conversation. But debate that's not even relevant to anime in a Christian context is foolish, and just makes people angry.

I see plenty of good, topical information sharing where people have disagreed. The Funimation thread comes to mind, methodologies on some of the projects and so on.

Debate here has historically turned into argument, and restricting debate does not mean muzzles. It means keeping things on an even keel while still allowing people to have their say on topics that make sense in context of the site's purpose.
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Postby Straylight » Tue May 18, 2004 6:39 am

This is a Christian community. We discourage debates because they usually only result in people getting hurt. As UC said, this is more like an equipping area. I think that web manga and other media is where CAA's potential for outreach lies. Besides, there are a lot of other places where you can have debates, TWeb is one example. Lots of non-Christians participate in discussions over there.

I think that the best approach is just go out and set a good example, make friends with people, and let God tell you what to do.
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Postby Angel37 » Tue May 18, 2004 6:40 am

Ok...I'll take that...but on with the real purpose of this thread...How do we reach the masses through use of internet?
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Postby JediSonic » Tue May 18, 2004 7:47 am

Forums, email, instant messenger, free software -- do we have to list them all? :lol:
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Postby SwordSkill » Tue May 18, 2004 8:20 am

The Internet is merely a channel for the talents God gave you, not THE actual talent. The forums and chatrooms are not going to get the work done on their own even if you set them up or programmed them or, heck, even invented them yourself, so you'll have to stream your own effort into putting a good deal of content into it. You can try using the Internet like you would use a pen or television, as a way to get something across easily and expansively, but remember that it doesn't have a life of its own, strictly speaking, so you have to figure out what you're going to get that tool to do. For example, if you have a knack in writing, you could whip something up and post it in a writing site like or in the Bible section of (you have no idea how many non-believers visit that section) and all the other sites and forums all over the Internet that house literary pieces. Or if you're good at doing comics, you could make some that incorporate Christian values and beliefs and post them in, for example. The strongest point of the Internet is exposure, but before you can get to the exposing, you have to have a concrete finished product to expose first.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue May 18, 2004 8:51 am

If you want to reach said "masses" there are plenty of sites on which you can debate almost any issue you wish, probably at length. Theology Web is one way. Alternately, you can use Go-Gaia (a forum with greater than 500,000 members). They've heard Christians before, though, and most of them aren't too impressed by attempts to convert them.

Personally, I attempt to form real friendships with various individuals (Christian or not) and hope that my life (that is, my life as it can be seen from the internet) shows my conviction and has a positive influence.
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Postby Stephen » Tue May 18, 2004 10:27 am

I for one would never use chainemails....personaly I never read them before I trash them. I always get a laugh out of them...people never email you for months on end....then out of the blue you get an email from them...and its a chainemail....yeah...I delete them.
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Postby Ashley » Tue May 18, 2004 11:24 am

I have always believed that being an excellent example is a far better way to evangelize than beating someone over the head with a bible, or in this case, stuffing their inboxes with scripture. I think that would really only fuel those that have had a bad experience with supposed Christians before and do more harm than good. Instead, I think the greatest way to reach out to the lost is to be a shining example to them; be open, be friendly, be loving to them; be patient in forums and humble in admonition---things like this are going to make a much better impact than mass evangelization I think. That whole "quality" over "quantity" debate...

As for CAA, UC is right. I see us utilizing media as more of our outreach than providing a theological debate ground. Gypsy mentioned this in a recent post, but I do think that anime's not going anywhere any time soon and that CAA can be one of the foremost ministries to utilize that. And by that I mean providing media--manga, animation, amvs, rpgs, etc.--that are entertaining--really entertaining, not cheesy-- and appealing and send a Christian message without being outright philosophical.

To close, I like the quote by St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel, and if necessary use words."
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Postby madphilb » Tue May 18, 2004 8:01 pm

The problem with just reaching the masses is that it doesn't bear long lasting fruit.

For the good fruit to get a chance to grow you need relationships between people... that's the best way to do things.

The internet is no different than the phone, the television, radio... by themselves they can do great things, but by themselves they're just piles of stuff... people make the difference.

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I'm not the best person to say anything, but i will.

Postby lonelyone » Mon May 24, 2004 10:07 pm

madphilb wrote:The problem with just reaching the masses is that it doesn't bear long lasting fruit.

For the good fruit to get a chance to grow you need relationships between people... that's the best way to do things.

The internet is no different than the phone, the television, radio... by themselves they can do great things, but by themselves they're just piles of stuff... people make the difference.

I am not the best person to say anything here, but i will, you can show God's love, by your actions, your words, how your dress, your deeds, how your are when you are in the public eyes, things like that, i have screwed up myself, and later think i should had done it that way, but doppie me, didn't, or did the opposite, regarding the internet the only way i can think of right now is sending christian e-cards, there are some good ones out there too, i used them all the time, or if somebody e-mail you by mistake say or do something without going over the line, like God loves you, or have a good and Godly day, things like that, but like i said earlier, i am not the best person to say to much, because of my depression, and not setting a good example here on the board, i mean who wants to hear about me and my problems, my depression, how i mess things up all the time, i hope i have been some sort of help to you, one way or the other. If people put people in line for example, do you know where i would come in at, try LAST!!!!!!! lonelyone.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue May 25, 2004 5:11 am

I think we all disagree less than we may first have imagined.

