Great. Little sister's a yaoi/yuri fan.

Talk about anything in here.

Postby Ashley » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:54 pm

This thread is beginning to get ugly so unless everyone wants to see this locked, I suggest we get back on topic and offer advice to Kat.
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:07 pm

I agree with Ash, though maybe we should stop and just pray until Kat gives us an update on the sitation. I think everyone has already stated their opinion, let's let God do His work :)
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Postby John316 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:19 am

Chichiri wrote:hating homosexuality will inevitably lead to hating gay people as well. Even though you didn't say "hating gay people", you might as well have.

Actually, I totally agree with you on this. I've seen it happen all too many times. I myself have caught a lot of flak for advocating more compassion for the plight of homosexuals and for having friends who are homosexual. I know the bible states that homosexuality is a sin, but because my faith is strong enough, I am still able to see homosexuals as real people who just happened to be doomed to damnation. I can also understand why people will hate homosexuals to shield themselves from the sin (although in my view that doesn't make them particularly good Christians). For Kat's sister, however, this is not the case. She is going down a road which may cause her to sin continuously. As you said yourself, throwing bible verses at her isn't going to help if she's not Christian. Therefore, more drastic measures may be called for if the goal is to get her to stop sinking into becoming a participant in the world of homosexuality, even if the price is that she may end up hating homosexual people.

In any case, I agree we should pray for them and let God do His work.
Romans 12:9 "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
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Postby Android raptor » Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:07 pm

Oh boy....

Since I am a yaoi fan, I say to try to tolerate her. You can't change who a person is like that, and if you tell her that homosexuality is wrong, she'll probably be insulted and offended. Didn't the bible say to love thy neighbor? We can't go on like this, bashing people for something that is a part of them. Doesn't God love all his children? Maybe we should learn from that, and stop the hate we have for other people because of their color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. We need to try to tolerate, no, accept other people for who they are, like it or not. I'm probably going to get banned for this post, but so be it...
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Postby Stephen » Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:23 pm

Maybe you should learn to read FAQ's before joining sites. If someone was to become a rapist would that be part of them? Somthing we should tolerate? I am locking this thread for now. I do however ask, if you are going to flaunt the sites rules...that you leave. When you signed up to this site you agreed to the rules. Like it or leave it.
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