Manga Recommendations Thread

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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:10 am

So much (*quite* deserved!) Pandora Hearts love! <3 This makes me very happy, you guys. :hug:

Anyway :), since I'm sensing a kindred spirit here in terms of reading (I myself blast through books-- be they plain text or manga-- like they're going out of style, LOL ;) , and thus like to keep my to-read list quite full), and also since you mentioned that you're indeed up for more, I'll go ahead and throw out some more titles for you, too, then. :) (I'd definitely try to get around to the other ones first if you can, though! :thumb: )

Seconding Bakuman. It's awesome. :) In fact, the only reason I didn't recommend it in my first post is that it's literally a manga about manga, mangaka, and the whole business of making manga in general; so it's very meta, and is probably a little better to read after you've gotten to experience a few other series first. Still excellent regardless, though, of course. :) There is no nudity that I can recall in this (though there is a little fanservice on occasion, particularly in the stuff the fictional mangaka are drawing); and I don't think there was any religious stuff in this at all, either (I mean, there might have been some in some of the things the fictional mangaka were writing, but otherwise nothing).

Oresama Teacher - This is hilarious (well, IMO, anyway, LOL). :lol: Characters: Almost every single one of them is a delinquent, with the main girl actually being one of the toughest; the (titular) teacher is, surprisingly, one of the very few "jerk"-type characters I've seen who is actually genuinely amusing (as opposed to just angering, LOL); and, actually, that goes for all of the other characters, too-- many of them may initially seem to be stereotypes, but then they all either end up having some really bizarre quirk/twist or are simply just so darn entertaining that they quickly become unique. :grin: This series never takes itself too seriously at all (well, unless there's a particularly nasty fight, of course)-- in fact, it often borders parody-- and that actually really works in its favor. In other words, this is an excellent comedy series (can't even tell you how many times I crack up when I'm reading it-- some of it is downright hysterical! :lol: :lol: ), with the bonus that you actually do care about the characters during the serious moments, too. :thumb: Don't recall any nudity; and I don't think there was anything religion-wise in this, either, except for stuff like the usual ghost-story bit where students try to scare each other (which is, of course, also even more hilarious than usual :lol: ).

Speaking of parody-- I'll also second Ouran High School Host Club. It has quite a bit of innuendo, but otherwise no nudity/theology I can recall. Only thing is that this actually *is* a parody series-- it parodies a bunch of 'typical' shoujo clichés-- so you might want to read a few more 'usual' shoujo first so you can get the full effect. It's hilarious regardless, though (and surprisingly touching by the end, too). :)

Hikaru no Go - This is about competitive Go (which is a Japanese board game)... okay, yeah, I'm sorry, but there's really no way to make a synopsis of this sound anywhere near as good as it actually is, LOL. :sweat: So let me just say that (like the reactions of pretty much everyone else I've seen) I was kinda wondering how 23 volumes of people playing some board game that I had no clue about (albeit an insanely strategic one :) ) could be interesting, but gave it a shot because those same people said that it actually ended up being really good... and, of course, everyone was exactly right! :thumb: As for content: No nudity, as far as I can recall; and religion-wise, there is a ghost that attaches himself at first to a Go board and then to the protagonist, but that's it.

Natsume's Book of Friends (a.k.a. Natsume Yuujinchou) - Getting the content out of the way first: There's no nudity that I recall (and if there was, it's undetailed); and as for religion, well, there is rather a fair bit, considering it's part of the entire premise, LOL. :sweat: Not sure how much you know about the whole Japanese mythological background yet (you'll end up learning quite a bit about Japanese folklore throughout the course of your fandom :) ), but basically, in their cultural mythology they have quite an array of supernatural creatures, including 'yokai' and some things often translated into English as 'demons' (although they're not really anything of the kind, of course; it's just that we don't really have any other word to translate it to, LOL), along with many different types of 'gods' (often tied to a certain object or place, and can also often be mortal-- and even originally human). Anyway, that mythology is woven into the very premise of this series-- the main character, Natsume, has been able to see these supernatural creatures since he was little, and has endured quite a bit of hardship (from both said creatures as well as fellow humans) because of that. At the start of this series, he finds out that he has inherited a special book (as well as the powers that allow him to see yokai) from his grandmother, who bound a bunch of yokai to her will by placing their names in that book. And now they want their names back... :) There is a really cathartic element to this series (indeed, it's actually known as one of the 'iyashikei' {'healing'} series-- it's soothing, and just generally makes you feel better-- although that term is probably more often applied to the anime); Natsume's innate kindness and desire to help others (be they human or yokai), no matter the cost to himself, is something to look up to; and the slow and subtle plot progression and character development winding throughout the series is excellent, too. I guess probably the best way to put it is that this series has a kind of quiet beauty.

