The last dream you had.

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Postby Cap'n Nick » Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:16 am

Volt wrote:With dreams like ours, who needs drugs?

I used to wonder why people always asked me what I was on. Then I figured out that they were just jealous.
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Postby Arbre » Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:34 pm

I had a dream last night that was mostly IM-based... o_O That's the first time in months where that's happened. I've cut back my time so dramatically, I thought that wouldn't be a problem anymore. ._.

Anyway... In the dream, I was chatting in MSN with Vyse and a few other people. Then Vyse invited a moderator from Nintendo's message board, NOA_Greg. His text was in red, just like his screenname there. His MSN name, I can almost remember, but not quite. Anyway... the conversation turned to how James' (in Pokémon) personality was influenced by his childhood and how his ego and everything fit into it. It was all in-depth and insightful or something... but I forgot it all. :P

Then, I realized that I wasn't typing anymore, but writing with a stylus, like in Pictochat on the Nintendo DS. But I wasnt writing on a DS screen, but on a normal notebook. I looked and saw that the DS was attached to the back of the notebook, like it just plugged in. O_o And somehow, that made the notebook touch sensitive... Then a sister, who was sitting in the van with me (we were on a road trip now? i dunno. sudden change of focus, from the chat to my physical surroundings for the first time. ) asked how I was connected if there weren't any hot spots along the road. We were on a highway with deserted looking skyscrapers here and there. I didn't know how it was working to chat if there was no internet connection. After realizing I didn't know how it worked, it stopped working. I kept trying to write but it didn't send the message. I woke up all frustrated.
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:05 pm

ok folks here's one that i had last week

i'm eating lunch with some friends outside at a picnic table that's inside a courtyard of some sort, while we're having lunch the temperature outside gets really hot, so much so that i take my shirt off (just to clarify, i'm a guy, but i hardly ever take my shirt off unless it's appropriate), and then an other friend of mine arrives in the courtyard, and realizes that we're already eating lunch. so she goes to get her food, while she's gone, for some reason all my other friends disappear, and she comes back and then we go to join my other friends wherever they went

trippy, huh
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Postby christianfriend » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:33 am

:eh:..that is trippy..
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Postby Felix » Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:49 pm

*Trips* Woaaaaah......interesting...
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Postby Tidus20 » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:15 pm

and some evil-looking guy with long white hair in a black robe

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Postby Felix » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:22 am

I just had a dream last night where me and Cf (Yes...Cf...) were being stalked at this ski lodge by two freaky shirtless guys. Then we got in this weird blimp/airplane to try to get away but they were on there too so we had to jump out (With parachutes, I hope) That was pretty fun, until our parachutes didn't open. It's a good thing you can't feel pain in dreams. Then there was a whole thing about this black detective guy who wouldn't believe us when we said that there are 2 madmen on our tails. (Not being racist here. That's just how it went.) There was more to it, but I can't remember the rest, then I woke up...weird...
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Postby bigsleepj » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:38 am

This wasn't recent but I once dreamt I was a wolf living in a tree and I scared a poacher away. Come to think of it I was about 10 when I had this dream...
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Postby Nate » Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:30 pm

Felix wrote:It's a good thing you can't feel pain in dreams.


Though it may not be "real" pain, I quite frequently feel pain in my dreams.

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Postby Cedahlia » Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:35 pm

The last dream I had was really disturbing, and I still can't stop thinking about it (it was Saturday night). I've been having alot of disturbing dreams like that lately, as well as my mother. I don't want to talk about it here, but it has inspired me to right a story.

