[Fall 2014] Season of Hype

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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:25 pm

Gugure! Kokkuri-san episode 8:

Well, this was indeed way funnier again, LOL :grin: , so I guess I don't mind the previous ep. as a setup (especially since the buildup from there all the way to that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: hilarious punchline (ROTFL! :lol: ) at the end of this one was just perfect. :grin:

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace episode 8:

BWAHAHAHAHA!! :lol: Oh man, this episode was such a delicious SPOILER: Highlight text to read: troll and yet actually good in its own right, all at the same time! :lol: :thumb: First it's got a somewhat-Kill-la-Kill-styled battle to kick the episode off (as opposed to the art style they've been using until now), then it's SUDDENLY PLOT (...which was actually surprisingly logical, all things considered), then SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Hatoko is apparently back with no fanfare whatsoever (but then that turns out to have been a false assumption, since it's revealed a few scenes later that all of that was actually flashback!), then that scene when Hajime met Andou and is talking on the phone gets some even-more-amusing context, then more SRS BSNS, then the whole thing with Hajime and Hatoko is (pretty hilariously :grin: ) explained, then there's Sayumi's (also actually-pretty-logical) solution, then a sweet reunion (including Tomoyo confessing her secret to help Hatoko feel better, and Andou somewhat making up for things by not only apologizing profusely but also explaining how grateful he is... which then of course gets too sappy for him to handle and it devolves back into chuuni-speak again, although this time Hatoko didn't mind :) ), and *then,* to top it all off, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: trying to explode open a bag of chips apparently activated the next stage of Andou's power, ROTFL!! :lol: :lol: This was easily the best episode of the series so far (and in fact it actually just made me upgrade its MAL rating by a point, too!). :jump: I am heartily enjoying this, and look forward to whatever happens next!

Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episode 7 recap:

Sadly, this week just featured a recap, and apparently there was nothing in it to spice it up, either (as some recaps do), so I didn't bother, LOL. :P Really looking forward to this show getting back to business next week, though! :thumb:

Psycho-Pass 2 episode 7:

*rant incoming...* :shady: ...Alright; I was tolerant with the writing in this season until now, because I knew that S2 had two completely different writers (Tow Ubukata and Jun Kumagai) than the two who wrote S1 (Gen Urobuchi and Makoto Fukami). And I was also willing to (mostly) overlook S2's unfortunately really-rather-bad character- and dialogue-writing, and even some of its plot and logic holes, until now because I was being decently entertained by some of the suspense. However, that has all changed now, thanks to this episode. Explanation: S1 had made it pretty darn clear that a character's Psycho-Pass/hue was based on some sort of brainwave/stress scan. As for S2, I could believe that whatever magical drugs Kamui was making up could alter this (since that could certainly make scientific sense), but drugs aside, this episode apparently 'revealed' that simply SPOILER: Highlight text to read: transplanting a bunch of random organs + face from a 'clear' character into/onto an 'unclear' character will 'upgrade' the 'unclear' character's hue to 'clear.' And that makes absolutely no sense, either scientifically or in-universe (unless it was the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: brain itself that was transferred, of course, but that's not what was said nor shown; and, anyway, that would still be the same person then, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: just in a different body, not a completely *different* person, as was also said/shown). :shady: In fact, the whole thing with Kamui just taking SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Shisui's eye to make the Dominator recognize him as her made no sense, either; but I was willing to suspend my disbelief for it until further explanation appeared. Now that it has-- complete with saying that mere SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ('bio') contact lenses will work the same, besides! :eyebrow: -- it was just too much for my suspension of disbelief to handle. :forehead: :shake: And to top it all off, adding to the destruction of my suspension of disbelief in this ep. were the facts that, #1, even multiple characters pointed out how illogical Sybil was being about this whole thing (especially when compared to Sybil's thoughts, abilities and actions in S1)-- to her/their/its/whatever's face, no less!-- and still the 'answer' was unsatisfactory; and #2, that *no one* on the team even thought to type "Kamui" into a search online this whole time that people were mentioning it? Dude didn't even bother to change his name-- it was right there for them to have Googled (or whatever the Sybil equivalent is) at any time! :eyeroll: :forehead: Oh yeah, and then the whole thing with Akane's grandmother was anticlimactic and weird, there was some really random exposition (in really odd places...), and just to give some pure annoyance there was Mika blaming poor Hinakawa (who was surprisingly adorable in this ep., BTW :) ) for not doing something that he actually *DID* do-- twice!! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (He not only sent her the info {checking your inbox is part of your job, moron...}, he actually did try to tell her verbally when they were at the scene, but she told him to shut up then, and he's not only shy to begin with but has to obey his Inspector, so he did. It was entirely Mika's fault, and here she is foisting the blame on the poor guy for not doing his job when on his worst day he's about 8 decillion times more competent than she is?) Seriously, can't Tougane please just go ahead and off her already? :bootout: ...Now, that said, the episode wasn't *all* bad; I did like Akane's little 'space-out'/mental 'conversation' with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kougami, some things were tied together and some questions were answered, and there was even an explanation for Kamui apparently having super-skills in everything (hint: he actually doesn't. ...Unless, of course, the inference I was supposed to get from that was SPOILER: Highlight text to read: that there were *not* multiple people underneath those holos, but that literally *every* time you saw a holo, it was him; in which case, NVM and go back to the bad writing for that, too, again :eyeroll: ). But, unfortunately, those few bright spots were not anywhere near enough to save the rest of this episode (nor the season, at this point). :shady: (I'll finish out the season just to get it over with, but I guess all I can have hope for now in terms of *good* writing is the upcoming Psycho-Pass movie, which the original two writers-- Urobuchi and Fukami-- are {thankfully} returning to, so hopefully that will provide a true sequel and then I can mostly forget about this supposed 'second season'... :shady: )

And Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 episode 7:

Man, it really felt like you were there during that flood. :pikka: And wow, that was SPOILER: Highlight text to read: one of the saddest episodes in a long time. :sniffle: (Not to imply that I think that's a bad thing, because I don't. Also, the end was somehow still kinda beautiful...)

...So, my (updated) enjoyment-rankings now:

1: Mushishi Zoku Shou S2
2: Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis
3: When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace
4: Gugure! Kokkuri-san
5Off the list: Psycho-Pass 2 :shady:
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby KazeShiki » Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:06 pm

^While I hold a similar opinion on how Pyscho Pass has been progressing, you did jump the gun on what the reveal actually means, and episode 8 will explain more explicitly, and it's possible to figure it out logically, despite there being so much other bad writing obscuring it. I still think the real reason is dumb, though, just that it's less dumb than your complaint :lol: Also, my view is that the writers are using the technique of making lots of people really stupid to make Akane look smart in comparison when she's really not. I feel a lot of her revelations skip over logical trains of thought and jump to the answer for the same reason.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:39 pm

Here are my current standings...

2 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
3 I can't understand what my husband is saying
4 Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Still can't find:
? Amagi Brilliant Park
6 Merman in the Tub
9000 Denki-Gai no Honya-san
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby GeneD » Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:56 am

Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road ep 8: Loved this episode. Lots of Onoda. Manami is way moe and the pacing wasn't as stretched out as I thought it would be.

Yona of the Dawn ep 8: Sweet and sad episode. Yoon's backstory was surprisingly touching and he's fast becoming my favourite character. New fav quote: "My only flaw is that I'm far too handsome." XD I know at the start it seemed like an average reverse harem show, but it's awesome that they're taking their sweet time to get there and developing the characters they do have along the way.

Caught up with Gugure! Kokkuri-san and have been loving it. I can't get over the alien kid and his "imouto" and I've had the OP stuck in my head all morning.

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ep 8: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The two rivals playing was amazing and I'm getting nervous for Kousei.

Fate/stay night UBW ep 8: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Yes someone is dead! Finally. I wish we got to see more of Rider, but at least it means things are happening now. Shinji's silly evil giggle made me laugh EVERY TIME. The visual effects/animation of the forcefield and those skeletons was a bit strange looking.

Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 ep 7: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: He evaporated! I was really shocked, although it was obvious that it was the mother who almost drowned while pregnant, but man, it was super sad. I agree with MangaRocks!, that flood was intense, it was distressing to see all the fish and other animals being washed away.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:52 pm

Watched ...Like a Good Shepherd Ep. 7... and kind of :-\ about it. It seems to me that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kodachi may have caused that bad future possibility by setting up the group date that put her at that mall food court in the first place. Also, because I think SPOILER: Highlight text to read: KakeixShirasaki is the best pairing, even though I don't think that'll be the OTP in the end...although... she is SPOILER: Highlight text to read: rather prominent in the title promotional art, so maybe...
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:46 am

Gugure! Kokkuri-san episode 9:

Oh man. The reference to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Sean Connery had me rolling :lol: , and SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the giant fluffball bit was hilarious, too. :grin: The second half of the ep. was still amusing, but the first half was definitely the best part. :grin:

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace episode 9:

All of the interactions between Andou and Tomoyo in this ep. were so adorable (and amusing). :grin: That said: What the heck, Sagami (LOL). It was pretty amusing how self-aware that whole thing was. I mean, it was obvious from the beginning that this series was SPOILER: Highlight text to read: a harem (albeit a smarter one than usual), and here not only have they all admitted/begun the process of realizing it SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (including that quite good scene with Hatoko and Tomoyo at the end), but now Sagami apparently wants to be entertained by making SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Andou choose the least-likely 'route' in the end! ...Actually, somehow he seems way more suspicious than that (totally betting he's involved with the whole fairy war thing somehow, LOL); but either way, that was still amusingly meta. :grin: Still highly enjoying this.

Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episode 7:

This was worth the wait. :thumb: Battles both exciting (during the mass-fight sequences) and suspenseful (during the close-combat ones), Favaro actually being totally awesome :jump: , Kaisar being nearly as awesome :) , *excellent* resolution between the two of them (complete with some great stealth character development for them as well, all at the same time! :jump: ), a really satisfying SPOILER: Highlight text to read: end to those two demons-- especially Azazel (...unless he teleported out again, of course, LOL {which I honestly would not be surprised at}; but whatever-- even if that were to turn out to be the case, it was satisfying enough for the moment regardless, because of the character development it helped to spur), and an interesting end SPOILER: Highlight text to read: with Amira all made for a great episode, as usual. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (BTW, speaking of Amira: As much as they've been playing it up for several episodes now, I'm still not necessarily convinced yet that that guy is her dad; he never actually said/confirmed that, for one-- just let her {and the viewers} infer it-- and for another, it's pretty obvious that Amira's parents have to be 1 angel + 1 demon if she's half-and-half {as they said}, and it doesn't really seem like he's either? Unless... eh, y'know what, forget it; we'll find out eventually, so I'll just go ahead and enjoy the reveal when it happens. :) ) Can't wait for the next ep.!

Psycho-Pass 2 episode 8:
KazeShiki wrote:While I hold a similar opinion on how Pyscho Pass has been progressing, you did jump the gun on what the reveal actually means, and episode 8 will explain more explicitly, and it's possible to figure it out logically, despite there being so much other bad writing obscuring it. I still think the real reason is dumb, though, just that it's less dumb than your complaint :lol: Also, my view is that the writers are using the technique of making lots of people really stupid to make Akane look smart in comparison when she's really not. I feel a lot of her revelations skip over logical trains of thought and jump to the answer for the same reason.

^ Heh, you were right. It was *less* stupid (although that's really not saying much, LOL). :P So, apparently the clear-hue thing was actually due to what I had originally been expecting/fine with-- drugs/brainwashing/etc.-- and the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: organ-transplanting thing was completely separate SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (making Sybil recognize Kamui's followers as other people). But indeed, that latter point was still quite stupid anyway-- what, so the Psycho-Pass/hue scan uses the brain (as it should), but the scan to identify what *person* it actually is somehow SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ignores the brain entirely and just uses other organs instead? :eyebrow: Not only does that make no logical sense whatsoever, I'm also pretty sure that directly condradicts SPOILER: Highlight text to read: that story with the cyborg guy in S1 (he evaded the hue scans, but was still recognized as the person that he was, despite the only original organ{s} left inside him being his nervous system/brain). ...I can't even. :forehead: And IDK, the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: 'jumble of corpses' thing with Kamui wasn't entirely convincing, either; but at least with that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the brains being from different people, etc. is at least a semi-plausible explanation, so whatever. The eye-/'bio'-contacts-allowing-others-to-use-the-Dominators thing still doesn't make sense, though. And yeah, they really dumbed down a majority of the characters (pretty much everyone except Akane and the professor-- even Ginoza, who was a fairly great character in S1, is just really bland here). And Mika is so incredibly idiotic/incompetent that it's just plain unbearable. :bang: Unfortunately, even SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Tougane finally doing what I had hoped to her (or at least making a start of it-- first by trying to make her go insane or something, I guess?) at the end wasn't satisfying. :shady: (Plus, of course, more weird/random/awkwardly placed conversations, etc. etc. etc.) Yeah, this is a mess.

...Y'know, apparently whoever's writing the episode reviews for this show over at ANN and I are both on the same wavelength, because after watching this ep. I went and read their review of it, and it pretty much sums up my sentiments exactly. Oh, and on another note, I had of course noticed right from the start that the directing (and animation/art, etc.) of S2 wasn't as good as S1's, either, but hadn't said anything about it until now for the same reasons that I managed to tolerate S2's bad writing for a little while; but then I just found this detailed video (Note: NSFW language warning) comparing the directing/shot composition of a few parts of both seasons' first episodes against each other, and wow-- the comparison is just pathetic. In fact, by the time it gets to one particularly terribly-composed shot in S2 near the end of the video (it's the one that has a comment about 'red ground' in it), it was so hilariously awful that I almost couldn't believe it (seriously, the critiquer's rapid-fire rant about that one was both priceless and downright eye-opening as to just how astonishingly bad that scene really was). Anyway, after last week's ep. I was seriously considering dropping this despite there only being a few episodes left; now, however, I actually kinda want to finish it just to see how much worse it can get...

And Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 episode 8:

Wow, that was powerful. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: From the chain of awful/abusive 'parenting,' to the boy still caring for them even if they don't care for him, to that emotional scene in the meadow, to her still not being able to handle it in the end and then sending him to live with other relatives (which honestly should've happened years earlier, poor kid)... so many mixed emotions.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby EventualDay » Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:02 pm

Amagi Brilliant Park: Episode 10
I'm still watching this! Yay? Well anyway, it was nice to see them take the problem seriously for once. I'm slightly miffed that it took the show ten episodes to get down to business--many of the previous episodes seem like filler--and I might be assuming this seriousness is something that's going to continue. But I actually felt emotionally involved this time. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: And the discovery about Latifa losing her memories every year and staying the same age was super interesting. I'm wondering if they'll do something with that.

Gugure! Kokkuri-san: Episode 10
Oh Inugami-san, I was wondering what you were up to. XD This was a little slow-paced, but it was engaging and Kureha was funny. And Kohina: "Please refrain from discussing the supernatural when we're in town." Though the tengu (and his apparent romantic preference) was a bit disturbing.

Orenchi no Furo Jijou: Episode 10
A strange and difficult character was added. I knew that these crabs at slime because of Finding Nemo, haha.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:39 pm

Shirobako episode 9: That CG company is really stupid. I get that they SPOILER: Highlight text to read: need to do one thing extremely well to float the payroll, but they shouldn't have each person doing only one thing for ages and ages. That's how you have a project go belly up because the guy who does steering columns got the flu. They should be rotating the people so that they a) don't get burned out and b) learn enough to be able to do any part of the car well. It would also foster cohesiveness in the group, as people who'd done a lot of one thing could show newbies the finer points. I think the ending is much improved, though it's still likely to be crazy... and Aoi's in a pinch! Maybe she can get Toudou to help her. :)
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:12 pm

Gugure! Kokkuri-san episode 10:

Oh my gosh-- the stuff with the tengu was so bad, yet so LOL... :shake: :forehead: :grin: That said, the whole thing with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the girl and the tree was actually surprisingly sweet, though. :)

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace episode 10:

First things first: ROTFL at the sneaky Kill la Kill reference SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (Mako in the pool!). :lol: Also, LOL at SPOILER: Highlight text to read: just about everyone apparently asking/wanting to ask Andou out to the same pool place, hahaha. :grin: The part with Chifuyu and Kuki was cute, and the part with Sayumi was just plain silly fun thanks to Sagami's manipulations (turns out he was indeed not only toying with them for his own amusement, but also for the fairy war, as I suspected :grin: ). Speaking of which, that massive punch to the face was so satisfying, LOL... :thumb: :grin:

Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episode 8:

ROTFL, Favaro as a SPOILER: Highlight text to read: knight! :lol: Oh man, I knew it... :lol: Ahhh, and now we got a little character background for Amira, too! :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: And as Favaro said, her being so young certainly explains why she acts like she does. And my suspicions were also correct about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: her 'dad' not really being her dad; oh, and not only that, but Azazel did indeed teleport as well, LOL! (I don't mind, though. :) ) Also: Ah, so one of the demons is trying to make it go the historical route with Jeanne and the king, then... :pikka: And then that after-credits scene... :pikka: Looking forward to the next ep., as always! :thumb:

Psycho-Pass 2 episode 9:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh man, it actually did it-- it got worse! :hits_self This is in full-on trainwreck-mode now. And that ANN reviewer and I (plus about 5 pages' worth of commenters {...well, minus one misguided 'fan' and one obvious troll...}) are still so much on the same wavelength that I'm not even going to bother writing up a huge rant on everything that was wrong with this episode and instead just let her and them do it for me (...quite admirably, I might add, especially when it's all combined).

To be frank, I've wasted far more than enough time on this... thing... as it is, and I don't even really feel like bothering to waste one *more* hour to finish it off; however, it is only two more episodes, and now I'm almost perversely curious to see if it can still somehow become even *more* of a disaster than it already has done over these past few episodes. (...That said, I can't wait to get this over with and forget it, and then I hope to goodness that the eventual movie can erase any remaining mental traces of this so-called 'sequel' once and for all... :shady: )

And Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 episode 9:

Oh man, this story... *shiver* SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The dark-toned ones are really something. (And I mean that in a good way, of course. :) )
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:21 pm

...Like a Good Shepherd ep. 9... Wat. Why is Kodachi SPOILER: Highlight text to read: chasing Kakei if he's her brother? Also, magical photo editing, and what is up with the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Student Council VP, aside of that?
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:10 pm

