termyt wrote:Not everything on FotF concerning anime has been negative - only the vast majority. Considering the target audience of FotF, their position is right and justified. I do not agree that you can make a blanket statement about anime any easier than you can about TV or the movies (which FotF is also highly critical of, by the way), but it is important that parents be aware of what their kids are getting into.
Many of the older generations are not able to distinguish between one anime and another simply by looking at the show for a few seconds and I'd hate to think that a parent out there would assume all anime is like Pokemon. I'd hate for a parent to OK some anime and then fail to notice that instead of watching Yu Yu Hakkusho, their kid is watching Demon City Shinjuku. That would be a disservice to their child and to all anime fans.
CreatureArt wrote:Of course, it would have been even better for there to have been references to good, clean anime.
MasterDias wrote:That article in general was more accurate than the last anime article they wrote.
I am a bit annoyed that the anime they listed as examples are obviously going to be offensive to PluggedIn's target audiance.
Ah, well...
They are only trying to help parents make right choices after all.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:i always hate these, if they believe that, then they should also think that Lotr is satanic, it has wizards doing spells and stuff. If they dont think that, they are hypocraits. Same geos with harry potter vs Lotr
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:if they believe that, then they should also think that Lotr is satanic, it has wizards doing spells and stuff.
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