JediSonic wrote:I read THIS article yesterday and it really got me thinking: where should we draw the line with modesty in anime... not only what we watch, but also in what we draw - the example we're setting for CHRISTIAN anime! I told my friend's mom about the CAA one time and she said that she didn't like anime in any form because female characters were almost always drawn what she called "too sexy". And looking back on this site, sometimes when I see a picture from (example) Neon Genesis Evangelion, I think "thats doesnt seem like a very christian outfit. And yet here it is on the site, maybe the biggest, most authoritative christian anime site out there.
And I've seen worse here than the example I mentioned before.. look around the first few pages of the bishoujo pic thread and there was a pretty shocking image (to me). So now my question to you, fellow CAAers, is... what's shocking to you? Where do you draw the line in what you watch, in what you show others on a christian site, in what you draw?
ZIPO_MASTER* wrote:Well then I have a question for you guys on something that's hard for me to decide. Honestly, do you think Faye is betrayed as an erotic looking person due to her "fashion"? And do you think it's too much in that first episode with Vicious in it, when she's captured. Of course, I'm talking about the Cowboy Bebop series right now.^_^
Mangafanatic wrote:Being a bit of a writer myself, I simply couldn't make myself read all of that article in which the author obviously thought his points weren't strong enough to be communicated without the use of massive font and excessive bold print, but, from just skimming it, I'll make my comments on the subject at hand.
Kaligraphic wrote:Where do I draw the line? I don't.
Kaligraphic wrote:I like things that are derived from God. Did you know that Superman is based on God? Batman? Spiderman? Hercules? Samson? God's strength. Hercule Poirot is based on God's wisdom]
I am not certain I entirely agree with the parallels you draw. In the sense that Tolkien orcs were based upon elves, yes, but I am uncertain how that changes anything of significance. God created everything, so hence everything is based upon Him, but that does not mean it is Godly.Kaligraphic wrote:On the other side, you have stuff like movies based on people telling lies and trying to get away with stuff - I can't identify with such characters. I simply don't like protagonists who end up being, for me, villains. I've seen some shows and movies where the so-called "villain" ends up being more forthright and likeable than the "hero". Where a character displays the antithesis of an attribute of God, I naturally dislike that character in that area.
uc pseudonym wrote:Kaligraphic wrote:Where do I draw the line? I don't.
Burn, you heathen godless monster. This upset me so much I couldn't bring myself to read the rest of your post.
JediSonic wrote:Wow. Getting back on topic...
I always thought the WWJD: What Would Jesus Draw thing was kinda clever.
Raiden no Kishi wrote:You must have seen Felicia from the Darkstalkers series.
Yes, the video game paradigm that female characters must wear tight or revealing clothing sucks.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Unforunately sex sells. I'm a guy and I think there should definetly be more respect for the female species. But we live in a broken world that needs Jesus.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Unforunately sex sells. I'm a guy and I think there should definetly be more respect for the female species. But we live in a broken world that needs Jesus.
SpoonyBard wrote:Certain characters I've seen would have to have their stomach, kidneys, and the upper two-thirds of their intestines removed to have a waistline that size. I'm sure I'm not the only guy who would not dig that kind of figure on a lady.
Bobtheduck wrote:Speaking of sizes, one common complaint I hear is that there are no overweight girls in anime... Sizes range from petite to moderate (to weird, extreme, unrealistic proportions) That is one I can't quite argue with. While I'm sure something with a more international perspective, like Macross, may have some overweight girls, I can't think of any show or movie off the top of my head that do. The closest thing would be "Sailor Moon" where some of the extremely minor characters were very negligibly overweight... (addendum: DB... Dragonball has overweight characters)
John316 wrote:I know! He's such a monster! His love for kimonos just shows the depths of his depravity!
Bobtheduck wrote:Speaking of sizes, one common complaint I hear is that there are no overweight girls in anime... Sizes range from petite to moderate (to weird, extreme, unrealistic proportions) That is one I can't quite argue with. While I'm sure something with a more international perspective, like Macross, may have some overweight girls, I can't think of any show or movie off the top of my head that do. The closest thing would be "Sailor Moon" where some of the extremely minor characters were very negligibly overweight... (addendum: DB... Dragonball has overweight characters)
uc pseudonym wrote:It is refreshing to find a comrade in arms. Let us encourage ourselves with this passage. Matthew 1:9
Thou shalt not mention kimonoes in certain contexts. Yea, I speaketh unto you.
Matthew 1:9 wrote:Uzziah became the father of Jotham. Jotham became the father of Ahaz. Ahaz became the father of Hezekiah.
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