I'm going to switch to third person, because this chapter would be extremely confusing otherwise
Sorry it took so long to put this out, Nano and Life

were kinda pulling at me XD but I'm back! With a full chapter of fun for you.
"How is that possible, Wolf, you've been with us this whole time!" Odd protested.
Wolf smirked at us from her seat. "You guys are so blind. It was so easy to do things behind your back. No problimo."
"But why?" Mullet demanded. "If you really are the Dictatoe, then why did you help us, the Alliance, defeat you?"
"I was bored," she drawled. "It was fun in the beginning, being the Master pulling the strings behind the scene. But it gets pretty dull after a while. I mean, ruling uncontested is dull as heck. So I set things up to run, and entered a Prison Camp. Things fell into place from there, and bingo! I wasn't bored anymore! Oh, and you didn't 'defeat' me, you don't honestly think I'd allow that?I was bored, but not that bored. I ddon't feel like rebuilding from scratch, did that already. And now, its time todie."
"No way!" Mullet rushed forward. Wolf snapped her fingers, and the floor as charged with electrical energy, flooring them all. Wolf smirked.
See? You can't do anything, just the flies in my web. There's nothing you can do."
"R-Ringo!" Mullet gasped, and the giant mullet rushed forward. Wolf pulled something out of a secret compartment in the throne and pointed it at the charging mullet. A small electric shock leapt from the stick's end and zapped the mullet. It looked really strange a moment, then he disappeared. Mullet cried out in alarm. "What did you do?"
"Turned him inside-out, so he ate himself." She smiled indulgently. "Don't worry, clams are long-lived. I'm sure you'll find him again - if you live." Putting the stick away, she now pulled out a very real gun. "Which is very debatable, as I really have no further need of you. So....unless you give me a really good reason to let you live, its game-over."
"You can't kill us!" Dox declared. "Because...um....because...."
Because you'd be bored silly without us!"
Everyone glanced back to see Claec standing in thd open doorway, a wake of destruction behind her. Wold snarled, looking decidedly unhappy. Claec smirked. "You didn't seriously think posting H-sama by the door would stop me from taking part in the party now, did you? You're dumber than I thought. Now!" She raised her Dorito-Bag-Carrying hand, smiling evilly. "So are you gonna gimme my Wolfy back?"
"I am Wolf, you dimwit," the aforementioned snapped. Claec shook her head, wagging a finger with a naughty grin.
"You think I don't know a virus when I see one? And unless I'm very much mistaken, you're a Devistatingly Evil Maliciously Obmoxious Nutjob, a D.E.M.O.N., if you prefer. Either way, you're trouble, and will leave my Wolfy alone unless you wanna deal with this!" She held up the bag.
Wolf grinned. "Just try it."
Claec instantly started marching toward her. Wolf snapped her fingers and the floor lit up with its electrical current. Claec was curiously uneffected; upon closer inspection, everyone realized she was walking along a small bride of doritos, forming a safe path under her feet. Raiaing the gun, Wolf fired all six rounds as fast as she could. Doritos lept up like shields, keeping Claec completely safe. Now towering over the cowering Dictator, Claec held up the bag. "Any last words?"
Wolf opened her mouth to say something nasty, then paused and studied the bag Claec held. "Hey...its empty."
Claec glanced at it, as if surprised. "Huh. So it is."
Regaining her confidence, Wolf smirked. "Now what'll ya do?"
Claec pulled out a pair of scissors and cut a hole in the bottom. Giving Wolf a saucy little smile, she blew into the bag, blowing out all the fine powder and into Wolf's face.
Screaming, she clawed at her face, trying to scrape it all off. None of it clung, much, and she was soon freed. Panting, recovering from her panic attack, she glared hatefully at Claec. "You...hah....as so dead...ah...?" She suddenly started sneezing. Grinning, Claec sat back and watched.
"Claec, what are you doing?" Dox demanded.
"Just watch," Claec said, smiling.
Wolf just kept on sneezing, each growing increasingly agitated and painful, till finally she released a sneeze so violent
She split in two.