Gugure! Kokkuri-san episodes 11-12 (end):

Ep. 11: The age-regression bit was pretty LOL. :lol: And ep. 12: The majority of the finale was surprisingly sweet. Now, obviously there is more backstory there when it comes to Kokkuri-san/etc., but while the anime gave me some good laughs, I'm not sure I'm interested enough to dive into the manga. Still, I don't regret watching, and that's all I really ask for. :)

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace episodes 11-12 (end):

First, ep. 11: Haha, "Cupid Error," indeed-- I was facepalming all through that first bit. :forehead: :grin: Hatoko aside, though, it was cute seeing that flashback to the meeting between Andou and Tomoyo, and the festival was adorable, too. That said, it wasn't even as good as the previous week's ep., which was amusing but pretty much just fluff; and despite the plot finally appearing again at the end, I was surprised to learn that the next episode would be the finale. However, then I actually watched the finale-- and it was quite good! :) For one thing, some of it was darker than I expected :pikka: -- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: such as the reason why they told Andou never to use his power again, due to the only way they found to stop it... :wow!: And the different conversations at the end provided some nice closure-for-now on nearly everything except the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: fairy war (which I wasn't expecting closure on yet anyway, since it's obviously a long-running plotline). So, yes, I enjoyed this series, and now look forward to reading the novels to continue the story! :)

Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episodes 9-10:

Ep. 9: First things first... whoa, what was up with that dragon's 'animation'? Did they finally run out of budget or something? :pikka: Anyway, strangely-bad/insanely-low-framerate CG aside :sweat: , the dialogue itself was interesting, and seemed to confirm my (amused) suspicions that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Favaro is indeed the prophesied knight, LOL. :grin: Also ROTFL at the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Looney Tunes moment in the beginning. :lol: And SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the temptation of Jeanne and the reveal of the decision Favaro will supposedly have to make at the end were quite something. And then ep. 10: Wow, this episode was intense. Not only was there all that stuff with Amira, I was not expecting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Jeanne to actually give in and become a demon :pikka: , nor was I at all expecting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Favaro to literally be force-fed into becoming one, either! :wow!: That cliffhanger... :pikka:

Psycho-Pass 2 episodes 10-11 (end {thank goodness!}):

I couldn't wait to get this over with, and unfortunately it was indeed as bad as was (now) expected. (Insert rants here, LOL.) The only thing I have to add to them is that this was a complete and utter waste, and I now want to rewatch (the IMO excellent) S1 to help the memories of this travesty of a 'sequel' go away for good.

And Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 episode 10 (end {for now :thumb: }):

Once more, they chose the perfect story to end on <3 , and that's really all I need to say. :) However, luckily for us, there's actually still the just-announced movie to go yet (which I am very much looking forward to, as well! :jump: ).
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:25 pm

And last but certainly not least... Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episodes 11-12 (end):

Wow... what a finale! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First, ep. 11: That twist with Martinet/Lavalley was quite good; I had never really thought that Lavalley was a demon, so of course I thought that he couldn't have been Martinet-- but it turned out that it was actually my assumptions about *Martinet* that were wrong, as Martinet actually *wasn't* a real demon, he was just Lavalley making himself that way by magic potions (as he did to Favaro and Jeanne). (And, of course, a bunch of previous stuff makes perfect sense now.) On another note, the duck-in-balloon-form and Rita's comments about it, etc. were so LOL-- and Bacchus riding him while fighting was utterly, hilariously ridiculous and yet actually pretty awesome all at the same time. :grin: (Also: So Azazel is a tsundere? {LOL! :grin: }) And wow, for two characters who didn't have much development, the bit with Michael and Jeanne was surprisingly emotional. Now, all that said, Kaisar's fight with Favaro in this ep. was surprisingly quick and anticlimactic compared to the scope of everything else going on (...and, as it turns out, that was purposefully done; but more on that in a moment :) )... and the only thought I had was that Kaisar must've put that antidote on the tip of the arrow, because otherwise that scene wouldn't make sense. (And, again, next episode proved I was spot on, LOL. :thumb: ) His realization about Favaro's movements was neat, though. :)