Amatsuki - A joke was made in one of the volumes that this series is a 'Science Fiction Historical Supernatural Fantasy Romance Mystery,' which is funny not only because it's true, but because it *works.* It does indeed have all of those elements, and yet somehow they're all blended perfectly into one awesome package. Add to that the fact that the plot is really intriguing (the twists aren't quite as earth-shattering as, say, Pandora's, but it's still very nicely mind-bendy :thumb: ), the characters are well-developed and endearing, and the art style is interestingly unique, and you have a winner. Insert the usual don't-recall-that-there-was-any-nudity-but-if-there-was-it-was-undetailed disclaimer here; and as for the religion-- there is a bit of the same mythological-creature-stuff that I described Natsume having SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (although even that is not really 'real' thanks to what the Amatsuki world actually is), and certain inhabitants of the Amatsuki world are trying to fight against what they call 'God' (however, what they're actually giving that term to is something quite different indeed. I really don't want to spoil it, though, so please just trust me that the 'God' of Amatsuki is actually not any sort of supernatural being at all, no less THE God :) ).

The Lucifer And Biscuit Hammer (a.k.a. Hoshi no Samidare) - No, it doesn't actually have anything to do with Lucifer, LOL. :grin: Actually, it's rather difficult to even give a proper synopsis of this without spoilers, so I'll just use the description from MAL: "The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for." And it's actually even way more awesome than that sounds; but, y'know, like I said, can't really say much more because of spoilers. :) Also, this series does play off of certain shounen tropes a bit, so it's slightly more clever if you know those; however, the story is plenty fantastic on its own, so don't be afraid to dive in regardless. :) Content-wise, there is some fanservice (Samidare likes wearing skirts, and also happens to like jumping around in the air a lot... etc. :P ), and a bit of nudity on occasion, though IIRC it was undetailed; and religion-wise, I'm sure there was something, but I'm unfortunately drawing a blank on what it was ATM... :sweat: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (I think one of the characters was an athiest, or wanted to become God, or something like that...?) Aargh-- I usually have a really good memory for story detail, so I'm really sorry I can't be more precise on this one right now. :sweat: (But I've been wanting to re-read this for quite a while... guess I need to move it up sooner in my reading schedule! :) )

Immortal Rain + the 1-volume Touhou Shinigami: Meteor Methuselah Gaiden prequel - The story, the characters, the humor, the drama, the romance, the action; all of it is great! As for the plot: Immortal guy, 'assassin' girl, bounty hunters, living weapons, and the man who started it all (and wants to end it all, too)... seems simple enough, and in essence it is; but that's the beauty of it. Because it's the characters that carry this. Rain is hilarious, sweet, adorable, and awesome; Machika can kick butt against all but the very strongest opponents (and doesn't hesitate to do so when necessary), but at heart is a strong yet compassionate girl; and Yuca goes from being eminently hateable to being one of the most brilliantly sympathetic antagonists I've ever seen. <3 (And the other characters are pretty good, too, of course. :) ) And the finale... everything about that finale was absolutely beautiful. :sniffle: :hug: (And be sure to read the Shinigami prequel afterwards, too, because that was also excellent! :jump: ) As for the content: There are a couple of panels of detailed female nudity during the course of the series (which are not really for fanservice-- once is when a character suddenly stands up during a bath, another is on the cover of a magazine, etc.-- however it's there, nonetheless), and I guess one of the male characters ends up clothes-less at one point, too (although that is *not* detailed, LOL); and religion-wise, the term 'spirit of Methuselah' gets tossed around, there is reincarnation, there is one character who 'doesn't really understand' God (and thus kinda equates Him with 'feelings'... :sweat: ), and another character who is atheistic out of bitterness. (Those latter two items only briefly come up about once and twice respectively, though.)

