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Anti-bully thread

Postby David » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:25 pm

I used to be bullied a lot in the 6th through 8th grade.I really didn't like it when I was pushed shoved and called names.I felt so degraded and many times in the middle of class break down and cry because I felt so hurt.I really was deeply wounded by the words that these people said to me. It all stopped after the ninth grade because I embraced who I was and did not care what they did to me or what they called me everything just seemed to bounce off and they all stopped knowing they were not getting anything accomplished.God gave me comfort and help when I felt like this.Words can hurt,I know, it was not easy being picked on.
Many times cowardly people see somthing that you have and they are jealous so they have to tear down someone elses confidence just to boost thiers.
If you are being bullied please remember it will not last forever unless you allow it and onother thing You are not alone.Also remember to pray for those who hurt you.
If you see someone being bullied stand up for them I remember the people who did not stand up for me hurt me just as bad as those who did bully me.
If you are bullying someone you don't know how much you are harming whoever you call names.It is really not a good thing you are killing thier confidence.People have killed themselves because they were being bullied.
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:30 pm

Bah anybody who bullies me will get a size 14 Black Air Force One straight up their

<snipped by oldphil. Don't tempt fate.>
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Postby Locke » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:35 pm

Ah bully's... that steriotype of a chubby kid with blonde har that beat kids for lunch money... *sigh* good times.

as for dealing with them, you couldent be more right. Standing up is an excellent way to stand up to a bully. xD

EDIT: Watch the lingo Sesshoumaru...
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Postby Syaoran » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:36 pm

<snipped by oldphil>
can you pleaz reframe from using bad language. if you have to use the word then put the word *censored* or this *@#$%* for the colurfull language. thank you. any ways I was bullied from Kindergarden all the way to gread 11. kids thes days show no respect for one another.
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Postby Yumie » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:06 pm

Yeah. . . there's this one girl at my school who picks on me all the time. . . OH WAIT! I'm homeschooled, and that girl is Osaka. . . ha ha jk, but yeah seriously now, I feel bad for kids who get picked on. I knew this fantastically awesome guy once who got picked on all the time, and I just thought, " They don't even know him! Because if they did, they definitely wouldn't beat him up all the time!" Pretty annoying.
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Postby Jasdero » Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:24 pm

Bah. Bullies are just insecure little brats that can't remember that there was once a time when they used to run around in the nude and get their butts powdered. Whenever I see someone get picked on, I can't help but go tell the person off.. even if I don't know them. Myself, on the other hand.. I don't get picked on. >.> Besides the time in pre-kindergarten when that evil little girl used to pull my hair (it was really long).

What disgusts me the most about bullying is when its done in groups. It's just... people can be so cruel... Bullying never seems to really fade away with years. I've seen adults that push people around as well. It's sad... people are so mean to their own kind. I'll never understand humans.
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:21 pm

Sesshoumaru wrote:Bah anybody who bullies me will get a size 14 Black Air Force One straight up their ***

ya might wanna change that poeple might be offended

i agree with sunako about the insecure little brats
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:23 pm

Assuming I were to deal with a bully, which is highly unlikely...

Bully: Gimme your lunch money!
Impact: Give me your hand in marriage.
Bully: What?
Impact: *Kills him* Who wants free organs?
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Postby Jasdero » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:26 pm

Impact Alberto wrote:Assuming I were to deal with a bully, which is highly unlikely...

Bully: Gimme your lunch money!
Impact: Give me your hand in marriage.
Bully: What?
Impact: *Kills him* Who wants free organs?

o.o That's clever. XDD
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:27 pm

Impact Alberto wrote:Assuming I were to deal with a bully, which is highly unlikely...

Bully: Gimme your lunch money!
Impact: Give me your hand in marriage.
Bully: What?
Impact: *Kills him* Who wants free organs?

i don't get it...
Shatterheart wrote:Sarcasm is like a butt...everyone has some...and some need to be kicked.
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Postby termyt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:32 am

There are many reasons for bullying and you will encounter bullies throughout your life. I hope none of you ever have to work for one.

But I digress. I've never been one to be bullied, but I can empathize with those who are. Many of my friends have been the targets of bullies.

Getting a bully to stop really depends on the type of bully. Confronting the bully will work with some, but with others, that will just escalate the bullying to a more brutal level. Ignoring will work sometimes as well, but that can also lead to escalation.

