Ingemar wrote:Big deal.
Yeah, I said it. BIG DEAL.
There are worse things happening in other parts of the world, and even in the US/UK, and other causes worthier of Christian concern. What about AIDS in Africa? What about violence in Iraq (I don't care whether or not you believe the war was justified)? How about wholesale massacres in Sudan because the Arabs there want to subjugate the Blacks? Better yet, what about deep problems that are your own immediate concerns?
I get tired of hearing about all these Japanese problems. First of all, why do the Japanese deserve more care and attention then those closest to us, who are our first and foremost responsibilities? You cannot worry yourself with the concerns of others until you've cleared things up in your own house. And second, why bother "evangelizing" when the people repeatedly reject the message? Jesus said that if a city turns you away, you are to shake their dust off of your sandals and walk away. It's a lost cause. Maybe they'll turn some other day--but if they keep rejecting us, we shouldn't belabour the issue.
So cry it all up and move on.
shooraijin wrote:However, the risk of being suicidal without medications for many people with severe depression can be far, far greater. No one talks about that.
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