And Death Note - This is a Supernatural Mystery Thriller, and my favorite way of describing it is that it's like Sherlock Holmes on supernatural steroids-- and with the bad guy as the protagonist! And despite that latter fact, the good guys are awesome, and the battle of wits is addicting. As for content: I think there might have been a little nudity in this-- I'm recalling a shower scene and a scene where a hostage is told to undress?-- but I'm pretty sure it was undetailed; and the theological stuff is actually a little heavy-- the whole premise is that there are 'death gods' who use these notebooks (which have a bunch of rules attached to said use) to off people, and one ends up in the hands of a human... etc.

Also: The only reason that I'm not recommending the Mushishi manga here is because you should go watch the anime instead. (And then the special. And then the second season that's finally beginning in April.) :thumb: I very rarely recommend an adaptation over its source, however Mushishi's adaptation is so fantastic that it's one of the few I will. Story-wise, it's a historical fantasy about this guy who wanders around and helps (or at least tries to, as best he can) people with their problems with Mushi, a fictitious, partially supernatural (though still rather scientific at its core) form of life. Content-wise, there's no nudity at all, and the only 'supernatural' stuff that occurs is because of the Mushi.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby scribbledreamer » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:09 pm

Thank you guys so much! I'll definitely be checking these out. Can't ever have too much to read! :)
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby yukoxholic » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:24 pm

So, I haven't been reading much manga for like 2 years now but wanted an easy distraction to take my mind off things. I like engaging stories. I also don't really mind what is in it as I don't have issues with violence, specific themes, etc. :) Any recommendations are welcome!
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:12 pm

^ ...Well, if you ask me, I'd probably just end up repeating pretty much everything we've all been recommending to scribbledreamer for these last two pages, LOL :grin: -- so I guess I'd suggest starting with those. ;)

(Unless you've already read most of them, of course; in that case, just let me know, and I'll certainly also recommend some other ones as well... :) )
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:57 pm

I'm pretty new to manga.I have only read the first volume of Black cat and D Gray man. so i would really appreciate some recommendations.mild language is fine no F words or anything like that,mild fanservice/barbie doll nudity in a transformation sequence is fine,violence doesn't really bother me. I was also wondering about some series and if they are appropriate.Attack on titan,Death note,Fullmetal alchemist,Naruto and Bleach,Thanks so much ^_^
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:48 am

@ B&W Angel

My suggestions would be...

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles-It's about a princess who loses her memories and they are scattered in different dimensions in the form of feathers. Her, her childhood friend, and two others from two different dimensions must travel from world to world to find and return her feathers to her or she'll die.

Content: Violence/blood, mostly in the second half. Infrequent mild language. No nudity or fanservice. It's a fantasy so there's fantasy magic, a good witch, a good wizard who refuses to use his powers, etc.

Pandora Hearts-It's about a boy who gets sent into a place called The Abyss (a place said to be where bad people go) on his fifteenth birthday without his knowing the reason. There are weapons born from The Abyss called Chains. He meets one named Alice and makes a contract with her to help her find her memories in the surface world. They and a few others start doing some investigating on a tragedy that happened 100 years ago to try to figure out what exactly happened and how are they all are connected to it.

Content: Violence/blood. It's also pretty dark. Infrequent mild language. No nudity. As far as fanservice, one girl wears a sorta revealing outfit and another wears a really short dress that sometimes shows her underwear. There's some stuff about cults and one good character has a fascination with the occult (which was actually pretty funny).

And Fruits Basket-It's about an orphan girl who moves in with a few guys who turn out to have a curse...if they are hugged by someone of the opposite sex they transform into one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac (and the cat). Over the course of the story, she meets other members of their family who also have the curse and realizes just how tragic their curse really is.

