randomclassic wrote:And I know it's probably not my place to say this, but.
I noticed the thread for 'Inuyasha pictures' as well as other picture realted threads and I have soemthing to say.
Be very carefull what you post, some, well okay, a lot of images on the web are copywritted, and you could get into a lot of trouble if it was copywrighted and the person it was copywrighted to found out. They could sue you for posting their images without permission.
Well I'm sure they wouldn't go as far as suing you, but there are ways for a person to get 'kickedout' so to speak, of the internet. And posting/distrubuting copywrighted images is one of them.
I know for sure, my friend PZB (I wont use her real name because she doesn't want people to know her real name) is an amazing realism artist, and she draws a lot (well ALL) of Inuyasha realism, and one time she found one of her gorgeous gorgeous drawings on anther persons website. And believe me it wasn't pretty. No it wasn't.
But seriously guys how would you feel if one of your hard worked on images/drawings was being distrubuted/posted on the internet without your permission? Not to good I suppose.
This has happened to me before with a layout on my website, it's happened to my friend Leonie on her website. People stole our layouts, and it was really bad. We informed the people who stole them that it was violating our copywright on the layouts/images and they took them down. But in a case that they didn't, well we had all power to give them what they deserve.
All I am saying is you should check with the person that made the image or the place you got the image and make sure it's ok to post their image elswhere. You seriously do not want to go through all that hassel of the whole copywright issue, it's not fun at all.
Plus, what if the CAA was sued for the posting of copywrighted images and they had to close down, now that wouldn't be fun at all. We'd have no place to hang out and chat with anybody.
So just watch what you post, and make sure its ok to do it first. If you need any additional info you can go here (what is copywright.org) or here (rights for artist.com).
Also one more thing, when posting copywrighted matterial, you need to give FULL AND COMPLETE credit to the artist who made it, it's just not right to not give credit.
I really hope this post didn't offened anyone, but I needed to say it, I don't want anyone on here to get in trouble for posting copywrighted matterials.
And mods, I'm sorry if this wasn't my place to say this. Please don't hurt me.
And mods, I'm sorry if this wasn't my place to say this. Please don't hurt me
Locke wrote:When life gives you lemons, make it into a blog and get comments. =/
[/color]Nate wrote:[color=black]Screw TNT: CAA Knows Drama.
Riku777 wrote:well said.
Locke wrote:When life gives you lemons, make it into a blog and get comments. =/
[/color]Nate wrote:[color=black]Screw TNT: CAA Knows Drama.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Well... people SHOULD understand that if they are going to post images, that other people can do what they want to do with them as they wish! If someone doesn't want others to use them without the artist's permission, then they should not post it in the first place.
Lets say that I drew a picture of Kenshin, and posted it on CAA. I am responsible the fact that I know people could
a) post it on their sites
b) alter the images
c) say that they drew it
I have to know that something like that could happen. If I didn't want that to happen, but still posted it, and someone did a, b, or c. It is my fault for not realizing that a, b, or c could occur.
Riku777 wrote:i think it's a very good point that she brought up. too many ppl are pirating others pics, and not just pics, and not giving credit. but what can we do about the ppl that do? nothing. we can only hope that either they are caught, or they hve givin the originator full credit. but at least we can do our part to make sure that our pics and stuff are either ours origonally, or credetid. I like rc. she's smart... lol
And yes I also know that there is a very blury fan-art line, but if the person's site you got the image from states that you cannot use the art anywhere else, you shouldn't, and that's final.
with my years being on the web
shooraijin wrote:2004 would make 11 years for me, and I haven't been on line half as long as some ... I know a few who were around for the Great Renaming, and others still back in the days of uucp.
Volt wrote:On the other hand If we ALL did this, no one would ever learn anything, nothing would be shared. So I decided later on, I'm going to go through them and add my website at the bottom left corner of every single one.
true_noir_chloe wrote:Lots of great information. Thanks for starting this thread, Random classic. ^__^
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