Booyeah Bush Won!!!!

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Booyeah Bush Won!!!!

Postby Shinobinokage » Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:28 am

All right we have Bush for President for the next 4 years. :dance:
What do you look forward to seeing The Bush Administration do in that time?

For me: I am looking forward for the war on terrorism to be finished. For Abortion to be outlawed in all states and for there to be an officila law that marriage should be between one man and one woman. :thumb:
If something is precious to matter how painful or how hard it seems, no matter what it may cost you, you have to hang in there and protect it with all the strength you got even at the risk of your own life. If you do that, then even if you die in the attempt, at least the world will be left with the proof that a man worth living had died!
It'd be like your legacy.
from naruto :jump: vol.3 pg.56
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Postby agasfas » Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:59 am

Please dont get into a political discussion. I'm not saying I'm for or against anything but seriously, NO good can come of it. Just some good advise.

Edit: Also the CAA forum rules are clear about this:
"Politics- Political threads and posts will be closed if posted. Politics has nothing to do with Christianity or anime, our two primary topics, and furthermore only causes opportunity for division within our community. In short, there's simply no positive purpose for them here. "
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

The word 'impossible' isn't in my dictionary... but I don't really have a dictionary you know? - Eikichi Onizuka.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:06 pm

FAQs are an awesome thing to read. Locked.
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