Queen Satori : A young human woman with blue eyes, cerulean blue hair, fair skin, blue cat ears, and a blue furred cat tail. She is the rightful ruler of the Violet Kingdom and rules over the Shimas. She is a skilled fighter with the sword and loves the Veritas ways and the Christian faith. Satori was named after my close friend, Tori, and is compassionate, kind, humorous, a good politician, loyal, merciful, and faithful.
Roseladia: Lady Roseladia is a human woman Satori's age with dark auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a serious demeanor.She is a relative of Satori. As a baby, she was born on a small moon not far from the planet of our setting, Rythysiah, and under her parents' gentle care, the Lord and Lady of that moon. She and her brother, Dragon, were taught polotics, ettiquite, the love of Christianity, history, and taught all this by tutors, as her parents were taken as prisoners of war as an infant. At age 26, she rediscovered an old prophecy involving her and Dragons' ten children (five on one side and five on the other) and hurried to Rythysiah with the news, hoping to free her relative's planet of a terrible reign of Washimas. This gave Satori hope to revive the Vetitas and hopefully defeat the Washima's dark magic-crazy Empress, Avaritia. Roseladia became the main leader and diplomatic speaker of the soon newly-raised Veritas army. She can be fierce and spunky and is a loyal and witty leader. She also has an array of vast abilities that she aquirred when she was proven to be a true Veritas.
Yuki: Like Satori, Yuki keeps his identity as a human/Shima cross very secret and is a close bodyguard of Satori's . He keeps himself concealed in gold and black armour and wears a helmet and visor over his face. He is a frightening character who wields a scythe in suit of the rest of the bodyguards. On the inside he is truly a softie, and fiercely loyal to Satori and the Veritas. But he can be arrogant, and cocky, and constantly argues with and annoys Satori's close friend, Simon.
Simon Spotson: A Shima who is Satori's best friend with brown cat ears, and dusty brown hair. He has a secret fancy for Satori , and tries to compete constantly with the sometimes arrogant and cocky bodyguard, Yuki. He is humorous, bold, quirky, and intelligent, and tends to fall asleep delving deep into romance novels.
Sam Mellen and Peter 'Splotch' Trunan: Two Shima librarians of the castle. They are almost inseperable as best friends and hold a vast knowledge of literature and history. Sam has red hair, brown cat ears, freckled cheeks and a kind demeanor, while 'Splotch' has golden hair, gold cat ears, mechanical glasses, and a timid yet friendly attitude.
Phantian: The mysterious and playful royal jester who wears a black and gray mask that he is never seen without. He has eerie glowing purple eyes and loves to joke around, though he is highly intelligent and strangely unnerving. He is skilled in energy- manipulation, teleportation, and optical illusions. He also excessively quotes Shakespeare lines, though, being in a different dimension than Earth, how could he possibly know who Shakespeare even is, hm?

Mr. Baker: A jumpy and aged Shima butler and a close friend to Satori. Baker was also good friends with Satori's parents growing up. He is a great Christian consoler and can impart wisdom from his teacher who disappeared in battle years ago. He has brown hair, brown cat ears, graying whiskers, and silver glasses.
And now I'll add villains!

Empress Avaritia: She is the bloodthirsty, maddened by dark-magic empress and alpha of the Washima race. Her name means greed in Latin; which is exactly her biggest flaw. She, like her satanic ancestor, Empress Summalia, is easily angered and highly sadistic. She doesn't know what's in store, though, as she leaves the former Veritas under less guard and accidentally gives them their chance to revive their faith and create their Christian army. She looks similar to Satori, but with violet hair, black eyes, a thin layer of grayn fur coating her body, and more cat-like features, such as violet cat ears, a tail, cat-like facial features, and retractable claws on her fingers. She is an excellent swordswoman and will kill even for pleasure, though she rarely does this anyways. Avaritia is also skllied in advanced dark magic and truly believes that her form of Christianity is the real religion, and that the Veritas are the evil ones. Really, Avaritia is a lost soul that is being used as a pawn by the Fallen One (Satan) and does have the chance to be redeemed. But only time will tell...
Loato: He is a mysterious and slightly insane warlord of the Washima kingdom and Avaritia's right-hand man. No one knows where he came from, but he means business, and will go to the breaking point for order and his own corrupt version of justice. He was said to have captured Lady Roseladia's parents in battle, so she holds an intense grudge against him. He is egotistical, power-hungry, and madly in love with Avaritia. But he is loyal to his people and a gentleman to Avaritia, whereas he would love to see Roseladia's dying breaths at his feet.
These are just a few of the main protagonists and two of the amin antagonists. I know I didn't give you all the entirety of every character but I promise to update as soon as possible!

Veritas out!