Mithrandir (post: 1513796) wrote: But you have to admit, Mech's little turkey is pretty awesome for only being 16-by-16 pixels!
Atria35 (post: 1518324) wrote:It isn't even the first of December =.=
I'm such a curmudgeon. I don't consider it the Xmas season until then- I HAVE to have a break between holidays or I just get stressed/worn out.
TheMewster (post: 1518321) wrote:You know what? It's now the Christmas season? Do we really need Thanksgiving turkeys out? I think we need crosses instead, to remember the Reason for the Season.God bless.
Oh, and just give me the size of the image and I can even design the crosses. For FREE.Thanks for listening to your members.
rocklobster (post: 1518390) wrote:Here! Here! My main reason is I sometimes feel Christmas has become too commercialized. I mean, out of all the Christmas specials that are always on TV, only one of them, the Charlie Brown one, actually references the reason for the season. All the others just focus on the commercial aspect--Santa Claus, being with your family, etc.
Now don't get me wrong. I know there was a real St. Nicholaus (I'm a Catholic, for crying out loud!), but I think we shouldn't forget whose birthday we're celebrating. I've seen some ornaments with Santa kneeling before the manger where Jesus was born. I love that because it puts him in the proper perspective.
mechana2015 (post: 1518400) wrote:Third. I work in retail. I'm not particularly eager to see decorations up much sooner than the 1st of December. I celebrate the birth, death and resurrection of Christ year round, but I don't need the trappings of this season (or any of the others) jammed in my face any sooner than is necessary, and I don't need them to celebrate the event. This is personal opinion, but I think it's something to consider.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
TheMewster (post: 1519335) wrote:I think the Christmas tree lights are the on/off indicators.
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