Wingzero22 wrote:I was on another board at the time that I saw this and lets just say, some wanted to take it out on me just becuase I was christain at the board for it.
teigeki_calesa wrote:Well, what I found objactionable is some of the signatures, the worst is, "Ban anime because it is a sorry excuse for animation made by people with no talent! the characters look alike!"
CephasVII wrote:Yes, that's why I don't go to any non-Christian forums because of that. Remember Wingzero, only fools say that there is no God.
agasfas wrote:Although I disagree w/ his view, he's intitled to his own opinion.
You can write as many petitions as you want and anime won't go away. I mean, just because I, and many others disagree w/ pornography and it's morality stance, that doesn't mean the problem is going away. If you are going to ban anime, then you might as well ban all the shows on Primetime and all the movies made in hollywood. This guy needs just because you disagree w/ something doesn't mean you have to get congress involved. Life is full of things we disagree w/... deal w/ it.
agasfas wrote:Edit: I mean, looking at the Signatures people aren't even taking it seriously. Go Figure
2599. Santa Clause + Elf
2597. LuvsAnimeAlot
2596. Osama Bin Ladin's Mom
2595. Osama Bin Ladin
2593. God
2589. frr_vegeta You do know it is unconstitutional to ban anime?
2588. Your Mom GET OUT OF MY BASEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2587. Gotenks
2578. anime r00lz!
The list goes on... that's just a minor part of one page.
Wingzero22 wrote:Yeah, well that was before I found this place and really, I got to the point I didn't care what they said, but move on later down the road as trying to find a better place to post.
Impact Alberto wrote:Amazing.
Gosh! Idiots!!
He won't get anywhere with this. No worries. You know George Bush likes Trigun. What with being a cowboy and such.
enishi wrote:this is by far the greatest thing ive heard all month. i am so making this into a sig somehow.
The Doctor wrote:You know, it's this attitude by many Christians and others of "retreat and complain" that's made Hollywood and most of the entertainment world what it is today.
Because Christians retreated rather than attacking on mass (by that I mean responding with entertainment that could stand toe to toe with the trash that was beginning to rear it's head), we have the problems we do today. Our response to anime should NOT be to retreat from it, but take the art form and transform it into an incredible witness for Christ and a message giver.
I will continue to be a strong proponent of "gate storming" the entertainment arenas until the day I'm proved wrong. And that will have to conflict with Christ's teaching that we are to be salt of the Earth, and salt back then was used as a preservative to keep meat from going bad. So then we too are to be preservatives of society to keep it from going bad as best we can.
End of speech.
shooraijin wrote:Myself, I think it should just be ignored. The whole thing reads like someone's idea of a troll, and it seems to be working.
The Doctor wrote::: bows::
Thanks, but you really should also thank the founders/admins of CAA as well. Whether they realize it or not, God has used them to be the literal ground breakers of a mass movement that I know shall forever change the entertainment world. When Christian entertainment dominates the globe, we should never forget where and how it started. For anime, it was here, at CAA.
The Doctor wrote:The 2nd trigger was the Passion of the Christ. The way I saw it, it was as though Christ was publicly making His mark on the entertainment world. Looked Satan in the eyes and said "I'm taking this now." As I saw Him die on the cross, I pictured that really He was now showing how His death would now be used to sanctify this rotten industry. Boy, aren't you excited!?!?!?!?!!?
Despite its obvious trolling nature, it still serves to damage the Christian reputation.
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