*sigh* It's a little discouraging...

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*sigh* It's a little discouraging...

Postby CobaltAngel » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:43 am

Today was the first practice of cross country and I can tell me and my coach really hit it off. :bang:

We decided at the beginning of practice we would run five miles. Well, decided as in, the coach told us how far we would run. Before we started running he told me, like, five times that i didn't have to run the whole way since I was a n00b. I guess since none of the freshman showed he decied to bug the sophie.

When we finally concluded that 7 people was all there was gonna be, we started off a slow jog. I was fine running this pace, but decided to stay at the back anyway. Our coach road behind us on a bike.

After a while we reached the park where we stopped, drank some water and stretched. By this time i was really beginning to wish I had eatten breakfast. The other girls (none of who I really knew that well, except for one girl that had been my best friend in elementary school but kinda forgot me when she became popular in 5th grade) talked like old friends, and i felt really out of place. But I was pretty used to that feeling so I didn't let it bother me. I kept my mind busy thinking about things I read on CAA. XD

So, anyway, stretching didn't take that long so we started running pretty soon again after that. It was a little hard to get started again, but have drunken water I felt much better. But after about a half mile my stomache was once again informing me that breakfast might have been a clever idea.

To save my energy, I dropped a little behind the group, but I the other girls kept at their same pace, so I wasn't slowing them down or anything. After a few minutes, however, my coach called out from behind me, "You're dropping behind."

I nodded and said "Yeah".

His responce was, "Go back to the park and stretch. Then you can run home."

So I was like, "Okay, Coach." but I was thinking, "I'm fine! ...and I can't go to the park ALONE! Only perverts and old ladied hang out in the park at 8:30 in the morning!"

Opon arrival at the park, I discovered my theory was correct. The only 3 other people there were a couple of old ladies and a shady looking middle aged guy. So, my stretching, drinking, and shoe re-tying was pretty quick.

I honestly planned to go straight home like he had said. But, when going by the shelter on one side of the trail, I saw four of the other girls stretching and talking. I didn't think it made sense to run home on the road ALONE when I could run back to the school with the girls. Plus, this way, I'd find out what time the next practice was.

I wondered were the other two girls were, but was too shy to ask. Instead I just sat down on one of the benches and listend to the other girls talk.

A few minutes later, my cross country coach showed up on the bike. He said the other girls were either walking or going slow, so he had decied to come ahead and wait for them. I was thinking, "Hey, why didn't he have them go back to the park too?"

The next thing he said was, "Has anyone seen Kati?"

I alerted him of my presence and he asked me if I wanted to run back home. I told him I'd run with the girls and he just sighed.

At long last when the two other girls showed up, we headed back to the high school. Once we got there, out coach asked all the other girls politely f they wanted to use the phone. I waited for him to ask me, because I kind of needed to tell my Mom so she would know I was walking over to my Dad's office, since it was closer to the school.

But he didn't ask me, all he said was, "Well, I'd better go!"

I quickly ask if I could use the phone before he left and he sighed a really, really annoyed sounding sigh and said, "I GUESS."

As he was taking me inside to use the phone, one of the other girls asked if she could come in and get water. He nobbed and said yes.

I was fine and dandy when he handed me the phone, until he started to make it clear that he wasn't in the mood for waiting. Now, I'm not saying I'm a spaz, but I do sorta, uhm, break under that sound of pressure. As a result of this, I kept messing up the number. finally he snatched the phone out of my hands and told me to tell him the number so he could dial it for me.

I felt really awkward and sputtered as I talked on the phone. As I was leaving, my coach asked me a bunch of questions like, "Is someone coming? why did you need to call?"

I just left. I was OUT. The other girl still inside asked me if I needed a ride, and I wondered if that was why she had waited inside even after I called. I felt kinda bad if that was the case.

I walked over to my dad's office feeling like a burden on the team.


