Emmanuel, God with Us...

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Emmanuel, God with Us...

Postby Mr. Rogers » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:22 pm

Christmas is here in about 2 days! ...... and for some reason I'm not really all that excited x_x. I don't know why. I guess I just don't wanna miss what it is really about. There is more to it than just getting and giving. I wanted to write something for Christmas, maybe I'll do it now.

The verse I wanted to use is: "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." Matthew 1:23.
That is something I have been thinking about more lately. I hope I will continue to, and continue to understand it more and more. Think about what that verse is saying. God...(and let me say that again)...GOD! came down to us, lived a perfect life, died for us, and rose again. That is such an...important...amazing...i don't even know the word...thing, it would be a shame to forget that. Who would have ever thought that He would do that? That He would come from Eternity; from His holy place in Heaven; where angels constantly worship Him, and surround Him with praise; and become a man, and live a perfect life, and heal us and deliver us, and give hope to the hopeless, and heal the broken hearted, to give people a reason to live, to come to the despised and rejected and tell them that He loves them!? And then to die a horrible death that He didn't deserve to pay the price for our wrongs? And then to rise again, so that we could live, and have new life, and be sure that we will live with Him forever? It's not about reindeer, or elves, or lights, or presents, or some stupid fat man. And I don't care if your offended by that. And it's not "happy holidays", "season's greeting", or any of that. It's about Jesus, who loves us beyond description, who came here to die for us so that we could be forgiven and made new creations, and be sure that we will one day live with Him! Don't miss the point! Maybe you never knew or believed this, or maybe you aren't really that close with God anymore and need to get back. Well, why not today? Why not now? Being made right with God is the best gift you will ever get, and while your old gifts are sitting around and forgotten by the next year, this one will last for all eternity! This is no small thing He did for us. The Bible says that when God created the universe, He didn't even have to try, but salvation required the bared arm of God! Don't turn your back on such a great gift. And like a gift, there is nothing you can do to earn it. All you can do is recieve it. You'll never be good enough for God, and neither will I. There is nothing we can do to earn this. He gives it to us out of His great love for us. What do you hope you'll get for Christmas this year? A computer, camera, camcorder, video games, tv, dvds...?

How about forgiveness, new life, healing, being right with God, having a relationship with Him, being sure of your eternity, never having to doubt that you are loved and cared for?! How about Heaven and your past healed and forgiven!? And how about knowing what this is really all about, and being able to celebrate Christmas everyday because you know that Jesus loves you and did what He did for you, even if it was only you and no one else!? Don't pass up such a great gift!

I hope you will all have a great Christmas this year, and I hope that you'll recieve the best gift of all; Emmanuel, God with us.

There are only 24 chapters in the Gospel of Luke. Why not, starting today, read one chapter everyday?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:27 pm

yes! amen

i feel, that instead of a "new years resolution" it should be a "Christmas Resolution"

rock on sldr!
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Postby sleepybluekitty » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:48 pm

wow, just wow, that hits the nail on the head and AMEN! =^_^=
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Postby Madeline » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:58 pm

Amen ^_^
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