Content: Some violence (mostly martial arts stuff) and a little bit of blood. Frequent mild language. No nudity (though some characters are naked when they turn human again but nothing is shown). A couple of large chested girls where sorta revealing outfits. One character is referred to as a 'god' by the cursed. There's some mild implied sex.

These are all REALLY good and I highly recommend them. As far as the others you've mentioned, I haven't read those yet so I can't speak for manga content but I have seen the anime adaptions of Attack On Titan, Death Note, & Fullmetal Alchemist. Let me know if you'd like a content rundown based on the animes. I hope this helped and good reading! :D
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:04 pm

black & white angel wrote:I'm pretty new to manga.I have only read the first volume of Black cat and D Gray man. so i would really appreciate some recommendations.mild language is fine no F words or anything like that,mild fanservice/barbie doll nudity in a transformation sequence is fine,violence doesn't really bother me. I was also wondering about some series and if they are appropriate.Attack on titan,Death note,Fullmetal alchemist,Naruto and Bleach,Thanks so much ^_^

The only thing I can think that the FMA manga might have in it other than violence, is the theology (which a lot of people have issue with).
But I'd recommend giving it a shot ^-^ it's one of my all time favorites.

From what I've read of the naruto manga the language and nudity are bare minimum.

Seconding Fruits Basket and Tsubasa Chronicle.

I kind of recommend the Soul Eater manga, but there are definitely some fan service instances, though I'm not sure what you would consider 'Mild fan service' XD;; the language isn't too bad unless you read the official English release by yen press (that one has some F-bombs sprinkled throughout).
Really, if you can handle the fan service moments and you read it online it would be good, but that's up to you cx
The violence isn't anything worse than D.Gray Man btw~

Hope I helped :3
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:45 pm

Those all sound so good!!! I am definitely going to read Tsubasa,Pandora hearts and FMA. oh as for the fanservice thing,I don't really care as long as it isn't like boob/panty shots all the time :shake: . Thank's so much ^_^
Last edited by black & white angel on Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:03 pm

You're welcome Angel-san! Have fun! :n_n:
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:09 pm

black & white angel wrote:Those all sound so good!!! I am definitely going to read Tsubasa,Pandora hearts and FMA. oh as for the fanservice thing,I don't really care as long as it isn't like boob/panty shots every page :shake: . Thank's so much ^_^

Enjoy :3
And if memory serves correct, it's nothing as bad as all that cx
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:39 pm

Panda4christ:3 wrote:
black & white angel wrote:Those all sound so good!!! I am definitely going to read Tsubasa,Pandora hearts and FMA. oh as for the fanservice thing,I don't really care as long as it isn't like boob/panty shots every page :shake: . Thank's so much ^_^

Enjoy :3
And if memory serves correct, it's nothing as bad as all that cx

I may have exaggerated a little :sweat: By every other page I meant more like 3 or 4 times per volume :hits_self
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:59 pm

black & white angel wrote:
Panda4christ:3 wrote:
black & white angel wrote:Those all sound so good!!! I am definitely going to read Tsubasa,Pandora hearts and FMA. oh as for the fanservice thing,I don't really care as long as it isn't like boob/panty shots every page :shake: . Thank's so much ^_^

Enjoy :3
And if memory serves correct, it's nothing as bad as all that cx

I may have exaggerated a little :sweat: By every other page I meant more like 3 or 4 times per volume :hits_self

Uhm, the very early chapters maybe...but beyond that it's mostly just this once character.
But hey--entirely up to you if you read it XD don't want to force the series on you >__<;;
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:07 pm

Hey no problem Panda I didn't feel like you were trying to make me read it. I might watch the anime instead ^_^
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:14 pm

black & white angel wrote:Hey no problem Panda I didn't feel like you were trying to make me read it. I might watch the anime instead ^_^

Haha, okay ^-^ that's probably a better idea, the anime is tamer.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:36 pm

I have a few other series I was wondering about. Rurouni Kenshin, One Piece, Rozen Maiden. and Alice In the Country of Hearts. Any info on these would be really helpful. ^_^
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:34 pm

*gasp* I can't believe I missed all the Tsubasa/Pandora goodness! Anyways, my input is meaningless because you already said you were going to read them :lol: but I definitely recommend putting Tsubasa at the top of your list, followed by Pandora hearts. Such awesomeness...
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:45 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:*gasp* I can't believe I missed all the Tsubasa/Pandora goodness! Anyways, my input is meaningless because you already said you were going to read them :lol: but I definitely recommend putting Tsubasa at the top of your list, followed by Pandora hearts. Such awesomeness...

