termyt wrote:Me, too. And I've never aimed one at a living creature, either.
Volt wrote:Attractive poeple are loved, all the doors are open for them, the sad thing is, most of the time they're shallow, very spiritually nasty people.
shooraijin wrote:I think that's a terrible thing to say. No one here seems to dispute the fact that attractive people do have advantages in our society, something termyt said previously too, but I think it's rather mean to characterize them as petty just for that reason. That attribute doesn't necessarily follow from the first premise, and there are many who have inner *and* outer beauty.
shooraijin wrote:...there are many who have inner *and* outer beauty.
Volt wrote:Terrible yes, False, NO. Yeah who on earth is going to stop you and ask "You look ugly on the outside but I'd like to get to know who you are inside, would you mind having a chat with me" lets be realistic, It's all about appearance, it's all about looks, The popular kids (attractive ones) in school are the ones that everyone envies they have their own social groups, And you must be attractive to get in.
Volt wrote:lol woah, i never said that I didn't like attractive people if that's what it came out like, I think they can be good hereos to all of us, and we look up to them i just wish they were a bit more... Moral and NOT so obsessed with their looks.
Volt wrote:lol woah, i never said that I didn't like attractive people if that's what it came out like, I think they can be good hereos to all of us, and we look up to them i just wish they were a bit more... Moral and NOT so obsessed with their looks.
CephasVII wrote:Wow, 27 pages.
You know what I would think they would say if they were more moral,
"BE YOURSELF!!!!" meaning you don't have to be attractive, you don't need to have to have the biggest luxuries in the whole wide world, you don't need to be better then anyone else, that is vain and unChristian.
Replying to your post about attractive people get the best things in life, Volt:
I am not attractive, I don't find myself attractive, yet there about 20 to 30 girls who like me because of WHO-I-AM not because of me wanting to be attractive or anything else that deals with that. I am beautiful in God's eyes and that's ALL I care about for myself.
I just need to stay clean, smell good, not totally greasy and gross looking like greasy hair or dirty clothes or greasy skin, that's just...plain gross.
Kura Ookami wrote:You can be obsessed with your looks if you're ugly. Being attractive doesnt neccessarily mean you are obsessed with your looks. Volt it sounds like you're obseessed with your looks about how unattractive you are. I personally dont think you're unattractive, but that's just my opinion. Of course i mean that in a non-gay man-to-man way.
Volt wrote:I wish I could find the world you live in. Mine is all about looks, the looks get you the job, the looks get you the confidence to get the grades to get an A on the final and a BA degree. I live in a world where if you don't look good, people treat you ->BAD<-.
Volt wrote:As for the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"... uh i NEVER heard ANYONE EVER say Brad Pitt was ugly.
termyt wrote: I was becoming quite fond of SirThinksTooMuch (sorry for dragging you deeper into this) well before she revealed herself to be attractive (although I have yet to gaze upon her beauty myself) based on the value of her posts. My opinion has not changed.
That is what you have to realize Volt, God will not bless whatever you are doing without doing the hard work first and/or if it's not from Him and that is EXCLUDING trying to get plastic surgery to look better. Our body is a Holy temple that God created in his own special way, and abusing it like putting globs of makeup on (girls) or doing whatever to your body for looks is like slapping God in the face for not making you look better. That is arrogance and disobedience and disobedience is the sin of witchcraft, it is against God, and anything that is not God is evil. We are not here for a popularity contest.
dragonshimmer wrote:However...there is nothing wrong with trying to do something and improving upon your looks. I wear make up. I simply see it as enhancement.
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself (ie, some make up, keeping your hair nice, wearing nice clothing, etc.) but I think when you stress looking good (or "sexy") over your moral and spritiual upkeep, that's when it becomes a problem.
CephasVII wrote:There is nothing wrong with wearing a little makeup, but going overboard is just wrong and as I said before it just like slapping God in the face for not making you look better. I know I am not a girl but still.
CephasVII wrote:You are absolutely wrong there, Volt, I am sorry, but you are just gone from what we have been trying to say.
We quit thinking about looks, because we try to live the way GOD wants us to live, and He provides us for everything. God did not say, "go put a costume on so nobody can see your TRUE self and the way you really are, the way I made you special]
He also didn't say brush your teeth with colgate or use Old Spice Deodorant, or pluck your eye brows, or shave your legs, or your beard, or comb your hair. Jesus had wooly hair. So Cephas... why don't you look like Jesus Huh? Are you ashamed of the way our lord looks? That's a slap in the face of God ya know
IF you can look Good why shouldn't you. DID I say to get plastic Surgery? NO. I'm just saying that taking care of our bodies is good, to be attractive is GOOD. People like looking at an attractive Face, if you don't. Consider yourself a freak of nature who enjoys living in a dark corner tearing apart cute bunnies.John and Matt try to get a job and if Matt gets the job just for looks, that's a pretty poor *** (excuse the language) boss. But John will get a better job then Matt with better pay and everything good somewheres else because God has provided for him and has blessed his life because he WORKED for it. Matt went the way-too-easy way out and acted like he knew everything even though he didn't and pretty soon, he'll be fired from his job.
