K. Ayato wrote:My question is: Why should we be obsessed with finding things that either support or debunk what's written in the Bible?
As far as the "events not matching up" rebuttal, no one (aside from God) really knows when the beginning of time took place. Everything (whether solid or weak-founded) is really a good educated guess.
Regardless, I don't think God wanted us to read His Word and then at some point go "Uh oh, scientific proof doesn't match up". What I feel He wanted was to read what He gave to us and learn (based on what is provided) more about who He is and how He revealed Himself through those pages.
K. Ayato (post: 1592169) wrote:Regardless, I don't think God wanted us to read His Word and then at some point go "Uh oh, scientific proof doesn't match up". What I feel He wanted was to read what He gave to us and learn (based on what is provided) more about who He is and how He revealed Himself through those pages.
Because at the end of the day one's entire mental concept of "God" and spiritual practice(s) surrounding "God" are all based off of how one chooses to interpret a selection of texts that are thousands of years old, written by numerous authors, and countlessly argued and disputed over by generations of scholars ever since the book was written. If using a medium of logic or rationality to (which I'm not a huge fan of, btdubz. See Fideism) believe that Bible is true by divine inspiration, then it becomes fallacious. It's all circular reasoning and confirmation bias.K. Ayato (post: 1592169) wrote:My question is: Why should we be obsessed with finding things that either support or debunk what's written in the Bible?
rocklobster (post: 1592226) wrote:I believe in most of the miracles. Where I draw the line is demonic possession. Because we know more about mental diseases nowadays, I suspect those people might've been schizophrenic or other conditions.
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1593169) wrote:I'm just going to say "Yes, totally! God rocks!"
bkilbour (post: 1594581) wrote:I am of the opinion that, if I can't trust a part of the Bible, then I can't trust any of it. If one part is false, or contradictory, then I cannot trust the rest.
Actually, it's not a misinterpretation if you believe the entirety of the Bible is God-breathed and whether it was all compiled or not, each part/book can relate back to another. Or to a further extent, the belief that the Bible was intended before it was written (and before the creation of the world).Xeno (post: 1598107) wrote:Revelation 22:18-19 is in reference strictly to the book of Revelation. The Bible had not been compiled at the time of its writing, thus taking that scripture and applying it to the entirety of the Bible would be misinterpretation.
ClaecElric4God wrote:I've learned to appreciate things that I didn't before, because my primary desire is to see the Lord praised and glorified, by whatever means, as long as He approves of it.
It is the one and only Book of Truth in this wretched world.
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