And I feel pain in my dreams all the time. o_o It can be really intense, too.
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Postby christianfriend » Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:36 pm

Felix wrote:I just had a dream last night where me and Cf (Yes...Cf...) were being stalked at this ski lodge by two freaky shirtless guys. Then we got in this weird blimp/airplane to try to get away but they were on there too so we had to jump out (With parachutes, I hope) That was pretty fun, until our parachutes didn't open. It's a good thing you can't feel pain in dreams. Then there was a whole thing about this black detective guy who wouldn't believe us when we said that there are 2 madmen on our tails. (Not being racist here. That's just how it went.) There was more to it, but I can't remember the rest, then I woke up...weird...

lol! OMG! Thats weird! Why was I in it..hmm :eyebrow:!? JK!
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Postby Felix » Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:41 am

C-friend wrote:lol! OMG! Thats weird! Why was I in it..hmm !? JK! see...(Alright boys, the jig is up. Let's head for the hills!) *Runs away*

Ok. Last night, well, I can't remember the first part of it. Something about me and my friends stealing a tricycle or something like that. I just remember the last part, becaus we were all up at the firing squad. This was actually the FIRST bloody dream I think I've ever had! But anyway, all my friends died (figures) But since it was my dream, and you can't die in dreams, I couldn't die, so they kept shooting me over and over. I was getting all bloody, but I wouldn't die. I didn't feel anything either. After, like, 10 minutes of this, I woke up.
Weird, huh?
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Postby olorc » Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:19 pm

I was in some weird purple polygonal compound of tourture with creatures from the game the suffering (haven't played it, just seen pics) running around. Then a witch came out of no where and shot me. I easily dodged the first bullet. Then my conscience told me that dodging bullets was so unrealistic and that in real life she would've hit me. So the time she fired I just watched as the bullet came at me (in slo. motion sorta) and finally hit me. I fell to the ground and died. But then (as with all dream for me wherej I die but don't wake up) I respawned and kicked the witch's hind quarters while all my class mates (and father oddly enough) watched as I saved the day!!! Woot!!! XD XD
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Postby christianfriend » Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:01 pm

I had a weird dream last night..

I was at the mall (Gah..why do all my dreams take place at the mall..) With Cg and my twin sis. And we were all just looking around blankly at all the stores. And then all of the sudden the mall dissapeared and we were just standing in the middle of some sandy place. I looked over at My sis and smirked. I took out a paint ball gun and shot her. She ducked and put on a paint ball helmet. Cg did the same. Then they both took out paint ball guns and started shooting. I didged all of their bpaint balls. in slow motion. The when I was hiding behind a rock I jumped up in the air and shot them both like..a billion times. They both fell to the ground. Then the dream went black and it said "Winner". Then I woke up.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:13 am

I had the most horrible dream last night! C-girl told me to quit the Furuba RP! What a nightmare!
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Postby soul alive » Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:20 am

i tend to have absolutely bizarre dreams, and horrible nightmares.

the one i had last night was just plain wierd. something had happened, and i was hearing someone talk about a guy having disappeared, and somehow i knew to go look under the hood of the truck in front of our house, and there was a body in there... not gorey, but i could tell it was there. and somehow i also knew that a girl had killed the guy accidentally for having attacked her, and panicked and stuffed him in the hood (why the hood, i don't know. for some reason he was all chopped up o_O). and then the dream changed to two guys running around, playing some wierd version of tag, and talking about the dead guy...

and for the sake of sharing, here are some i've had years ago:

one pretty darn strange one that i remember fairly clearly involved a group of teens wondering around a medieval castle, and they opened a trap door in the floor and the stairs were made from the bodies of criminals frozen by an evil magician, and at the very last stair was the magician himself (for some reason, i remember his name being nilrem, merlin spelled backward...) and they hauled him out of the stairs, and found a string on him, that one of the girls pulled. he unravelled and fell in two halves, and a golden fur was in his body. the kids took it and started to leave, but the body came to life and the two halves started chasing them... freaky, i know; i was in third grade when i had it...

one that i am thinking about persuing further for something i might write in the future involved people being trapped in a freaky house and finding a journal in the library that detailed escaping the house through a jungle filled valley out the back door, but they had to be careful, because if they didn't follow the book, any other path they took would lead them back to the house.

others have involved a person with chameleon-like qualities recovering something from an evil over-lord, a girl with wings being tormented and having to carry heavier and heavier loads, a disintegrating house and someone going after someone else with a rusty pitchfork, a river race and strange men with masks who are hurt by musical vibrations, me being left during an evacuation because i went back to get mittens and took too long to find them.