And then ep. 12: As expected from the awakening of Bahamut at the close of the previous ep., this ep. descended straight into epic destruction right from the get-go. And (again, purposefully) making up for the previous ep., Kaisar and Favaro's fight in *this* ep. was totally awesome, especially because the two of them made it look very, very, *very* real (far more so than ever before-- even going so far as the hand, which I have to admit I was not expecting :pikka: ) while actually just trying to fool Lavalley. :thumb: On a somewhat random note, I was wondering when Lucifer was going to be relevant to the story; I guess rather subtly having a hand in getting both sides to work together and halt Bahamut long enough for Favaro and Kaisar to get to it was decent enough. :) And speaking of that: As had been obvious for a while now, Favaro did indeed turn out to be the 'prophesied knight,' LOL; but it actually was truly heroic (instead of humorous) when it happened. (Although *after* that it was really adorable and sweet and amusing for a bit <3 :grin: ... but then it got bittersweet. Despite all of the dialogue that pointedly said otherwise, I wasn't actually expecting that they really wouldn't be able to separate Amira from Bahamut. It was implied that Favaro still has the tail at the very end, though, so that along with what he said pretty much confirms that Bahamut-- and, by extension, Amira-- wasn't actually destroyed/killed, just moved to another dimension. :) ) Oh, and some details came full-circle in a great way, too-- like the bounty-capturing, some of the banter, and even (after the credits) the very first scene of the series. As for that end card with the text "I'll be back," I'm not sure if that's just meant to be a reference to the source material or if they really are planning more anime (which would be awesome and I would totally watch it). Regardless,
I think they did a *great* job with this (*especially* given that they were only given 1 cour to work with), and I quite enjoyed it. :thumb:
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:41 pm

With the end of the season and the approach of the new season, here are my standings...

2 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
3 Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
4 I can't understand what my husband is saying
Still can't find:
? Amagi Brilliant Park
6 Merman in the Tub
9000 Denki-Gai no Honya-san

What are your rankings for the season, now that the cour is pretty much over?
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby ForeverInspired » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:09 am

Well, this has been an okay season:
1. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works: Because it's great; I've grown from disliking Emiya to liking him just because of this adaptation - way to go Ufotable!
2. Akatsuki no Yona: This was one of the shows I was most hesitant about, but it grew on me very quickly.
3. Tsukimonogatari: You either love or hate this show - there really is no medium.
4. Kiseijuu: Though it is slightly (okay, really) odd, the main character is so well portrayed that I can overlook it...plus, it's nice to have something different now and then.
5. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: I love playing the piano and have done so ever since I was little so I may be slightly biased; but, from what I hear, this show is generally liked anyway. I just know that chaos and emotions are going to hit a high soon though, and I'm trying to prepare myself to see this sweet series take a much more serious tone than it currently has.
6. Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji: I shouldn't like this show, but I do. Maybe, I am a sadist (not in the sexual sense). Blue Spring Ride left me, and this filled the hole pretty well.
7. Akame ga Kill!: Okay, this show should look surprisingly high on my list. It just hit that peak in it's second cour this fall, and it's hard to believe that a show that literally SPOILER: Highlight text to read: kills off almost every character can be so interesting. The show really did a good job displaying the characters' personalities, feelings, and emotions. It's one of those unexpected and underestimated series of the season.
8. Donten ni Warau: I've wondered what to say about this show, but I think this does it justice: it relies on a lot of epic highs and playing with the viewer; I'm not joking - this show is just so dramatic while still remaining reasonable. However, the best part of this show is the relationship between the brothers. It sort of reminds me of a darker Eccentric Family.
9. Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle: This always seems to be the show in the medium. It's not surprisingly good or bad - pretty average. Although the ending was surprisingly good - I have to admit that.
10. Log Horizon 2: This season's cour better not be how the winter cour is going to go. Besides the one scene on that moon-lit beach, what little we saw of Crusty, and the memory flashbacks, it isn't too interesting. I'm slightly disappointed right now because this show can be so much more.
11. Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis: I was just going to let this one sit in my hold list, but decided to give it a second and third shot. It turned out to be a show that took a long time warming up to.
12. Sword Art Online II: This fall cour leaves me with mixed feelings. Those sword episodes were terrible - period. However, the whole story about Yuuki is pretty nice though I think it's not fair for the series to try and become better by pulling a tearjerker story.
13. Garo: I don't know what to think of this show right now. Sometimes, it's really interesting, but lately it's becoming more and more dull. With the way this cour wrapped up, this show is in for either a glorious or a detestable winter cour. It probably is going to come down to how they deal with Leon.
14. Psycho-Pass 2: As everyone else has said, can't wait for the movie to replace this ridiculous season.
15. Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen: After starting the second cour strong, it just really went downhill in a way I never dreamed would be possible. I think the directors started getting tired of the series like I was early in the first cour.

Wish I continued watching Shirobako since people seem to be enjoying it. Maybe I'll try and catch up some before the winter season and college really get underway.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MomentOfInertia » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:03 pm

So, the only shows I've actually finished are

I can't understand what my husband is saying
Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Both of them were pretty good.

I fell behind on Log Horizon. It was a good show but not as impressive as the first season was. Hopefully I'll get to catch up during the second half.

