Never thirsty! wrote:Goldenspines if God doesn't care about happiness or sadness what was the point of Lamentations or Psalms that expressed joy to Him? Xeno I attend Heritage Christian. To that most recent post whose username my nearsightedness can't make out I don't quite understand how those stories back up the answer to my question.
goldenspines wrote:Try to focus less on "this or that is a sin" or "God doesn't like this or that" and more on trusting in God, talking to Him, and reading your Bible to get to know God better.
Never thirsty! wrote:For example debt God doesn't condone it but it's not a sin if it was everyone would be sinning 25/8/366(367 on leap year yes I know that's impossible) because of the debt we owe to Jesus because He loaned us His life which is why we must take up our cross daily.
drill wrote:Romans 14:23 - But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
According to this definition of sin, then no, God does not condone things that aren't sins.
Never thirsty! wrote:For example debt God doesn't condone it but it's not a sin if it was everyone would be sinning 25/8/366(367 on leap year yes I know that's impossible) because of the debt we owe to Jesus because He loaned us His life which is why we must take up our cross daily.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Living also slowly kills you. Living violates the 5th commandment.
As well as McDonalds, GMO foods, and carcinogenic deodorants.
Xeno wrote:I find it hard to believe that something the patriarchs of Judaism and Christianity did, smoking, was sinful. Either they were all wrong, or there had beena theological change in response to how we view smoking. It's more than likely the latter considering how social views of subjects tend to change (the views of alcohol before, during, and after prohibition come to mind).
You're also not using those verses in their exact proper contexts.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Oh hermeneutics and language mixed with the Bible! All this "saved" and "unsaved" business is ridiculous. Ridiculous binaries.
Honestly I don't think God literally, concretely, and cognitively *cares* if I drink coffee or smoke a cigarette. I don't think God is a sentient being.
rocklobster wrote:Actually, Nate, we could stretch things a bit. Cigarettes are drugs, and they do slowly kill you. In a way, smokers are violating the 5th commandment.
AndrewinIce wrote:Smoking is undeniably strongly addictive.
Later in the same passage we are told, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Some argue against this view by pointing to the fact that many people eat unhealthy foods, which can be just as addicting and just as bad for the body. As an example, many people are so helplessly addicted to caffeine that they cannot function without their first cup of coffee in the morning. While this is true, how does that make smoking right? It is our contention that Christians should avoid gluttony and excessively unhealthy eating. Yes, Christians are often hypocritical by condemning one sin and condoning another, but, again, this does not make smoking honoring to God.
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