However, I would caution you that referancing God in casual conversation has limited effectiveness. Those obviously anti-Christian will shun you for it, Christians will generally be ambivalent. A few people might be positively effected. Certain, however, you bring up a good point in that we should act Christian to everyone we meet. This is not merely to "bring people to Christ"... it is required by our faith.
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Postby lonelyone » Tue May 25, 2004 3:32 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:I think we all disagree less than we may first have imagined.

However, I would caution you that referancing God in casual conversation has limited effectiveness. Those obviously anti-Christian will shun you for it, Christians will generally be ambivalent. A few people might be positively effected. Certain, however, you bring up a good point in that we should act Christian to everyone we meet. This is not merely to "bring people to Christ"... it is required by our faith.

I thought of something, support the missionaries, that is why they are there for, they go to places that we can't reach, do what you can where you can, and leave the rest to others. uspseudonym----- did i say something wrong, if i did, please tell me now, i do no want to misslead, or misdirect anybody here on the board, i do not want to do wrong things here either, I am sorry for any communications problems between me and others, if i done anything wrong to anybody, please point it out to me, so i will not do it again. i am sorry!!!!!!!!! I like it here, but i don't want to screwed up either.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue May 25, 2004 11:52 pm

I personally don't think that chatrooms, mass mails, or forums are places to evangelize openly. No one will listen and you may even turn people off to Christianity... I think that instead if you want to use the internet for evangelism, you should become friends with them and earn their trust and open up when it is appropriate... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed May 26, 2004 5:17 am

lonelyone wrote:uspseudonym----- did i say something wrong

It is not so much that as in that I respectfully disagreed with you as a fellow Christian. Your status here is not in jeprody, and I believe your behavior has been acceptable.
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Postby The Mad Hatter » Wed May 26, 2004 4:18 pm

in my opinion, one should only spread a religion by setting a good example. christians are often viewed as intolerant and unaccepting of other faiths (which, I must admit, is somewhat true). as a former atheist, I can tell you that I used to find it really annoying when people would try to convert me. I even disliked christians at one point.

anyway, CAA spreads christianity the way it should be spread - by showing the world the type of community christianity can create.
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Postby lonelyone » Wed May 26, 2004 7:30 pm

The Mad Hatter wrote:in my opinion, one should only spread a religion by setting a good example. christians are often viewed as intolerant and unaccepting of other faiths (which, I must admit, is somewhat true). as a former atheist, I can tell you that I used to find it really annoying when people would try to convert me. I even disliked christians at one point.

anyway, CAA spreads christianity the way it should be spread - by showing the world the type of community christianity can create.

I just wanted to say that i don't FORCE people to become christians, i can't force anybody to do anything anyway, so why would i force christianity on people, that won't get me, or anybody anywhere, that i why i keep things low for, that's all i wanted to say. I am not sure if i should even be here, or even SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed May 26, 2004 7:56 pm

you can minister to non-christians without public speaking or making a spectacle of yourself. Praying for one thing can be considered helpful to the missions. i know I kind ajumped on here and I havnt read the entire thread.

But I agree with Mat Hatter that one of the factors of witnessing is by example. By non-christians seeing whats inside of you, they'll want that. Though the way I dress (i wear alot of black), they don't guess but I make up for that by bieng kind, considerate, and passionate with my faith.

I use music as my outreach by introducing bands to non-christians that are alot like th ebands they listen to. Missions can be defined in many ways, varying form person to person. Thier are many ways to spread religion, not just one as Mad Hatter stated.
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Postby lonelyone » Wed May 26, 2004 8:14 pm

Hitokiri wrote:you can minister to non-christians without public speaking or making a spectacle of yourself. Praying for one thing can be considered helpful to the missions. i know I kind ajumped on here and I havnt read the entire thread.

But I agree with Mat Hatter that one of the factors of witnessing is by example. By non-christians seeing whats inside of you, they'll want that. Though the way I dress (i wear alot of black), they don't guess but I make up for that by bieng kind, considerate, and passionate with my faith.

I use music as my outreach by introducing bands to non-christians that are alot like th ebands they listen to. Missions can be defined in many ways, varying form person to person. Thier are many ways to spread religion, not just one as Mad Hatter stated.

Look in the dictionary, and under the word making a SPECTACLES of one self, my name is here. Do you think anybody would want to get saved, after what i wrote, think about it a minute, think hard too, i BLEWED IT----BIG TIMES!!!!!!!
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Postby Ashley » Wed May 26, 2004 8:19 pm

A bit off topic here, but remember we serve a God of infinite grace and mercy lonelyone. I have blown it big time while "evangelizing" someone--screwed up baaaaaaaaadly. But you know what? I went to God about it, and he used it to make me a better person and a stronger Christian. Don't give up on you just yet, Lonelyone, God sure hasn't.
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Postby The Mad Hatter » Wed May 26, 2004 8:45 pm

Hitokiri wrote:Thier are many ways to spread religion, not just one as Mad Hatter stated.

the method I stated - are you referring to setting a good example, or creating a good community? cause I meant that creating a community is just one of the ways of setting a good example. sorry if I wasn't clear. I think introducing people to christian music would also be considered setting an example, as long as you're not just trying to slowly brainwash them into becoming religious...
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