When I get a chance to I still plan on picking up Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis and maybe Amagi Brilliant Park.

Oh yeah, I did start Chaika. I'll try to get back to that eventually. It wasn't a bad show, it just didn't hook me in this season.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby GeneD » Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:57 am

Kinda fell out of commenting here, so I'll just leave some season rankings.

1. Mushishi
2. Rage of Bahamut
3. Yona of the Dawn (still ongoing)
4. Gugure! Kokkuri-san
4. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
4. Yowamushi Pedal (still ongoing)
4. Your Lie in April (still ongoing)

I like the Yona, Lie in April, Kokkuri-san and Bahamut OPs, but can't really pick a favourite. Yowamushi Pedal and Kokkuri-san tie for favourite ED.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:23 pm

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep 13: So many death flags for SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kaori (not really a spoiler; they've been dropping these flags since Ep. 1 or 2... so, at this point, I'm beginning to suspect that it will be SPOILER: Highlight text to read: someone else who dies, but I guess they could really be SPOILER: Highlight text to read: telegraphing the death THAT MUCH to increase teh feelz, but that could feel really cheap, now.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby Fantasia » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:02 pm

I've fallen woefully behind on the anime I've been following. I definitely want to catch up with Shirobako and Your Lie in April, but I might just drop Log Horizon 2. The last episode I saw was episode 10, and the second season in general has been kind of uninteresting to me.

Is anyone here watching it, and has it gotten any better lately?
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:51 pm

Fantasia wrote:I definitely want to catch up with Shirobako and Your Lie in April

These two have both been very interesting, lately. I hope you can catch up. :)
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby WorldsTraveler » Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:39 pm

Now that I’m over halfway through the series I’m watching, I feel ready to comment:

Akatsuki no Yona – For close to two years now, I’ve been longing to watch a good fantasy series with DRAGONS. So as you might imagine, Yona is my hero(ine)! This series really is a stand-out though. The animation is great, the choreography on the fights is well done, and the music is beautiful. Add to that charming characters, an intriguing plot, and a great sense of humor, and I’m won over. This has been my best surprise of the season.

Your Lie in April – I started watching this one just a couple of weeks ago and I’m so glad I did. It’s beautiful – the art, the music, the story, everything. And I have a high respect for the creative process and emotional presence this anime gives music. Art is not easy, and sometimes the best pieces of it are the ones you have fought for years to achieve. Your Lie in April does a beautiful job of showing both the struggle and the victory.

Log Horizon 2 – I learned from the first season that this series is 50% typical RPG anime, 30% filler, and 20% brilliance. I watch for the 20% brilliance, which I felt was well worth it in the first season. This season… not so much. There have been some noteworthy scenes as others have mentioned: the beach and memory scenes, the speech, and the mystery surrounding the flavor text. But for the most part this season just seems to be rambling. (And note to Fantasia: I’m on episode 16 and it has not improved.)

I do plan to watch a few more shows from this season (and I’m finishing Supernatural Battles tonight), so I might post again. Thanks for everyone else’s opinions on this season – it’s helped me find some great series.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:51 pm

What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby WorldsTraveler » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:44 pm

skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.

You shouldn't have a problem then. Fantasy violence and bloodshed aside, the anime is quite clean! The romance is more cute than service (it is a Shoujo manga after all) and I haven't seen more than PG language in either of the subs I've watched. I'd say you're good to go!
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby MomentOfInertia » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:09 pm

WorldsTraveler wrote:
skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.

You shouldn't have a problem then. Fantasy violence and bloodshed aside, the anime is quite clean! The romance is more cute than service (it is a Shoujo manga after all) and I haven't seen more than PG language in either of the subs I've watched. I'd say you're good to go!

And dragons!

I'm going to have to move this one up the list...
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:41 pm

WorldsTraveler wrote:
skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.

You shouldn't have a problem then. Fantasy violence and bloodshed aside, the anime is quite clean! The romance is more cute than service (it is a Shoujo manga after all) and I haven't seen more than PG language in either of the subs I've watched. I'd say you're good to go!