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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:36 pm

soul-alive, do you write your dreams down if they are particularly strange like the ones you posted? just curious to see if anyone else does
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:10 pm

Dreams fascinate me, and I'm a very lucid dreamer. I won't even go into past dreams I've had, if interested in talking about dreams PM me anytime.

The dream I had last night, all I remember is the latter part of it I think.

I had been under some sort of trauma (I think maybe a car accident) and I was in a hospital. I was in a wheelchair, and they were trying to make me undergo counseling for the trauma I'd experienced. But the therapist they chose for me from what I remember was this stereotypical-looking guy who weas older with a full white beard. He showed me test results: The good news was my IQ was 300-something, the bad news other areas were in the 20's or so (significantly impaired) even though I didn't feel much different. Then he said things about my brain being "stupid" or "stupid parts of my brain", and I was thinking I really didn't want this particular therapist. So I bolted in my wheelchair and was roaming the halls.

I came upon the front of the hospital/clinic place and there were some candles burning with a plant (houseplant-type) there. Somehow I was able to start fires by concentrating on the flame from the candles and reproducing it on something else. I burned some leaves of the plant in experimentation. Somehow I knew that this was only the beginning of my developing pyrokinesis, so I didn't want anyone to discover it until I became more powerful. Then I had recovered somehow and was able to walk, so I went to the front door which was now like a combination of the door to my home and the door to the house where my grandma and grandpa used to live (and the building was suddenly my grandparents' house, but I don't think anyone was there). So I walked outside and I think I realized I could fly too. I was on my grandparents' street and starting to try to fly, and that's the last thing I remember.

Shouldn'tve eaten that spicy Mexican food for dinner while watching Alien vs. Predator...
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:01 pm

More fun dreams. Hagrid from Harry Potter and I were treasure hunters, circling the globe in search of booty. Hagrid would research the treasures and I would dive into the depths to retrieve them. But Hagrid would never tell me precisely what I was after, or more importantly, what I would have to deal with before I got there. He would constantly leave me to stumble onto the trap door or scarab monster or tribe of zombie pygmies and then act completely innocent whenever I chewed him out after my last narrow escape. But, I guess I was even dumber because I kept working with him.

Our last adventure had us floating in a dilapidated dinghy in the middle of a muddy pond. Hagrid, in his usual cryptic way, told me to hoist a set of keys from a B-52 bomber up to the top of the mast (which was very large considering that there was barely enough room for both of us in the boat) and hurl them over the side. After I had done this, he told me to jump into the water after them and find whatever else might be there. He was winking, so I figured that the keys would lead me to the treasure. I should have also counted on those other things, as as soon as he said this he grabbed a life raft and gave the rest of his instructions from the shore through a large megaphone.

Unfortunately, I didn't catch on until I was up to my neck in mud. I tried grilling him in hopes of being a little better prepared.

"So, what am I up against this time?" I yelled at him.
"Nothing!" he said, still sitting on the shore with his megaphone.
"What kind of nothing?"
"Well, you've got about two minutes!"

Sure enough, as he said this a hitherto unnoticed pile of bones sprang to life and formed an enormous skeletal serpent that began licking at me from the shore. It would have devoured me, but it stopped just inches from my face like a guard dog snapping at me from the end of its chain.

"Don't worry, nobody's ever died in this lake!"
"What happens then?"
"I don't know, but they don't die. They don't make it out, but they're not dead!"

"Like that's any better," I thought. By my mental reckoning I was fast approaching two minutes in the presence of the monster. I forgot about the treasure and made a break for the shore. I was still fifteen feet out when the two minute mark hit, and then, I woke up. I guess I didn't walk away from that one.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:55 pm

I had a dream where it was a normal day and then the sky exploded into shards (like glass) and Jesus in all his magnificent glory was in the sky. I was really excited and petrified because I wasn't sure if I would go to Heaven. Then I opened my eyes (in real life). It was morning.

