Pairing to a PC via Bluetooth

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Pairing to a PC via Bluetooth

Postby ST. Attidude » Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:43 pm

I have this LG800g cell phone and because of its rather cumbersome position of the micro SD card slot, I'm thinking of trying to transfer pictures via Bluetooth to my PC.

I've read in some other forums that an app called OBEX commander would help one in recognizing the signal but it has yet to allow me to search for bluetooth devices...come to think of it, I'm not sure how to even view my PC's bluetooth settings...

On the other note, I have a USB data transfer cable for my phone as well, but right now its nothing more than a charging cable because when I connect the phone to my PC, its not recognized as a removable drive, nor does anything happen really.

So my point being is this: does anyone have an idea on how to connect via bluetooth or know how to get the right drivers for the usb cable connection.

Assistance on either dilemma is greatly appreciated. :n_n:
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:31 pm

There should be a bluetooth menu in your control panel, assuming you have a Windows OS and a machine set up for bluetooth. Mine came as such and has an actual bluetooth button on the tower. If you are starting from scratch, I'm not sure. However, I would opt for the usb cable. The phone to PC BT stuff is difficult, and i'm still not sure how I even got it to work the 3 times it managed to do something.
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