How much makeup do you wear dragonshimmer?
Heart of Sword wrote:Does it bug you guys when a girl opens a door for you?
Raiden no Kishi wrote:The hardest part about being chivalrous is that no-one seems to notice or care. Girls, try some positive reinforcement. It works wonders.
Kura Ookami wrote:I disagree that your appearnce has anything to do with your confidence with God. Your self-esteem sure does, but that's a different matter.
I bet you that an ugly old man CAN get millions of hot women to go out with him IF he's got the right type of personality. Observation tells me that this is true. Here's a simple fact. Confidence is attractive.
What you have said about looks being important and looks swaying others is true ill admit that, but why can that old ugly man get loads of hot women if looks matter so much?
And why do i see a good number of very attractive men being totally unsuccessful with women?
Looks are good to have im not denying that, but are they neccessary? Nope. They're just a bonus in the end.
Looks are good to have im not denying that, but are they neccessary? Nope.
A bonus some guys live without. What are you saying anyway, Volt? That if you were the most good looking guy on the planet you'd get whatever job you wanted and whatever women you wanted to fall for you would? Lol! That doesnt happen.
You have to look good to have confidence? That's a new one on me.
Are you saying you have to look good to have a warm smile and a loving heart?
Volt, what if you did have the looks you so desire? It wouldn't change your view of yourself and it wouldnt change the way people treat you.
You're lacking confidence and as i have said before confidence is attractive. Looking good doesnt automatically make you more confident. Confidence and looks do NOT go together You can be ugly and be confident and you can be good looking and not confident.
In your example what if Matt shouted at and generally insulted the boss while john was always respectful? Which one would get hired then? Would Matt get hired then because of his looks? Or what if matt thought he was ugly and wasnt at all confident while john was very confident in himself? Who would get the job then? Would Matt get the job just .... etc..etc...
Sure, I guess that's more a reason to be the "first", more inspiration to try and get there.Maybe you do want a beutiful body to go along with your beautiful soul, but how many beautiful people have beautiful souls? From what ive read of what you've said Volt id guess that your answer is none or very few.
Both , why shouldn't we aim for the sky? Why shouldn't we be as best as we can be, the way I see it.The question now become which would you rather have. A beautiful soul or a beautiful body?
A bad assumption, and an even worst stereotype. But since you said "too much" i see what you're saying. I dont want to slave over my looks, I don't want to work too much on them, but balancing it out can't hurt.Working on your body too much means you'll neglect your soul.
Your body is going get wrinkled up and be ugly no matter what you do eventually.
When you have the looks, the confidence usually follows. When one looks good and is told so, he/she get's their confidence boasted. And so confidence and looks balance out.You're not wrong about looks being a factor Volt, but I'd argue that confidence plays a greater part in this world.
Impact Alberto wrote:And let us not forget, what is considered 'good-looking' changes with the times. These days the media may say that the stick-thin blonde with the large chest is 'pretty'. Years and years ago, it was more portly body shapes that were considered 'pretty'. Who knows what it will be 20 years from now?
If possible as I've said I'd use my looks to shed some light into other people's lives. Because a pretty face does brighten a rainy day. But Mostly it's just something I want for myself. To feel good.
termyt wrote:I thank God daily that life is not fair. I don’t want what’s coming to me.
i once was a man who had no shoes, until i saw a man who had no feet
mobilesuitpilot wrote:I look forward to it.
Volt wrote:I'm not angry upset about anything. Just want to be the best that i can be.
I am very happy to hear those Compiments from you, but there are numerious little camera tricks I pull to get a Good Look captured. Next year when I release my before and after photos, you'll see what I mean... man are you guys going to freak out.
"You look ugly on the outside but I'd like to get to know who you are inside, would you mind having a chat with me"
Yea, but that's assuming all good lookers are unsaved and all norms are christians. There are people that are christians that are good looking, if they can have it, why can't we? If you can look your best, why shouldn't you?
not good looks.
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