Rev. Sun Moon // The 'Moonies'

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Postby Ingemar » Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:13 pm

Fortunately, Moon has been thoroughly discredited as a megalomaniac and religious fraud. His power base seems to have shriveled up and died in the US, and even in Korea it is not very big. I have read some Washington Times articles before, and besides being somewhat conservative (Moon was a fervent anti-Communist), there is no indication that it tries to brainwash members into the UC. But as things stand, I'm sure it will have a fairly large article devoted to Moon when he dies.
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Postby Kenchii » Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:52 pm

Another noticable link:

<shooraijin: I snipped the link because although it is informative, it connects up to some content about church practise that's definitely PG-13 rated on further review.>


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Postby blkmage » Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:51 pm

In sunday school, I'm taking an apologetics class that my pastor's teaching. It's a really interesting class and after each one, my point of view changes.

For example, why are we so quick assuming that Moon is a madman? Why are we doubting that he saw anything. Now then, he claims Jesus appeared to him and he went on to formulate the beliefs of the Unification church after that. But, the beliefs are incompatable with Jesus' teachings. Now we have, Jesus teaching something in the Bible and "Jesus" appearing to Moon. They both claim to be Jesus, but we know that the Jesus in the Bible is the real one, soooooo, it's very likely that something appeared to Moon and he wasn't mad or hallucinating, but it definitely wasn't Jesus.

Just a different perspective.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:23 pm

Interesting thought, although the conclusions about the fact the sect has no grounding in Scripture, of course, remain solid.
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Postby termyt » Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:40 am

Well, it may be true that he isn't mad in that he isn't insane to the point of needing psychiatric help, but he is mad in that he is preaching a false doctrine with the intent to lead others astray. It is utterly foolish to invoke the name of the Lord in a false doctrine. To do so, you'd have to be mad.
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Postby Kenchii » Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:01 pm

blkmage wrote:In sunday school, I'm taking an apologetics class that my pastor's teaching. It's a really interesting class and after each one, my point of view changes.

For example, why are we so quick assuming that Moon is a madman? Why are we doubting that he saw anything. Now then, he claims Jesus appeared to him and he went on to formulate the beliefs of the Unification church after that. But, the beliefs are incompatable with Jesus' teachings. Now we have, Jesus teaching something in the Bible and "Jesus" appearing to Moon. They both claim to be Jesus, but we know that the Jesus in the Bible is the real one, soooooo, it's very likely that something appeared to Moon and he wasn't mad or hallucinating, but it definitely wasn't Jesus.

Just a different perspective.

Well it seems many of my (BC) friends are changing. Many of my friends are feeling a strange unique-ness, individuality, and specialness within them from experiencing more teachings from Rev. Moon.

I couldn't help myself from pondering on my my BC friends saied on their xangas. Abbveations such as TP, GOP, 40-Conditions ect. So I went off and searched for the meanings. I have found out TP equals true parent (more info on websites listed above) the 40-day condition and i'm still not sure what GOP is.

Later on I went to the BC web hangout. ( and viewed a very interesting topic dealing with 'getting out of the religion'. I would send the link but, you must be a member so im just going to paste it here.


shinypotato wrote:just wondering how u guys can go along with that church anymore. i mean i can understanf first generation. but second? i dunno. it seems to me that ur bein brain washed. like ur not truly thinkin for urselves...... i mean ok, ur whole religion is based on the "true parents" the originals. they are like the new messiah, right? and they are supposed to be without flaw because they are the example to follow. and the messiah is flawless. and the whole difference between jesus and true parents is that jesus did not get to start a family to make the world right. he did not get to set the standard like trueparents have. am i right so far? and the thing is, they are not flawless. they're family has huge problems that would blow many of ur second generation minds. true parents are not flawless. gurantee it. "but hey they're just human" duh. but they are supposed to be who everyone are following. i mean do most of u ppl even no what's been happening in that family? what's been hidden from the congregation's eyes? im guessin u dont, cuz if u did, u would not still be a moonie because it would go against all your beliefs and everything you've ever known to be right. that's y a lot of the ppl in 1st generation are still there. half dont know the whole story and the other half do but they're scared. and they're tired. they thought they found their spritual refuge within the church. but if u take that away from them, they have nothing left, so they cling to it. after all they've been with the church for a while, and they thought it was right. and all of a sudden they found out it was built upon lies. how do u think they would feel? y do u think they're still there? because they're too scared to face the truth that the foundation upon which the church was founded upon was cracked. its too much of they're life to suddenly give up. so they don't. and by that time they've already had kids who are into the church, and vuala. newbie "second generationers." so, y r u still there?

Responce: -- (i'll get it later)

Reply back:

shineypotato wrote:I am ignorant? ok sure. yes i am. i accept it. i know I don't know the whole truth, but neither do a lot of the second generation members who attend the church. If they did, how many of them do you think would still be there? and if any remain, why would that be? fear maybe..... of turning away from something.... the one thing in your life that has been so true and so close to god. I know it is tough to start over again from nothing. It pulls on the strings of your heart. Makes you think like you cannot go on anymore. This is the reason why so many people, even though they know the full story, remian. But from what I do know is the reason why we left. There are so many testimonies out there about the stuff people experienced first hand from the true family. Examples? well let's see...... Abogee had a wife or two before he met Ominee. I think she was his third wife. well, that right there....... what does that tell you? Having more than one marital partner? that's against a few churches actually. isn't it also against yours? the "true father" can't even follow what he's trying to pass onto you? that you should remain pure and save yourself for your matched? ............ Abogee couldn't put his family first, sure. He has a whole world to take care of! but still his children are his responsibility. I understand he cannot take care of everyone in the entire world, but the whole thing that makes this church special, what makes it different from other churches, is the emphasis it places on growing and becoming a true parent. Now if Abogee cannot even take care of his own family, how can he expect you to? You are saying that it is better for him to take care of the world than his own family. Im neither agreeing nor disagreeing with you on that point. Well so shouldn't you be the same? put the world in between you and your kids? who cares how your kids get raised! As long as you fundraise and witness for the church you've done your share and you are gettin into heaven. but nevermind that your own children had no guidance in their lives and are goin to HELL because you were too busy tryin to restore the world along with true father.

Look, it makes me sick to splurt all of this out like this. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone. But please, tell me. Can you see what i'm getting at?

Reply Back:

random member responce wrote:no hun, we did believe. my parents (1st gen) were one o the hardest workin ppl there ever. but then they started to find out stuff about the church that had been kept secret from it's members. and if those things are not as bad as you claim they are, then why were they kept secret? y did did they bother to try and hide it?

and also from what you're saying, if father went out into the world and doped up on drugs and killed thousands of people in a "holy massacre" and slept with every single woman he could get his hands on, ur sayin all of that would be alright as long as he keeps teachin the things he's teachin to restore this world? seems just a lil hypocritical. it doesn't matter that the things he did was not as bad as the things i mentioned. what matters is that fact that he did them and was hypocritical to his own words. doesn't that mean anything?


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Postby Stephen » Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:33 pm

Since we have trolls gravedigging this thread...I'm gonna go ahead and lock it. If someone has somthing important they want to add...we may consider opening it in the future...if not, watch the pretty shiny thread sink.
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