Unfortunately, bullying is all to often tolerated. I like to hear that Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Purveyor of Emoticons, Defender of JRock confronts bullies. Flat out, bullying of any kind should not be tolerated. I’m not saying you should jump into a situation that puts you in danger, but it saddens me to see a scene where a bully pummels his victim while half a dozen onlookers look back and forth nervously, wondering what to do.

Edit: Fixed Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Purveyor of Emoticons, Defender of JRock's title. It's only proper to get these things right, after all.
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Postby Slater » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:42 am

Bah. Bakas watch fights and do nothing. As a skilled martial artist, the first thing I do when I see a fight at school, whether it be a bully thing or not, is go in and break it up. People who aren't so brave should go get a teacher.
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Postby Kkun » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:09 am

termyt wrote:There are many reasons for bullying and you will encounter bullies throughout your life. I hope none of you ever have to work for one.

But I digress. I've never been one to be bullied, but I can empathize with those who are. Many of my friends have been the targets of bullies.

Getting a bully to stop really depends on the type of bully. Confronting the bully will work with some, but with others, that will just escalate the bullying to a more brutal level. Ignoring will work sometimes as well, but that can also lead to escalation.

Unfortunately, bullying is all to often tolerated. I like to hear that Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Defender of JRock confronts bullies. Flat out, bullying of any kind should not be tolerated. I’m not saying you should jump into a situation that puts you in danger, but it saddens me to see a scene where a bully pummels his victim while half a dozen onlookers look back and forth nervously, wondering what to do.

Absolutely. I watched a girl get picked on all through elementary school. I never picked on her. I was always nice to her. I never contributed to what probably gave her a negative self-image, but I never ONCE tried to stop it and that's something that I regret to this day, and never again do I want to make that mistake. Like Mr. Termyt up there said, don't put yourself in a situation that could put you in danger, but if you have the opportunity to stop cruelty to one of your peers, I say take it. Stand up for those who can't defend could start a positive chain reaction in that person's life if they could just see that one person cares about their feelings.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:20 am

I remember this fat kid named Matt (Fat Matt) who always claimed I liked his girlfreind (though after they broke up I discorved did) but still I did nothing to bring apon the shame he put on me.

He kept pikin on me for different reason until there came a day he was picking on a "freind" of mine then...I kinda almost killed him!

Yep! Hes had problems with his lung or something and I put him in a headlock he went to the ground gasping for air as I called out "Hey jeff! Im kinda thristy can ya get my soda!"....good times.

The moral of the story is if you put people in line when they cross over it they'll stay there.
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Postby agasfas » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:09 am

I was bulllied quite a bit growing up because of alopecoia. First in middle school there was this one kid who just wouldn't stop teasing me and said he was going to beat me up after class. He sounded serious so I confronted him afterwards. Darn kid backed up and said he was only kidding and didn't want to fight. THen I slugged him and pushed him down and said, "hey, you're the one teasing me everyday and you're the one who stated you wanted to fight. If you threaten me, I will call you on it." He never teased me again.

Then I was also teased the first year of high school by another kid I've known since middle school. He was just trying to mess w/ me so I stood up for myself. Again, he also backed down. After that he said sorry.

Getting a bully to stop really depends on the type of bully. Confronting the bully will work with some, but with others, that will just escalate the bullying to a more brutal level. Ignoring will work sometimes as well, but that can also lead to escalation.

I somewhat agree. For me, standing up for myself was the best way to go about it because I was strong enough to defend myself against all the bullies. On the other hand, many can't defend themselves bery well so they have to find another way to stop the bullies. Just don't be a door-mat all your life. But yeah, bullies are weak people who pick on others to make themeselves feel better. Although I now regret fighting (to a point), I don't regret standing up for myself. As bad as it sounds, sometimes people don't listen to reason or compromise. Even if you get beaten, it's better then being walked on all your life- in my opinion.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:30 am

I have to say the funniest thing I ever saw in school, a friend of mine named Ryan...We were sitting in a study hall...(this was Freshman year of Highschool) And this kid Sonny kept making fat jokes. (Ryan was a big guy, but had a great heart) Well then Sonny starts like slapping Ryan in the back of the I turn in my seat to say somthing, when Ryan whirls around and slaps the tightest sleeper hold on Sonny that I have ever seen. Within a few seconds he was gurrgling and going almost blue. I never saw Sonny pick on someone again...twas really quite funny.
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Postby Syaoran » Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:47 pm

Some time that is all it takes to stop a bullie from picking on you. I have tryed talking to the teachers but they don't give *Censored* some times. so I some time take matters in my own hands to stop the bullie from picking on me. usaly(spelling) the bullie learns his leason and nerver bothers me. But rarely that I get hurt so badly that the police have to come in to stop it all. Ya I have been pick on since Kindergarden all the way till now and I still get pick on.
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:06 pm

I was bullied once, whooped the person's @#!@ and never bothered me again.

