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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:37 pm

I've been thinking alot about tolerance lately, and I keep coming back to the point of "How far it too far." Sometimes its a point of view, but at the same time shouldn't we be seeing things from God's point of view? I dunno... let me try to be more clear... (I'm SO bad at typing/writing my thoughts down ><)

For one thing - violence. Generally if a movie is rated R only for violence I'm okay seeing it and my parents are okay with me seeing it. Violence doesn't bother me at all and I don't think a thing of it. Maybe its playing video games since I was in 2nd grade, maybe its just a natural thing, but I don't feel bad for watching or reading about it. Should I? Is it okay that I'm tolerating something that's bad and I don't feel bad about it? Is watching a violent, gun-filled movie bad if I know I won't ever do anything like it, but at the same time enjoy watching it?
Ex: if we simply hone in on the violence: I like Hellsing manga, mostly because on the action in it. Its very bloody action. Now, if we don't think anything about some of the other issues in Hellsing, is it okay to tolerate or even enjoy reading through these violent scenes?

Another thing - magic/religious issues. This is another thing I tolerate in the things I read/watch (but more so in reading). I know witchcraft is bad. I know I will NEVER get involved in it. But I like reading fantasy books which very often have magic in it. Also, sometimes manga and anime has screwed religious themes (KKJ, Hellsing, Chrno Crusade). I know those themes aren't correct and I know the truth, but is it bad to read/watch/tolerate things like that.

Those are just a few things... more could be things like cuss words, sexual stuff, nudity, ect.
I know some people say its in the eye of the beholder, like it varies with each person. But I don't think that's what God thinks. Wouldn't He make ONE absolute truth and not change it for each person? Or is it a personal thing? I don't think God would contradict Himself, so two people with conflicting views about something can't both be right. So the question is "How far should we go?"

My pastor wrote a book called The Journey Towards Relevance: Simple Steps for Transforming Your World and its about being in the world but not of the world. I think I'm gonna read it... let me quote the back:

How do you live "in the world, but not of it"? Many Christians today seem to gravitate towards two extremes: They either entirely separate themselves from the culture around them or completely conform to the world in an attempt to be relevant. Fuzzy thinking has dominated the paradox between the black and white, and more and more Christians are confused on how to live an effective, culturally relevant life. Transformation is needed. The Journey Towards Relevance invites you to begin a journey towards that transformation - towards relevance.

So anyways, ironically (and probably of God) I was thinking about this topic and here my youth pastor writes a book about it. Go figure. I want to know what you think, your God inspired answers (meaning you've prayed about it, not what you yourself think). :thumb: Well.... I hope someone replies... or this hasn't been talked about before...

btw excuse my random thought process, I believe it shows through early on in the post. Like I said, I'm not good at writing my thoughts down. I have a very random thought process that goes from thought to thought really fast. :sweat:
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Postby That Dude » Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:58 pm

Oooh...That was pretty deep. One of my favorite sayings is; Be tolerant of everything but sin -Toby Davis.

I think that if it is a sin or causes others to sin you better be pretty intolerant...But that doesn't answer your question. So I think that as long as it isn't making you or others stumble than it's pretty much ok. God might put people in your life that it will mess them up...I think thats one of the ways God shows you that you need to work that out. Yup...
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:05 pm

oh I never thought about that...Talk about a wake up call, messing one of your friends up. That would be horrible but effective.
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Postby Ducky » Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:12 pm

I've thought, and prayed about tolerating stuff in media a lot. I used to pretty much avoid all media for a while, but the thing with that was it was an attempt to totally isolate myself from the world and it a) didn't work and b) was silly to try not to be in the world because like it or not we are.

Then I tried to use a verse about focusing on whatever was good and pure and holy to beat my strict no media views into my friends (heheh, big overzealous mistake there) the thing is though it never did anybody any good. Following the law because it's the law means nothing... following it out of a heart of love is pleasing to God... as my roommate would say, it's like giving Him flowers just because you love Him ... its the same thing, you come to know what He is okay with you watching and what draws you away from Him... so media tolerance would then be a matter of personal convinction. A matter not of the actual content but of it's effect on your relationship with God and to a lesser extent with other people.

In my mind that made sense ... I hope I'm not just rambling randomly though....
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Postby Galant » Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:31 pm

I suppose there are several ways to look at it.

1 - What is it you enjoy? Changes in attitude and values are the most serious changes in a person since it is from those that there actions come. If you find yourself enjoying seeing people ripped to shreds, especially innoncents (not saying you do), then I'd suggest there's an issue there. Check yourself, be honest, and see if your attitudes line up with Christ's. Your enjoyments too.

2 - What is the message of the manga/anime? Do you want to propagate that message and sustain it? Perhaps this one seems weird to some people, but if what you enjoy is sending messages that you really don't agree with (you just enjoy the art, or modify it in your brain) then whilst perhaps not getting to you, they probably are getting to other people. Working against God's will in their lives. Maybe you should consider not supporting it with the money you pay for it. If people don't buy, they wont make. Your money, and how you spend it, is one of the most powerful tools you have in a consumer society.

3 - I find that if I find myself asking questions about something I'm doing, questioning it, often it's because the Holy Spirit is saying something is up. As my mother likes to say - if you lose your peace about it/whilst doing it then it's not worth it.

I used to be a big X-Men fan, regularly receiving one of their comics and occasionally picking up other titles and otherwise keeping up with all kinds of histories etc online. Slowly though I started thinking about what it really added to my life. What I enjoyed about it. I was getting bothered with the pentagrams and things showing up and various other New Age and quasi-religous references, along with the general mixed-up worldview and morality they offered. For a while I defended my hobby since I enjoyed them and was hooked into following the usually fine stories, but eventually I came to the point where I decided they really added nothing substantial to my life, causing me to lose my peace at times, and I always wondered about what kind of subconscious effect they might have as I subjected myself to their message/worldview all the time. So, I cancelled my subscription and that was it. I haven't turned into an 'X-Men are evil' advocate. I stil retian a large portion of my Marvel Universe knowledge which surfaces now and then to participate in charachter/movie discussions with my friends, but I've simply chosen not to purposely direct my resources (cash and time etc) into those comics. They don't offer me enough back in return for my investment.

I guess that sums it up - I see my life as investments. That which I give my time, thought, and money to - and I try to be as wise and porfitable in those investments as possible. I don't always succeed, but I'm getting better, and God is full of grace and patience.

Wow! That was a bit long-winded. Suppose you lot here at CAA better get used to it! :)

Hope all that was of some help.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:24 pm

to Tolerate som
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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