Rurouni Kenshin Manga discussion

Post about anime's sister, manga in here. Manga reviews accepted in here as well.

Postby soul alive » Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:33 am

it's in essence like Borders in that it has books, CD's, and DVD's/VHS's but i do believe it's a bit cheaper, and more prone to having sales/deals. and i just found this out, doesn't relate to RK manga, but Borders, at least in my area has a "buy one at 9.95 get one at same price free" bwa-haha, tis very nice for when buying multiple volumes.

everyone in my area was sold out of RK 13, and i foolishly suggested it as a birthday idea to my sister, and will now have to wait til the second week of May to get it :cries:.


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soul alive
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