Playstation 4

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Playstation 4

Postby Crossfire » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:05 pm

The next generation of consoles has begun today with the launch of the PS4. I didn't bother heading into town because 1.) I didn't preorder, and 2.) I'm thinking about accepting a job at retail... and if I do, that means I can put an employee discount towards the purchase. That aside, launch titles are nothing spectacular, though that's to be expected. I'll probably be picking up Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed as Sony's current offerings hold no real interest for me. Not gonna lie though, it'll be somewhat awkward jumping from the 360's controller to the Duelshock 4.

In other news, apparently there are issues with the HDMI cable on some consoles. Sony's shrugging it off as an "isolated issue", but those affected shouldn't have a problem getting an exchange. If the store you bought it from have extra units to begin with.
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Re: Playstation 4

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:45 pm

I guess the Wii U was technically the opener for the next-gen, but it doesn't feel too much of a major upgrade. It's gonna be a while before I pick one up, but this time I'm probably going to aim for the PS4. Xbox One isn't really doing it for me.

I just want MGS5.
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Re: Playstation 4

Postby Xeno » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:28 am

I think the last gen was the last for me. I'm just going to do computer gaming from now on. The PS4 I'd definitely the better of the two consoles though. Seems to beat out the Xbox One in pretty much every category.

If I end up with another console it'll be a Steamabox though.
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