Sorry if it sounded like whining, I needed to get that out...
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Postby c-girl » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:56 am

Gosh.. what a day for you...
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Postby CobaltAngel » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:58 am

Actaully that was only an hour and half of my day. XD
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:11 am

I think, you're very brave and you have a lot of patience and energy. o_o;; I think I would have started to panic and yell.
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Postby Ashley » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:34 am

The fact you even considered running as a hobby puts you higher in my book. That's like me trying out for the math team. O.o
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Postby GzusRcks » Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:37 am

aww Coby, it sounds like the beginning of your day was horrible. :-/ I love you girl and agree with Ashley, the fact that you run as a hobby is awesome! I'd never in a million years be able to take on something like that! Keep pressing on and don't let the coach get to you, coaches are always into breaking down their kids as a way of authority...<.<;;; My friend was on the softball team and her coach was constantly getting on her about everything to the point where she almost quit, but she kept at it and the coach gave her MVP at the end of the season. So don't give up! God's got it all in His hand and I love and am praying for you homie! ;-) ^-^
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Postby Danyasaur » Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:46 am

aw, that's awefull ._. but keep on going g, like Hann and Ashley said, I admire that you run for a hobbie, dude trying to get me to do that is like. . . . . trying to get my brother to set all his video games on fire O.o;; anyways, I hope the rest of your day is good, luv ya! ^_^
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Postby kaji » Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:57 am

Hey Coby,

Thanks for the story. That is just another reason why I want to be a teacher (a lot of teachers usualy end up coaching 'somthing'). There are just to many jerks working with young people today.

I also remember those early morning track practices. I was hungry, but I didnt want to eat because then my stomach wouldnt feel good. But then my stomach wasnt happy because I didnt eat... I just couldnt win. Days of a meet were the worst. You think you would need lots of energy for the day, but I couldnt eat a thing.

Anyway, being new on a team is tough too. But I always think of one guy I went to school with. My softmore year he joined our wrestling team (well, its called a squad, but I think that sounds dumb) and he had never wrestled before. And he really wasnt that good at it (this is not to say that you are not good at running, so please to think that. :sweat: ). Infact, Im not sure if he won a match all year. But he kept comming back, and he was always positive. I think that is why every one liked him. Though he wasnt the best, he worked the hardest, and easily had the best attitude.

My point is that you should keep at it. You may not have even been considering stopping, but I would like to encourage you anyway.
If you are shy, go out on a limb and talk to your team mates. Even if it starts with lame questions like "wheres coach?" or "When do we get to ride the bike?" Just let go and really enjoy every part of sports like X-country, inclueding your team mates.
You may never get another chance in your life to do things like this.
Maybe some how you will get to know them, and share with them your love for Christ, or maybe you will just be able to plant the seed for some one else.

And dont worry about your coach. Just ignore him and things should be cool. I will pray for the fun to start! ^_^

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I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:12 pm

Aww, poor Coby... :( *hugs you*

CobaltAngel wrote: The other girls (none of who I really knew that well, except for one girl that had been my best friend in elementary school but kinda forgot me when she became popular in 5th grade) talked like old friends, and i felt really out of place. But I was pretty used to that feeling so I didn't let it bother me.

I think I know who that is.

I'm so sorry you had a bad practice, and your coach is a HUGE jerk!!! :shady: But stick with it. You can always rant to me if he bugs you again, and I'll make a point of coming to your meets during the year! :thumb:
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:35 pm

Wow, Coby. Cross-country is a sport that really, really takes a lot of heart. I found it much more challenging than the other team sports I played. When you're running, it's just you against yourself for the endurance part. Your body will be screaming for you to stop, and you feel like you're trying to breathe through a drinking straw, and your gut feels like someone just side-kicked you, but you still make your feet keep moving. It takes a lot of self-discipline, and the really cool part is that the enduranc you build up from running now is going to last you a really, really long time. My last year in cross-country was my sophmore year, (I wanted to devote myself to soccer :)) but all through highschool, I was able to run any entire game length and I didn't need to be substituded.