Then there was this time where some kids were harassing my little cousin, walked up snuffed the kid in his face
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Postby Jasdero » Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:39 pm

termyt wrote:Getting a bully to stop really depends on the type of bully. Confronting the bully will work with some, but with others, that will just escalate the bullying to a more brutal level. Ignoring will work sometimes as well, but that can also lead to escalation.

That's absolutely true (in my experience, anyway). Some of the people I confront will back off immediately, waving their hands in the air saying, "I was just kidding!" and others start to make a fuss and put on their "I r big, strong bully/idiot" act. Personally.. I think that if the bullying is in a -physical- manner, its best to go tell an adult in administration, because chances are, talking to them directly will only make them more agressive.

Also, never return insults with more insults. If you do, when you go and tell someone that you were being picked on, the bully is just going to bring up how you were insulting them as well. >.>]Edit: Fixed Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Purveyor of Emoticons, Defender of JRock's title. It's only proper to get these things right, after all.[/QUOTE]
\^O^/ YES!!!
Shatterheart wrote:I have to say the funniest thing I ever saw in school, a friend of mine named Ryan...We were sitting in a study hall...(this was Freshman year of Highschool) And this kid Sonny kept making fat jokes. (Ryan was a big guy, but had a great heart) Well then Sonny starts like slapping Ryan in the back of the I turn in my seat to say somthing, when Ryan whirls around and slaps the tightest sleeper hold on Sonny that I have ever seen. Within a few seconds he was gurrgling and going almost blue. I never saw Sonny pick on someone again...twas really quite funny.

XD Good, he deserved it.
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Postby Kewl Girl » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:17 pm

I havent ever really been bullied personally, but Ive seen it happen alot. when I used to go to school. (I homeschool now and it is the best!) It was sickening to watch and I hated it. Normally I would stick up for the kids getting picked on because my little sister would get picked on a lot and I hated it. The 'bullies' would usually back off because if they didnt I would pumel them and because I was a prep. so they had to listen anyways. I dont know that I did much good because then they would get it 10 times worst later...but hey I tried.

I gave the guy who picked on my little sister a bloody nose and a few nice bruises. I personally think that it was wrong of me to do. But this was before I was a Christian and this guy was picking on my little sister so I really didnt care.

Although you shouldnt hurt people (even if their mean, nasty, jerks) Ya'll know what it says in the Bible! Turn the other cheek... Does that mean you should let the guy wallop on you....Probably not, butI think there are other ways to solve these problems.
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Postby agasfas » Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:48 pm

Personally, I think people who watch others get bullied and do nothing about it are just as guilty as the bully themselves. I mean, you don't have to stand up and fight or anything, but ya gotta do something such as tell on step in to stop the teasing.

About the turning the other cheek... I don't think it actually means, if a guy punches you, let him do it again... or if he stabs you let him do it again...
I like to think of it more as a lesson of knowing which battles are worth fighting. Or how not to dread over the past / frivolous events and forgive the sins and wrong doings people do to us.

Jesus took a lot of name calling, and He did turn the other cheek. But, He also stood up for what He believed was right, such as in the temple place. When men turned the House of God into a market Jesus flipped over the tables, released the doves and etc... Although Jesus was called a million different things, He never allowed himself to become a doormat for others (or become bullied).

I mean, if you allow people to walk all over you, then they will eventually take advantage of you. I'm quite sure if you give a bully your lunch money or do his homework, he'll come back for more. Because once you allow them to have power over you, they control you. And if someone just allows that to happen it just shows me they have no self-respect.
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Postby termyt » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:34 am

Well said, agasfas. Jesus always stood up for Himself and His enemies learned not to pick on Him. Defending yourself is not wrong. Throwing punches should be your last resort, but you can't always run away, either. The apostle Paul didn't run from many fights, but he routinely got his rear handed to him as well - including a stoning that nearly killed him. The trick is in knowing what is worth fighting for.

[quote="Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Purveyor of Emoticons, Defender of JRock"]
Also, never return insults with more insults. If you do, when you go and tell someone that you were being picked on, the bully is just going to bring up how you were insulting them as well. >.>]

Yes. Never stoop to their level. They both deserved to be punished in this case - it simply does not matter who started it. God certainly doesn't care nearly as much about who started it as why you got involved at all. Return insults with kindness and return lies with the truth.
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