In the Past I've always been misunderstood, I always thought it was because I'm an emotional person and try using words to describe feelings rather than saying what I mean. But You are COMPLETELY IGNORING everything I said. Please READ my sentances before Yeilding Elaborate Lectures and explinations.-> I said -> IF john and matt had the same work experence and were competing for a job, if matt were more attractive he'd get hired. Do i look like I Enjoy living in this world that has fallen in love with LOOKS???
Did I ever SAY that I support this World that is obsessed with vanity?
I'm just telling the ->FACTS<-, the ->TRUTH<- the Studies done to PROOVE this are relevant. It's prooven that people who are attractive get out of prison Earlier and/or get more mercy by the Jury during trials. It's a FACT, I wish everyone that's been responding to my Posts would Quietly Calm Down and ->READ<- what I post before they go around saying "I Slap God in the Face" and "I'm Wrong" what-not.
I DO NOT aggree with the way the world decides these things, I wish everyone were treated Equally and people were judged by the content of their character and not by their Psyical looks THAT IS WHAT i have been saying this ENTIRE TIME. Maybe I'm just not a good speaker, or I forget to say certain things. Ok then, my bad.
But the rest of the world Uses face cream and wrinkle removers, and shampoo and all sorts of things to make ourselves attractive. I LOVE GOD. I WOULD LEAVE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to be who God wants me to be [period], I had a dream a while back, I didn't know it was a dream, it was so realistic to me... I was in a gray alley, and There was a girl dressed as a homeless man and said she was magical and she said she'd grant me ANY wish I wanted, I wanted to be a movie star with good looks, and for people to love me but then I thoguht about it, You know what I asked for?... I asked him to make me be who God wants me to be, and I ment it with ALL my heart & soul. I gave up ALL my dreams for God. So NO-ONE on these forums has ANY right to say I'm obsessed with ANYTHING what-so-ever. I don't judge anyone elses Relationship with God, so you do the same and respect mine.
God made the Body so that it can be molded and fine tuned and beautiful. If you have a beautiful Soul wouldn't you want a nice Body to go along with it? That's why people work out, and eat right, so they can be attractive, if you feel like whining in a corner saying "God comes first, you shouldn't want to be attractive", go ahead. But I personally think NOT. If I can look Good and bring sunshine into other people's lives just by having confidence, a good smile, and a loving heart then I WANT THAT. Oh yea. I would NEVER get plastic surgery, i would never go THAT low. But spendig a little more time on my self, is a good thing.
Weather you like it or not, Your Appearance and self eastem has a reaction on your relationship with God, your spiritually does reflect somewhat on how you feel about yourself. When you feel good about yourself phsyically, you feel good about yourself Spiritually.That is what you have to realize Volt, God will not bless whatever you are doing without doing the hard work first and it has to be from Him...oh and doing the hard work EXCLUDES trying to get plastic surgery to look better.
Did i say I wanted plastic surgery? I am very much against Plastic Surgery, that is going WAY too far. That is being Obsessive about looks beyond anything healthy.
What you NEED to realize Cephas is that I'm not Agreeing with the way the world thinks, go back to my first few posts, I'm simply stating a FACT. I DO NOT support this way of life OK... no no. I think If you can look Good than more power to ya. But being obsessive over it is bad just like being obsessed over anything is bad.Our body is a Holy temple that God created in his own special way, and abusing it like putting globs of makeup on (girls) or doing whatever to your body for looks is like slapping God in the face for not making you look better. That is arrogance and disobedience and disobedience is the sin of witchcraft, it is against God, and anything that is not God is evil. We are not here for a popularity contest.
What about putting on Globs of Clearacil to get rid of Acne? Is that slapping God in the Face because you don't like the acne he gave you?
The age old question of "why does God make ugly people" comes to mind... I beleive there's nothing Magical about how we look, Before you call me a Hethan and a God-Hater... please refer to the amazing thing called "Genetics"... pretty cool huh? Genetics is what determains what you end up looking like. Don't go blaming your pimples on God, and If you don't like your body it's not Slapping God in the Face, it's slapping SIN in the face. In the Garden of Eden our bodies were perfect, sin is what brought in disorders and other beauty issues. God created Man, therefor anything Man creates is also from God, SO it IS ok to say that God made each and every one of us physically, even though it's really our parents that "make us". I'm not trying to discredit God, If you don't like to beleive in Genetics and Egg+Sperm then You've got your own Problems.Also read 2 Corinthians 10, especially verse 6, and also read Galatians 1:10 you might understand what I am trying to say.
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