help Final fantasy dissidia duodecim

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help Final fantasy dissidia duodecim

Postby Crypt96 » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:20 am

I ran into a problem with the game i recently obtained.

I recently got a copy of Dissidia duodecim for the psp go and the game says it needs a memory stick to save data. Well if you know the PSP go, it has 16 GB system memory (varies with system i heard some have 8gb) and the game will not save data on the system storage. IDK if it is the rom or the system, but do i really need a mem card if the system has 16 gb of storage?

IDK why the game needs an external memory card, but an answer is needed swiftly before i go buy a M2 card that is really only needed for one game on my system. Is this the only game that requires external memory?
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