Also, could you imagine Jesus munching on some popcorn watching this movie and saying 'O wow! Look at that! That was cool! Theology a bit wacked, but still entertaining'
I don't know. To be honest I think this qeustion is rather blasphemous.
Also, could you imagine Jesus munching on some popcorn watching this movie and saying 'O wow! Look at that! That was cool! Theology a bit wacked, but still entertaining'
chibi_chan wrote:I'm sorry I raised such contreverssy i'm not nollegeble enough to answer your questions and. I was just merly stating my opinoin and you guys jump on me and try to pick a fight, if it really makes you that uncomfortebble then don't watch it. I apoligize again for upsetting you.I don't know. To be honest I think this qeustion is rather blasphemous.
Mangafanatic wrote:On a lighter note, my mom though this movie was about the historical figure.
Hitokiri wrote:This goes hand and hand with why I think the entire concept of The Matrix movies are basically evil. They are trying to substitue a new Savior to a and I hate to use this term, more "older an doutdated" version in Hollywoods eyes.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I personally preffered League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie over the comic easily. I loved the whole steampunk art decor design and it was one of the few movies I would watch without much of a storyline. Also Alan Moore (creator of LXG) I believe isn't much of a genius at all. The comic had some great ideas but he seems to have to much of a fascination with extreme violence and sex. Yes, I know the comics are for adults but still. I preffered the movie. That said I don't think I'll be seeing this movie as I'm interested in spiritual warfare from a Christian viewpoint.
ShiroiHikari wrote:jeez, guys, chill out. it's pointless to fight over something as trivial as a movie. so let's let people who have seen the movie talk about it, and don't fight anymore >_<
Halas wrote:Saw the movie Friday night. Reminded me of someone with a catholic background...suicide being a mortal sin...then without thinking giving up your life so someone else could live...rebirth...
Volt wrote:I'd rather have a "biblical themed" movie be completely "inaccurate", or completely "on track". But to be "in-between" only confuses the people who have a potential to become beleivers.
Twilly Spree wrote:I think a film like the Temptation of Christ is more dangerous in that sense. This is so obviously a work of fiction, I don't think it tries to be anything particularly profound. Well it's too cheesy to be profound anway.....
Orange Kitten wrote:An interesting piece of information about the Last Temptation of Christ I got out of a cinema book, is five Catholics in Paris set fire to a theater that was showing the movie.
Don't think that was the right way to express one's feelings, but nonetheless, it's kinda funny.
Twilly Spree wrote:Howdy there OK! Tis the ex-Red Ninja!
That is a little odd I must say, and Parisians aren't usually ones to get in an uproar about things.
Impact Alberto wrote:Neo: "I'm kung-fu Jesus!" [Note]
Smith: I was in Lord Of The Rings! Notice my lack of long hair!
Twilly Spree wrote:You can always just oogle Keanu. ^_^
AnimeHeretic wrote:Maybe they thought it was a McDonald's?
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