Who are you most like?????

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Postby Kurama » Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:13 pm

I kinda have two personalities, one is........ Rurouni Kenshin,loyal to all his friends and loved ones and a strong fighter! thats my good side And my bad side would be.......Hiei from Yu Yu hakusho the little one of the group well im the oldest of triplets and i am the smallest, just like Hiei and the Yu yu gang. good at fighting and very fast when need be. my brother shane act and has the personality of Yuske,and Sanoske *Shivers*, and jared is most like Kuwabara and Yahiko. im allways keeping them out of troble! it gets very anoying, my birthday is next friday and im turning 14 and its not like im gunna grow at all, and the boys are still skyrockting, its not fair, [Hiei] Im with you there!. You got it shorties all the way, we stand strong!!! YAY!! umm... sorry for that, I\WE just had to say that. hee hee!!! Sorry if i typed too long, i have a way of doing that. ^__^x ORO!!! BTW, Can some one help on how to put pics in a gallery of some sort. ive seen all sorts of gallries with kids pics in them if some one can help me thank you!!1 Prota-Girl OUT!!!!
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Postby brightsword_jon » Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:57 am

I think im more like Kenshin Himura. I can be funny at times but I can also be serious.

I might not be answering the question, but I do not want to be like another anime character; i would like to like Jesus. He is my ultimate role-model and He is great to follow.
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Postby brightsword_jon » Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:02 am

oh yeah, i could be gon (from HunterXHunter) too; friendly, determined, and athletic
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Postby Misaou » Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:36 pm

I feel like I have a lot of personalities... like when I'm ditzy and spacy I'm like Yuna (FFX) or Ichigo (Tokyo mew mew), when I'm mad or just not feeling open for conversation I can be like Lulu (FFx) or Ranpha (Galexy angel), when I'm feeling strong and detirmined I feel like Ryoko (Realbout high School) or Kamiya Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin). When I'm sad I feel like Riku (DNAngel) or Retesu (tokyo mew mew), and when I'm feeling rebellios or worried, I feel like Winry (Fullmetal alchemist) or Zakuro (Tokyo Mew Mew). it really depends on my mood on what anime character I am like, but the one I thin kI'm MOSt like would probably be Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2. She was willig to Die with the one she loved, and I would willingly die for the ones I love.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:00 pm

Some reason I find it rather easier to identify with female than male
characters.That's why I say I'm more like Flay from Gundam Seed and
Katsumi from Silent Mobius. :thumb:
I can't say that I can think of any male character other than probably
Inuyasha that I come close to being like.
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Postby Razgriz » Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:06 pm

A lot of people are saying that I'm like Yuki from Fruits Basket.


Although I think I'm more like Cmd. Adama from Neo Battlestar Galactica. He's a softspoken person, stern, miltary minded, cares a lot about his crew, blunt occasionally, calculating, and flawed in that he makes mistakes and that his point of view isn't always the right one.


In retrospect, I'd just be myself.
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