Genders. Is it wrong to want things old-fashioned?

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Genders. Is it wrong to want things old-fashioned?

Postby MsShinobu » Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:15 pm

In today's society, genders are a blur. As I get older, I become more and more adamant on being and old-fashioned woman.

Don't get me wrong, I believe women should have their rights. I just think that men should be men and women should be women. I'm just so sad to see women wearing such revealing clothing and giving up their virginity.

I just think things would be better if people went back to the way God meant it to be. The Husband is meant to the be the ruler of the home.

I think it is one of the major reasons that there are so many divorces and what-not.

Then again, that is just my opinon.
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Postby Lynx » Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:20 pm

if i say i agree w/ you... can i still wear my uber-cool men's cargo pants? ;)
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Postby Golden_Griff » Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:46 pm

MsShinobu wrote:In today's society, genders are a blur. As I get older, I become more and more adamant on being and old-fashioned woman.

Don't get me wrong, I believe women should have their rights. I just think that men should be men and women should be women. I'm just so sad to see women wearing such revealing clothing and giving up their virginity.

I just think things would be better if people went back to the way God meant it to be. The Husband is meant to the be the ruler of the home.

I think it is one of the major reasons that there are so many divorces and what-not.

Then again, that is just my opinon.

I agree that husbands are meant to be the head of the household. But I don't think it would make things better necessarily. Unfortunately we have men who don't carry out their role as husband and father properly. And sometimes it can have a negative affect on everybody when a man doesn't carry out his responsibilities as a husband/father.

But men can't take all the blame]health[/b] at risk. :shake:

Because the parents are so messed up (and yes there are people who have children but are not exactly "parents") the kids get messed up too. How will children know to carry themselves if the parents are cutting the fool? I've seen grown people that are more immature than my 6 year old cousin. Kids cuss out their parents because mom gets cussed out by dad. Children do what they see.

I especially do not like it when a young woman have 8 kids, on welfare, don't have a job (and don't try to get one) but yet they spend the little bit of money they get on themselves instead of trying to enhance the well being of their children.

As far as divorces go, I think they happen for several reasons:

1) There's no love, just sex. I don't care how good it is a marriage won't last on sex.

2) It's only for fame/money. I think hollywood marriages are the worst.

3) People rush into marriage too quickly. They get married after knowing each other for two months.

4) People don't allow God into their relationship. God knows what's best for either person (be it marriage or a life of singleness). But people are just SO sure that "yeah he's the one!" or "it was love at first sight"...

I've been called old-fashioned by my peers because of my beliefs/morals. So what? As long as I'm living the way God wants me to live (and not out selling and degrading my body to people who don't give a crap about me) I don't have a problem with being called goody-two-shoes. :rock:

That's all I got to say, at least for now...
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Postby Syreth » Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:27 pm

You guys sure had some good things to say! Go girls! It sure pains me to see and hear of liberal views on genders. Especially gay marriage *shudders.* In short, marriage is a picture of Christ's relationship to the church. The husband is supposed to give himself for his bride and the wife is supposed to submit as the church does (or should in some cases) to Christ. My pastor sure is funny. He said once that on mothers day, he's full of reverence and respect and on father's day he's full of exhortation and correction. I've seen these ideas to be true for the most part. Ladies, keep up the good work, and don't compromise. Behind nearly every good guy, there's a better girl who's helped make him that way. Two cents deposited :)
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Postby Ingemar » Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:29 pm

Short answer--no, it's not a bad thing to want things old fashioned.

The way things are now, I'm glad that there isn't a movement to genetically engineer hermaphrodite or asexual human beings. Some people can't accept that men and women are different; and these differences between individuals spell out the shape of society as a whole.

Pop-culture has done nothing at all to encourage sexual promiscuity for females. This in turn encourages bad behaviour for males, and the endgame is rampant sexual deviation. The flip side is that the woman with either hurt feelings (I noticed gals are far more emotional than guys), or a baby. And with a baby comes the decision of whether or not to abort it. If an abortion does happen, one of two things happens: either the mother is left with the guilt of killing her own flesh and blood, or she isn't--and becomes dehumanized.

The guy just leaves with a quick fix.

Both run the risk of VD.

Really, I see nothing wrong with raising girls to become virtuous maidens, who have to be won instead of wooed or exploited. Any creature can open herself up to whatever urge-driven beast approaches her. Not a lady.

I don't care for feminists, either (dodges projectiles). All they seem to do is complain and try to push males out of the family. IMNSHO, they are feminine not one jot.
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Postby Jasdero » Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:29 pm the head of the household... eh, I'll leave that up to you...
Lynx wrote:if i say i agree w/ you... can i still wear my uber-cool men's cargo pants?

Cargo pants! Yay! : )
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:46 am

no offense to you MsShinobu, but for now I'm going to close this thread so it doesn't get trolled anymore.
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