The two Wolfs stared at each other for a minute, thne lunged for each other's throats.
Dox scrambled to his feet, the stun effect worn off, and rushed over at once to stand beside Claec, Mullet a step behind. Goldy brushed herself off, then reached into her bag and pulled out a cellphone. Dialing a number, she waited.
"So," Dox said, watching the swirling ball of fur and fang. "Which one's our Wolf and which one's the other Wolf?"
"I'll be honest, I wasn't thinking this far," Claec admitted, staring. "I hope someone knows how to deal with this situation, or we're in trouble."
"I called just the person," Goldy said, coming over. "He handles things like viruses, and he communicates with the Writer. He'll help us."
OneWolf was throttling the Second Wolf, while the second Wolf was sinking her teeth in the First Wolf's shoulder. Both were rather messed up, but the second appeared the weakeat. She was clearly losing. Dox and Claec looked at each other. "We better figure out who's who," Dox said slowly.
"...before they kill eaxh other," Claec agreed.
"Or that one kills that one..."
"Which is currently the most likely..."
"Should we really..."
"Yes lets."
Nodding at each other, they walked over to the fighters and forcibly seperated them. Dox held the collapsed, unconscious one, while Claec struggled with the wild, awake one. "So who's who?" she asked. Dox shrugged.
"I have an idea." He looked at the awake one, diecting to it a question. "Do you like being evil?"
She glared at him scathingly. "Of course not! And I'm not evil! Don't be like that."
Dox nodded slowly, then glanced at Claec. "Well?"
"Uh huh?"
"Uh huh."
"All good."
"Get it?"
"Got it."
"Guys?" Wolf lookeda little worried. "C'mon, stop fooling around. Lets take care of the virus and get out of here."
"Sure thing." Claec slammed the Dorito bag over Wolf's head and lept away as Wolf/Virus really started screaming.
And changing.
A great demonic wolf now towered over them, and it was clearly very, very angry. Gulping, Claec backed away.
"I may have made a slight tactical error," she said slowly.
"I'll say," Dox muttered.
The building was beginning to collapse. Mullet grabbed Goldy and fled back. Dox and Claec waited, the unconscious Wolf between them. Claec glanced at Dox. "Could you switch, please? I need to talkto Odd."
He stared a moment, then shifted. Odd stood there now. "Onee-chan?"
"I need help, Odd. I'm totally out of ideas."
He thought amoment, then whispered something to her. Her face lit up. "That sounds awesome! One problem though, our wingman is out." They stared down at Wolf.
The Virus wolf anarled, and started toward them.
A bright light suddenly filled the darkened sky. A man in gray robes and a wizard's hat was suddenly facing the Virus. "You shall not pass!"
"Mithrander!" they heard Goldy cry. The virus roared at him, swiping at him with a huge claw. It bounced back however, off the shield of light surrounding him. It snarled angrily, furious at this new distraction. Mith turned quickly to face Goldy.
"I spoke with the Writer, and she is coming up with a solution. Till then, we need to distract it before it takes over the world."
"If she'll ever wake up, then we can do that for you," Claec said with a nasty grin.
"Do what?" Wolf asked weakly, recovering. Claec whacked her upaide the head.
"Do not worry me like that again. Now, we need you for the thing."
"The...thing? I'm recovering fro a possession attack, and you want to -''
"We don't have time for this, crybaby! Get your rear in gear and step on it! We're on the clock here!" Odd snapped at her suddenly.
Sighing, Wolf nodeed and stood. "Okay, fine...whenever you're ready."
The threesome turned to face the giant virus, which was transforming again to try and deal with Mithrander, becoming something much worse. Claec whistled. "Well, that makes it easier."
"You host, Oddi-chan," I said. He gave me a strange look.
"Don't call me that."
"I'll call you whatever I want. Now hurry up, we're on the clock here." I gave hima spiteful smile.
He sighed, but didn't respond. I moved to take position beside him. Claec stood on the other side. Odd glanced at us, then nodded at the monster.
"Then lets take down Annie!"