Yay! Thank you. I'll add it to my list.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby ClosetOtaku » Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:32 am

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 16 - Just finished this episode. It's been kind of meandering along since mid-season, but in the last few seconds of this episode, something happened that I completely did not expect. If they continue to explore along these lines, it could be quite (dare I say it?) refreshing, in an intriguing sort of way. Am now anticipating 17...
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:17 pm

So, in the last three days, I've watched 8 episodes of Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona. So, that tells you something about how good it is. :)
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby Nocturnalux » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:57 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:And last but certainly not least... Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episodes 11-12 (end):

Wow... what a finale! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First, ep. 11: That twist with Martinet/Lavalley was quite good; I had never really thought that Lavalley was a demon, so of course I thought that he couldn't have been Martinet-- but it turned out that it was actually my assumptions about *Martinet* that were wrong, as Martinet actually *wasn't* a real demon, he was just Lavalley making himself that way by magic potions (as he did to Favaro and Jeanne). (And, of course, a bunch of previous stuff makes perfect sense now.) On another note, the duck-in-balloon-form and Rita's comments about it, etc. were so LOL-- and Bacchus riding him while fighting was utterly, hilariously ridiculous and yet actually pretty awesome all at the same time. :grin: (Also: So Azazel is a tsundere? {LOL! :grin: }) And wow, for two characters who didn't have much development, the bit with Michael and Jeanne was surprisingly emotional. Now, all that said, Kaisar's fight with Favaro in this ep. was surprisingly quick and anticlimactic compared to the scope of everything else going on (...and, as it turns out, that was purposefully done; but more on that in a moment :) )... and the only thought I had was that Kaisar must've put that antidote on the tip of the arrow, because otherwise that scene wouldn't make sense. (And, again, next episode proved I was spot on, LOL. :thumb: ) His realization about Favaro's movements was neat, though. :)

And then ep. 12: As expected from the awakening of Bahamut at the close of the previous ep., this ep. descended straight into epic destruction right from the get-go. And (again, purposefully) making up for the previous ep., Kaisar and Favaro's fight in *this* ep. was totally awesome, especially because the two of them made it look very, very, *very* real (far more so than ever before-- even going so far as the hand, which I have to admit I was not expecting :pikka: ) while actually just trying to fool Lavalley. :thumb: On a somewhat random note, I was wondering when Lucifer was going to be relevant to the story; I guess rather subtly having a hand in getting both sides to work together and halt Bahamut long enough for Favaro and Kaisar to get to it was decent enough. :) And speaking of that: As had been obvious for a while now, Favaro did indeed turn out to be the 'prophesied knight,' LOL; but it actually was truly heroic (instead of humorous) when it happened. (Although *after* that it was really adorable and sweet and amusing for a bit <3 :grin: ... but then it got bittersweet. Despite all of the dialogue that pointedly said otherwise, I wasn't actually expecting that they really wouldn't be able to separate Amira from Bahamut. It was implied that Favaro still has the tail at the very end, though, so that along with what he said pretty much confirms that Bahamut-- and, by extension, Amira-- wasn't actually destroyed/killed, just moved to another dimension. :) ) Oh, and some details came full-circle in a great way, too-- like the bounty-capturing, some of the banter, and even (after the credits) the very first scene of the series. As for that end card with the text "I'll be back," I'm not sure if that's just meant to be a reference to the source material or if they really are planning more anime (which would be awesome and I would totally watch it). Regardless,
I think they did a *great* job with this (*especially* given that they were only given 1 cour to work with), and I quite enjoyed it. :thumb:

I agree, it's surprising how great a job they did especially considering the source material. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I too was not expecting Amira to die but I like it that way much better than her going to another dimension. I know that saving everyone and their pets is a staple of virtually all action anime so I really appreciate it with the heroes are forced to make really painful choices for the greater good instead of getting super-powered at the last moment and pulling off borderline miracles just because they are really into saving folk.
One thing that really bugged me was what on Earth Beezebub was doing. We know that Bahamut cannot be controlled and that whenever it awakens it wipes the world but somehow he was under the impression that by using Amira as a key he would be able to tame it. Not too smart. And why Satan was apparently cool with it is even stranger.
I did not find the Martinet thing too surprising because the moment I knew that there was a Jeanne d'Arc character is almost sure that someone was bound to be Gilles de Rais.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby ForeverInspired » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:04 pm

skreyola wrote:So, in the last three days, I've watched 8 episodes of Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona. So, that tells you something about how good it is. :)

Yes! It's going to get even better - trust me. This is one everyone and anyone should watch. :)
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby ClaecElric4God » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:43 am

I've been warned by my currently out-of-state sister that if I watch Akatsuki no Yona without her I will die a horrible, miserable death, or something. So I'm sitting here impatiently watching everyone else talk about how good it is until I'm allowed to watch it. But since it's ongoing I don't mind having to wait. Just means I have less of the anxious week long waits ahead.
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Re: [Fall 2014] Season of Hype

Postby skreyola » Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:19 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:I've been warned by my currently out-of-state sister that if I watch Akatsuki no Yona without her I will die a horrible, miserable death, or something. So I'm sitting here impatiently watching everyone else talk about how good it is until I'm allowed to watch it. But since it's ongoing I don't mind having to wait. Just means I have less of the anxious week long waits ahead.

You should tell her that if she doesn't come watch it with you soon, you'll go without her and die happy.
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