Even though I'm a Christian I have this fear. It may tie in with my lack of self-esteem. But God works through us.
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Postby sunet » Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:15 pm

I dreamt about Mana - he had his own cosmetics range being sold in America. o_O
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Postby soul alive » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:17 pm

Yeshua-Knight wrote:soul-alive, do you write your dreams down if they are particularly strange like the ones you posted? just curious to see if anyone else does

hmm, usually i just remember them. but because i am thinking about using them for plot fodder for the manga i would someday like to do, i just got a journal, and when i have time, i am planning on writing them down.

and last night i had a wierd dream, can't remember the first part, but the latter part involved the perspective of a guy RA (resident advisor) going around to talk to the guys on his floor the first day they were there.

which is really quite odd, since i am applying to be an RA myself, but am about 80-90% sure i'm not going to do it, but just leaving the option open... o_O


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Postby Roll » Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:59 am

Had a dream that there was an aquarium sitting on one of the shelves of my bed's headboard. I took three fish out of it, one of which was dead, and put them all in a ziploc bag. I then put the bag on the shelf next to the aquarium. I'd intended to transfer the fish to another tank, but I forgot all about them and left them on the shelf overnight. The next day I discovered the bag and was amazed to find that the living fish were still alive and well. I gave the bag to my dad to have the fish put into another aquarium. Later, I went into another room and gazed into that tank. One of the fish from the bag was in there, but the other wasn't. Somehow my dad had lost it.
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Postby Nate » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:13 am


Leave it to me to dream about a game (and remember information) from a game that I haven't played in months.

I dreamed that I had the Zora mask from Majora's know, the one you get from Mikau? So I put it on and started trying to live Mikau's life...going to the place he went to school and such (not sure if Zoras actually have school, but apparently they did in my dream, and apparently Mikau REALLY sucks at chemistry, because he got a 23 on his test). Then everyone stared at me when I went to music class and tried to jam on that fishbone guitar of his, since I can't play guitar to save my life.

Oddly enough, Zelly was in the dream too...she was a Zora, and apparently she was attracted to Mikau or something...I distinctly remember recognizing her as Zelly in the dream.

Weird stuff...

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Postby Roll » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:04 am

kaemmerite wrote:Heh...

Leave it to me to dream about a game (and remember information) from a game that I haven't played in months.

I dreamed that I had the Zora mask from Majora's know, the one you get from Mikau? So I put it on and started trying to live Mikau's life...going to the place he went to school and such (not sure if Zoras actually have school, but apparently they did in my dream, and apparently Mikau REALLY sucks at chemistry, because he got a 23 on his test). Then everyone stared at me when I went to music class and tried to jam on that fishbone guitar of his, since I can't play guitar to save my life.

Oddly enough, Zelly was in the dream too...she was a Zora, and apparently she was attracted to Mikau or something...I distinctly remember recognizing her as Zelly in the dream.

Weird stuff...

Ha ha ha ha ha!! Wish I had dreams like that!
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:33 pm

has anyone had any experience with having a dream interpretted to them by the Holy Spirit revealing the meaning to you internally? just wondering 'cus i think it's happened with me before, but i'm not sure, so i was wondering if anyone else had any experience with it
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:42 pm

The last dream I had was about me and some other people being ruled over by some tyrant in a far off land. I don't remember much of it, but we acquired some explosives and then planted all over his fortress. Then we ran out the front and waited for the explosions to begin. Then we realised that the timers were shorter than we thought, so we hoped on some nearby horses and rode away. I could hear the ticking of the bombs counting down. Ahead I saw a factory of silos, the enemy poured from the entrance on weird camel like creatures. I realised we had to get out before we were blown sky high. Silos lined the walls like corridors. The others went on one side (where the enemy were) and my horse and I leapt over some crates and using the silos to keep hidden, charged for the exit...

Then mum woke me up. I hate when that happens!
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:44 pm

Sorry, darn internet.
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Postby Jeikobu » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:04 am

Last night I dreamed my family and I were driving around in a nearby neighborhood but I guess in my dream Saint Kevin was supposed to live right in that area so I was looking around as we were driving around to see if anyone looked like he might be him.
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Postby vash10429 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:30 am

always i write down dreams after i get them and a few months ago i had a crazy one wrote it down!!!

i was on a plane and suddenly lightning hit it everyone turned to light except me and it was like everyone froze on the plane it kept going for 20 plus minutes at least
wat do u think that means at first i thought it had 9-11 about it but i do not know currently :waah!:
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