Interesting Resurrection Facts ^_^

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Interesting Resurrection Facts ^_^

Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:11 pm

Have any of you ever tried to witness to someone about Christ? Have they ever laughed at the resurection saying it wasn't real? I have and it is really sad!! But, i just learned of some really interesting facts about it today at my churches sunrise service!

1. The Rock If you read in one of the Gospels, John, it doesn't say the stone was rolled away, it was moved! And that is closer to the original text than the other Gospels.. the original text described that the stone wasn't rolled away.. it was MOVED to the top of a hill.. it was a pretty good distance from the tomb.. now, this wasn't any ordinary rock, it was HUGE!!! And i don't know of anyone who could have moved it that far.. (and it was moved.. not rolled)

2. The Guards wouldn't lie about just anythng. and risk their lives in the process. the guards who watched Jesus's tomb, HAD to stay awake. If any of them were to fall asleep, THEY were ALL dead. So how could any theif or robber get through if the guards were all awake and watching?

3. Who would steal a naked Body? When Jesus rose from the dead, he left his linens behind. and if theives were involved, WHO would steal a naked body? Dead bodies back then were considered unclean, and most of the people were Jewish.. So not many would steal a body period. But, if some did, why would they strip him down first? not only would he be pretty hard to hold, they wouldn't be able to do it very fast.. and they would have been found out..So no one took Him..

4. The cloth over his face that was folded. This covers the face, and it is considered to be VERY unclean.. But when the tomb was found to be empty, it was folded at the head of the bed. Now, the head is considered to be where the spirit would leave the body. And to me, this that the spirit of God, the power of God, COULD NOT be contained! ANd the very fact that the most unclean part of the linen was folded in itself shows that Jesus did it.

Isn't God awesome?! I am reminded today, what he really did for us! Today in sunday school my teacher read from this book, as we watched the Passion of the Christ. It was awesome!! and deeply moving!! I find it so amazing that Christ.. who could have saved himself.. and become a great political leader because of it.. Chose to die, fo us. *sigh* wow..

Well i better close before i explode with awe.


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Postby Debitt » Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:13 pm

=) Awesome! I didn't know that the rock was actually moved a good ways from the tomb. That's....ahh~ *stares in awe* <3

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:25 pm

I KNOW! ITS REALLY AWESOME!! I guess when they say "God can move mountains," they werent kidding LOL (even though this was only a really big rock...)
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Postby meboeck » Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:22 pm

I think it's so funny that Jesus would actually fold His linens before He left the tomb. I guess that proves that God has a sense of humor.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:09 am

It also seems to contradict the claims of the Shroud of Turin advocates since
the Gospels never mention a shroud but strips of cloth.There was a fascinating story in the Spokesman Review (daily paper for Spokane and
Eastern Washington/Northern Idaho)on Saturday where they talked about
a professor at a Christian college in southern Idaho who showed how the
shroud could have been faked using sunlight and some glass.
That is however getting away from the topic a bit.
There are still people today who advocate that the body was either stolen by te disciples or else Jesus didn't really die.And how COULD a man suffering
from major injuries and with a loss of blood like Jesus would have, if this
theory were believed,be able to move what was more or less a heavy
boulder without killing himself in the process?Even the women weren't certain how they were to get the rock rolled away from the tomb in order to grant him the proper burial customs of the Jews of that day.
Btw:If you've ever seen the Yu-Gi-Oh! ep.where Bandit Keith and his gang
traps them in the cave with the boulder you'll notice that they had the
same trouble getting out as a supposed resusitated Jesus would have had,
and remember there were three healthy teen boys trying to move THAT
particuliar boulder so imagine how hard it would have been for one injured man to have tried it by himself!
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Postby Kaligraphic » Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:52 am

Interestingly enough, you know those cloths? Well, in that part of the world, there's a particular custom about napkins. If you are invited over to someone's house for dinner, and you neatly fold the napkin afterwards, like the head cloth, you're saying "Never again. I'm never doing this again." So, if you wish to be invited back some time in the future, you don't do that. You crumple the napkin and throw it over. Like the cloth that covered the body. So, in that light, he's saying "Never again. This was once for all." Because Jesus is the head of the body of christ, he folds his own, and leaves the other for us. Basically, it's kind of an invitation for us to fold that cloth, so to speak, and say "Never again. This was once for all."

Interesting fact: Jesus was crucified on Wednesday and rose on Saturday night. Three days and three nights, he said, he would be in the ground. Friday to Sunday only gives one day and one night. The thing is, that was the week of the Passover Sabbath, which would've been on Thursday. Now, the Romans didn't break the legs of the condemned every week, but only for High Holy Days, like the Passover Sabbath. So Jesus dies at ~3pm (or so) on Wednesday, and that gives Wednesday night, Thursday daytime, Thursday night, Friday daytime, Friday night, and Saturday daytime - three days and three nights. That means that it would have been Saturday night by our calendar. (good argument for eating easter candy early, if you ask me)
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:45 pm

but if he died 3pm friday. friday would be counted as one day, saturday, then risen on sunday, thats three days, according to the jews.
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Postby skynes » Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:57 am

the original text described that the stone wasn't rolled away.. it was MOVED to the top of a hill.. it was a pretty good distance from the tomb..

Does one of the Gospels not say that an angel was sitting on the rock? If the rock was quite a distance from the tomb, what on earth was Mary doing there?
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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:10 pm

Mr_Anderson wrote:but if he died 3pm friday. friday would be counted as one day, saturday, then risen on sunday, thats three days, according to the jews.

The thing is, it's not just that it's the third day, but that it fulfills all of the description.

He said "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Matthew 12:40) - so he's counting days and nights separately. Also, this means that it's not just "on the third day," but he's actually intending to be there for three full days. 72 hours. Three days and three nights. Even if you subscribe to the view that treats these as simply meaning the generic "day or part of," the timing is borne out by the circumstances of the death:

"And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!" (John 19:14) - So it was noon on the day before the Passover - Passover would be Thursday, so it was Wednesday. The day of the Passover was also called a sabbath (the "Passover Sabbath")

"The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away." (John 19:31) - so the following day was "an high day", or a High Holy Day. This verse also references the fact that it was the preparation for the Passover. This preparation day was from sundown Tuesday to sundown Wednesday. As I mentioned, the Romans didn't break the legs of the condemned every week, but only for special occasions. (like High Holy Days)

"There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' preparation day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand." (John 19:42) - he was buried the same day, with wrapping and preparations, shortly before sundown. Thus he starts counting days and nights "in the heart of the earth" (as in Matt. 12:40) This establishes that the day of the crucifixion was not a Friday, but was instead the day of the preparation of the Passover - that is to say, Wednesday.

"The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre." (John 20:1) This means that she came on Sunday before the end of the night (before dawn) or very late Saturday night. (I'd say Sunday morning)

Thus he died at the end of Wednesday, Passover, Friday, regular sabbath, out and about on Sunday. On a side note, this also neatly ties up the order in which the women rested on a holy day and bought spices. (In one account they rest first, in another they buy spices first. This is neatly solved if they buy the spices between Passover and the regular sabbath.)

So, Good Friday was actually on Wednesday, and Resurrection Sunday was probably on Saturday night.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:48 pm

If it had been all a hoax all the Jewish leaders had to do was to produce the body.
They certainly knew where it was and given the disciples state of mind if they HAD
stolen it it's pretty sure that sooner or later out of fear one or other of them would
have broken down and confessed where they hid it.Simple human nature.
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