They both look so amazing!!! I LOVE the cover for Pandora hearts :n_n:
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby black & white angel » Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:58 pm

Does anyone know the content of gunslinger girl? I found the first three online for a really good price.I don't want to buy them and then be surprised by anything. thank's ^_^
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby impact777 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:26 am

I was at a local anime store yesterday and asked the owner to recommend me some clean manga (without nudity or bad content).
He recommended me these 4:
- the breaker
- Ikigami
- Eaglet
- Mirai Nikki
- Toradora!

I've checked them on amazon and they all look nice. Can anyone please tell me if the owner was right about the content and if the manga are good? And perhaps you have also some recommendations for me...Thank you very much!!! I really would like to read some manga again. One voulme of Yotsuba per year isn't enough. ^^
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:39 pm

impact777 wrote:I was at a local anime store yesterday and asked the owner to recommend me some clean manga (without nudity or bad content).
He recommended me these 4:
- the breaker
- Ikigami
- Eaglet
- Mirai Nikki
- Toradora!

I've checked them on amazon and they all look nice. Can anyone please tell me if the owner was right about the content and if the manga are good? And perhaps you have also some recommendations for me...Thank you very much!!! I really would like to read some manga again. One voulme of Yotsuba per year isn't enough. ^^

Someone will be around shortly to give a more detailed response on these (you might want to specify what you mean by "bad content"), but I'll cover The Breaker since it's a lesser known manhwa. It's an action series that makes half-hearted attempts at comedy in the beginning, then veers into pure martial arts. It's not filled with nudity, but if you're picky about this you're going to find things to object to eventually. Perhaps more importantly, it does a few interesting things but not in a very concise or well-edited way, so only consider it if you like the genre.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby impact777 » Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:18 am

Ok, thank you! This helped me. :)
I mean with bad content problematic theo themes.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby KazeShiki » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:18 am

impact777 wrote:I was at a local anime store yesterday and asked the owner to recommend me some clean manga (without nudity or bad content).
He recommended me these 4:
- the breaker
- Ikigami
- Eaglet
- Mirai Nikki
- Toradora!

I've checked them on amazon and they all look nice. Can anyone please tell me if the owner was right about the content and if the manga are good? And perhaps you have also some recommendations for me...Thank you very much!!! I really would like to read some manga again. One voulme of Yotsuba per year isn't enough. ^^

I'm not sure why anyone would describe Mirai Nikki as clean. It might not be the worst, but unless the English version censored A LOT of stuff, its content is hardly clean, with respect to theological content as well.

Toradora should be pretty clean. I haven't read the manga, but if it's anything like its source materials (and it is, from what I hear), it should be quite good.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby impact777 » Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:36 am

Allright. Thank you! :) "writetoradoraonmywishlist"

Only Ikigami and Eaglet left. Any opinions? And perhaps recommendations for any other?
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby nln_rose » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:00 pm

so i started reading the manga for Trigun after watching the anime and I've found it to be much more violent and there's actually fully nude girls then there's fruits basket in which rather than it being some curse they're actually being possessed by demons. so here's the deal do you guys know of any really good manga that aren't completely different from their animes? i'm trying out fullmetal alchemist.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:15 pm

nln_rose wrote:so i started reading the manga for Trigun after watching the anime and I've found it to be much more violent and there's actually fully nude girls then there's fruits basket in which rather than it being some curse they're actually being possessed by demons. so here's the deal do you guys know of any really good manga that aren't completely different from their animes? i'm trying out fullmetal alchemist.

