Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Mutability" wrote:A dream has power to poison sleep.
Yeshua-Knight wrote:i'm fighting a huge figure clothed in huge black robes, it could be a warlock, or a sorcerer or witch, or something like that, in any case, i'm fighting it with this rusted old pirate cutlass (curved sword), and i'm not making any progress, i'm doing well just to keep myself from getting hit by the thing, then out of frustration, i look at the blade of the sword, see how old and rusted it is, and throw it down on the ground, then all of the sudden, i'm no longer fighting the thing, and this guy dressed in green, kinda like link from legend of zelda is on top of this mountain, and he draws out his huge golden sword that has jewels on it of all different types, and he jumps up into the air does a somersault and positions the blade in just such a way so that the force from the somesault pulls the blade into a circle around him, so that when he's about to land, he strikes the figure in black and completely destroys the figure with the one blow, and then i woke up
Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask.
" wrote:I dreamed that I got to go to Japan for some reason. I think maybe a class trip or something in highschool. either way it was a huge group of people that all went at the same time. the hotel was more like a hotel/mall thing. and it was like some kind of convention type thing going on. and randomly there was something about the military and guns? I didn't get that part, frankly.
anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I think it was my mom and I that were seated with two cute Japanese girls for dinner or something like that. I was wearing a burgundy shirt that had a line from an X Japan song on it (don't remember which) printed in white letters, and for some reason it was WAY too big for me and kept trying to slip off my shoulders, which was embarrassing. but anyway, one of the girls asked me in Japanese something like "is that X Japan" or "do you like X Japan". I was like "umm yes" in pretty broken Japanese, and I kept trying to talk to her in Japanese, but she eventually started speaking English to me, pretty decently I might add, and I felt like a moron. I don't remember what was said.
then we had to go down to some big room with a lot of tables. I looked for those girls again but I couldn't find them. I think I saw Garrett though...but he wasn't around long. so my mom and I were sitting at this long white table. it was like something big was about to go on but hadn't started yet. from across the room I spotted Akiko, the exchange student that had graduated from my highschool.
here's a bit of background story on this...I used to hang out with her in school, took her to the mall and to lunch and stuff a lot. she introduced me to L'arc-en-ciel, my first jrock love, we used to listen to it in my car and she used to say "it feels weird being in America and listening to Japanese music." never figured out if she meant that in a good way or a bad way. she brought me back a manga from when she went home for winter break. she, Melissa and I went to the prom together. she even came over to my house once or twice to watch anime with me and teach me Japanese. but after the prom something happened and she wouldn't hang out with me anymore, or even talk to me. she might have done this to others too but I felt really singled out. I distinctly remember being in choir class once, and she was passing around a little memory book she made, for people to sign. I asked her to let me sign it but it was like I didn't even exist. I tried to email her a couple of times after she went back to Osaka, but she only replied to me once and I never tried again. to this day I still don't know what I did wrong. why did she change her mind about me so suddenly? maybe it's because I wasn't "cool" enough. goodness knows I was pretty much an outcast and a big time anime/manga idiot.
anyway I never really got to say goodbye to her properly before she went back home.
so, back to the dream. she's all smiles and seems happy to see me. we leave the hotel/mall thing and I ask her to show me around the city. for some reason she runs everywhere we go and I have the hardest time keeping up with her. she showed me all kinds of cute stores and we went to a different mall (which looked strangely American).
at some point I was back at the hotel/mall and she was gone. then me, Melissa and some other random people from my highschool were in some room with big effing guns. I don't know why and I don't remember what else happened.
I tell you, you have not lived until you have seen Donald Duck raving in Japanese.
Jazz wrote:ha! yeah, i haven't had one in awhile. but now that we're talking about it, i bet you anything that i'll dream about him tonight. eek!! why? of all the people in the world to dream about?!? at least i know i'm not alone.
christianfriend wrote:The ninjas start to throw all the Pizza at us. We run around the book store trying to dodge all the fly pizza coming for us. The ninjas were coming in all different directions throwing Pizza at us.
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