But what you learn in cross-country also applies to other things. Even though it's really hard to run the entire time, you force everything else out of your mind except the goal. You push through the pain, fatigue, and pressure and strive to reach the finish line no matter what. So nevermind that your coach is acting testy, or that you don't have any close friends on the team, or that you can't physically run an entire five miles without stopping yet. Those are things you're going to have to push through.

Remember, being an endurance runner isn't all about the physical ability to run a long time. It really is a matter of mind, guts, and heart.

Oh, and kaji's right - sometimes eating or not eating can feel like taking the lesser of two evils. In any case, eating right is very important, as you've learned the hard way. If you'd like, I can give you some tips, like how to keep away the painful stitch that will appear under one of your ribs, how to keep the same pace, etc. But I'll only blab about it if you're interested (and I'm sure other runners have tips too) because I don't want to just end up repeating what your coach already told you.

Anyway, Coby, in short: suck it up and keep at it! ;)
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Postby Bunny » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:57 pm

Cob-ster... you're just my hero! It takes so much to get through what you do and I am sooo proud of you for having the fortitude to stick through things. I know if that had been me, I probably would have gone off and done something stupid like... <.< tell the coach off or something >.>...*cough* but that's what makes you so amazing to me. I know you're going to come out of this and be all the better for it because that's just the type of person you are. Don't let jerks get you down and don't ever accept what they tell you because you're one of the best people I know. If they can't see that forget them. I'll be here to help you through in whatever way I can if you need me. I know you have what it takes to prove everyone wrong. :thumb:
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Postby panegryst » Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:21 pm

i would suggest that you prove to the coach that you are worthy of respect by pushing yourself. If the coach says 'you can go home before the other girls' just say 'no thanks, if I go home I won't get any better' and keep going. If you do your best then the coach will notice and respect your hard work. He's a man, right? Well, men respect those whose push themselves and who work hard. So get a good breakfast :) and try your best next time! good luck!
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Postby Iona » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:53 pm

Hey, cheer up, it's ok. My first day of track stunk too. I didn't like my coach or the team and practice every day for at least three hours is not my thing, so I quit the next day. I like running and I'm decent at it, but I just didn't have the time.
I encourage you to stick at it though. Everyone has a a rough time during one part or another of the school year and people will respect those who push themselves to the limit and always persevere.

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Postby Spiritsword » Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:46 am

Coby, you know I'm pulling for you and here for you as a friend and fellow runner. Stick with it, give it your all, glorify the Lord through the race you run. Long distance is like running the race for the Lord in a lot of ways--it's not short, not always easy, and you have to run it through to the end. As a Christian I know you'll do it, in both instances.

As for eating, I could never eat breakfast on race days, and I couldn't eat much before practice. Try eating a little and drinking a lot of water. But different people will need different nutrition before running. Just try different things and see what works best for you. Others might have tips too.

And Gypsy, good description of distance running. You forgot the notorious cottonmouth, but otherwise you pretty much nailed it. ;)
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Postby JediSonic » Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:34 am

Wow, sounds like you had a rough day, coby :stressed:

Anyway, I guess my advice would be to eat breakfast, and then not go home early if you can help it :)

Not that I can preach, since I havent signed up for a track team myself (yeah right, like I could win a foot race :eyeroll: :lol: )
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Postby Otaku10 » Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:06 am

Hey sis, sound like you had a bad day but cheer up. I ran in x-country in highschool and man was I bad at it for the first day. My time for practice was 36 mintues!!! After 3 weeks of practice there was a meet and my time was 31 mintues!!! :shady: Not a huge difference. I also did track and wrestling and I was not good at any of the sport but I kept at it and had a postive attitude. I had made some really cool friends from each sport. My advice is that don't give up and always have a postive attitude. My teammate didn't remember because I was good but they remember me because of my postive attitude. I also notice theres a lot of fellow runners in CCA. :thumb: My advice on breakfast sis is to eat breakfast. For me I had to eat breakfast because my coach advice us to eat breakfast and one time I didn't eat breakfast during practice I didn't feel good. Also another advice is DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. I have seen a lot of runner pass out from dehydration and also it lower your chance of getting cottonmouth.
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