A tale of self-destructive behavior (i.e. my life)

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A tale of self-destructive behavior (i.e. my life)

Postby Nate » Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:09 pm

This is a difficult topic for me to talk about, but it must be said! Keep in mind this has got some kinda mature stuff in it, so if that offends you best to keep out.

Sigh...where do I begin?

I am very thankful that the Lord led me to this site, and I'll tell you why. This site has helped keep me "in check", so to speak. You see I've never had a girlfriend, and my dealings with the opposite sex have been, well, less than spectacular, to say the least. I've never liked real pornography. It's disgusting, it's gross, I don't care for it. Cartoon porn is another story...
I like it I love it I...know it's not good. I've had a problem with cartoon porn since about '98. Before I joined this site, I would frequent e-hentai.net almost every day. Hentai, ecchi, yuri, shoujo-ai, lolicon...pretty much anything but yaoi and I was there.
But now, I'm getting better. I haven't been on those sites since I joined, nor have I felt any real need or want to look at it. So this site is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You guys are helping me fight this, and I appreciate it greatly.

After the Second Coming, I say that we all have a big CAA meeting somewhere in heaven and introduce ourselves. Whaddya say? My room will be easy to find. I'll be the one stuck to the noisy ice machine for all eternity. ;)

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Zane » Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:40 pm

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Postby Swordguy » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:17 pm

I'll be the one stuck to the noisy ice machine for all eternity.

hay you got my spot well welcome here God works in strange and interesting ways doesn't He
I used to "Follow" Him because i had to....now i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

Quest for the True Grail

rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."

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Postby Rzerox21xx » Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:54 am

You know what, I have the same exact problem and still do, (look down in shame), I had a pornography problem until I started hanging out more with my sisters in Christ and now that stuff disgust me because if I see a naked chick doing something degrading, I would see them and well its very traumatizing. Hentai I dont have that so that's another problem snice its different. I mean same degrading situation but not with real people. Its still wrong and well yesterday I admit I fallen to that........(well I guess I should save this for the prayer room especially snice I been in a cruddy mood this last week and it resulted to this). Its great you gotten over that, its like your testomy is speaking to me right now. and showing me a thing or two about my hentai problem, I even consider in quitting anime for a while.(I should so save this for the prayer section). well Im glad, hey IM me anytime, Im Snow Tenchuu.
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Postby Ssjjvash » Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:18 am

I can't wait 'til we all get to heaven and see each other!! we prolly won't care about anime since it'll be all about God up there, but whatever.

It's great to hear about all the testimonies! Praise God! And yay for CAA! lol
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!' ...you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

Satan, bite the dust!Image

"You are not who your mistakes say you are; you are not the sum of your failures!"---Rev. Billy Miller

Proverbs 18:24
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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:37 pm

I am so happy for you! Congratulations and keep going! You can stop! I think I can say that we all support you!

p.s. I can't wait for the meeting, :lol:
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