First off, in Fruits Basket they're not possessed by demons. They're reincarnations of the zodiac spirits. Secondly, in Trigun, the nudity isn't detailed (though it is a lot more violent). And thirdly most animes based on manga only follow the source material to one point before diverging from the story line and then ending without ever finishing. This is generally due to manga still being ongoing when they make the anime. So in the end, you're always going to find a lot of differences between the manga and anime versions of the same story. I haven't read the FMA manga yet but I've seen both animes and most people have said that the first one is very different from the manga but Brotherhood is much closer. In the end, out of the ones that I've seen and read, they're pretty much all different from one another. About the only one that I can think of that wasn't super different was Ouran High School Host Club but even that had it's fair share of differences.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby skreyola » Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:34 pm

I haven't read the whole series (I'm currently waiting for volume 5 to arrive in the mail), but the volumes I have read of Gunslinger Girl have been pretty much exactly what's in the anime (or vice versa), so I think you'll find it contain: Violence, some blood, some partial nudity in a medical context, a few disturbing images (things agents come across at crime scenes), and some mildly harsh language. The content is pretty mild for a series about assassins and mobsters. And that's what I love about GG. :)

Also, I would second Fruits Basket, though I haven't gotten very far at all in the manga.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby artisticDreamer » Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:03 am

Can somebody tell me about the content in Black Butler? I want to read it, but if it has a bunch of sexual junk... I'm not allowed to read it.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby Nocturnalux » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:25 pm

artisticDreamer wrote:Can somebody tell me about the content in Black Butler? I want to read it, but if it has a bunch of sexual junk... I'm not allowed to read it.

It's very dark and includes a lot of mature themes including child sacrifice. And there's the heavy innuendo between Ciel and Sebastian, it never crosses into BL but it gets as close to it as it possibly can and it is entirely deliberate.
There is at least one sex scene that while not graphic is still very much there.
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby impact777 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:01 am

Has anyone read "Ikigami" and/or "Boku dake ga Inai Machi" and can say something about the quality and the religious content?

If not, could anyone recommend me some clean manga? Clean concerning nudity and theological content. Thanks a lot. :)
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Re: Manga Recommendations Thread

Postby GeneD » Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:27 am

impact777 wrote:Has anyone read "Ikigami" and/or "Boku dake ga Inai Machi" and can say something about the quality and the religious content?

If not, could anyone recommend me some clean manga? Clean concerning nudity and theological content. Thanks a lot. :)

*Starts typing Yotsuba. Looks at avatar. Checks MAL* Well never mind that then. XP

I don't know the manga you mentioned, but got some recommendations. Unless I'm forgetting something specific they're all pretty clean.

-Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (YKK)/Yokohama Shopping Log: For me, this one's probably the closest in feel to Yotsuba, in that it's slice-of-life at almost it's most basic level, even if it doesn't have a cute little girl. It centres around the daily life of Alpha, a robot girl who owns a cafe in a peaceful post-apocalyptic world. A peaceful, relaxing and slow-paced (in a good way) read.

-Gin no Saji/Silver Spoon: A drama/coming of age story about Yugo Hachiken, a city boy who decides on an agricultural high school in the countryside. He's strong academically but meets many new and unexpected challenges living the farm life. By the author of FMA, although this is very much grounded in reality and has some great character development for Hachiken and his friends.

-Koe no Katachi/A Silent Voice: A drama about Nishimiya Shouko, a deaf girl who is bullied by her classmates, chief among them being Ishida Shouya. Eventually Nishimiya drops out of school and Ishida becomes the class target. Years later, they meet again and set out on a path of healing, both for themselves and the people around them. This is a very good, impacting drama that gracefully covers some very painful and delicate issues. Digitally available on Crunchyroll with a manga subscription or guest pass.

-Annarasumanara: This is a manhwa, a Korean comic, about a young girl, scrapping by to provide for herself and her sister, who meets a mysterious magician in an abandoned theme park. It's a tale about growing up and the wonder of finding the child in yourself again. Includes magic of the stage magician variety. Available legally (as far as I know) in English here.

-Haikyuu!!: A high school sports manga about the Karasuno boys volleyball team, specifically newcomers Hinata and Kageyama. It hits all the notes for a sports shounen series but the whole is definitely greater than the sum of it's parts. The pacing is good and there's a nice blend of humour, drama and (match)tension. The characters are really memorable and unique with a decent sprinkling of development.
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