Well, I just watched Full Metal Alchemist...

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Postby shooraijin » Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:09 pm

Bump to fix last-posted flag. Carry on.
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Postby SakuraSamurai » Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:11 am

References to religion in this show those pop up now and then but I don't mind it and I don't think you should mind it because you know what it right so it shouldn't be a big deal unless you start believing it yourself. I just watch the show (enjoy it^_^) for the comedy and animation.
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Postby dragonnova » Sun May 08, 2005 1:14 am

Well, I have to say that I've only seen a couple of the episodes.... and that's only because I played the game and loved it so much... Ed seemes a little softer toward religion in the game... and the storyline was wonderful. But I must agree with what I've read here so far... the first episode kinda bothered me... and it's just because of one line Ed says... that's it. I can see Everybody's points but I would feel better if I knew for sure it all turns out ok later. anyway... there really is no such thing as a perfect anime, I know that...

oh, yeah... and what's this water to wine miracle you guys where talking about... I guess I'm blind er something cause I didn't see it...
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Postby Myoti » Wed May 11, 2005 5:48 pm

I've got the first manga and was a little bothered by it. I don't thing I would have been as much if they just refered to the sun god as "Leto" and not "God" as they chose to so many times...
Other than the first couple of episodes, I thought it was great (though I've only seen one actual episode on Adult Swim XP).
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Postby dragonnova » Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:52 am

I've gotten to where I really like this series ^_^ to the point that I almsot forgot about the first two episodes all together... They really should have jsut started with ep. 3 things would be so much better I think. I still haven't seen a lot of it yet... but what I've seen seems good... hmmm... but I got that stupid little teaser snippet of the manga in my animerica magazine... >.< I hate that HATE HATE HATE.... it made me remeber why I hate the first episode so much.
However, I decided to forget the first book of the manga... since it's basically the first 2 episodes of the anime... I think I'll read the others but not that one.
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Postby *Hope* » Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:22 pm

I LOVE Fullmetal! It's one of my favorite animes. I've seen like half the series, and the last episode. *huggles ED*
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Postby Lyren » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:45 pm

Fullmetal Alchemist is definately one my favorite anime series. I have read the first volume of the manga and have seen quite a bit of the series. I got the impression that Ed and Al were pretty neutral towards any religion. It seems like they are pretty unsure about what is truth. After all, a big portion of the series is their struggle with different ideas and philosophies, from what I have seen at least. The series definately presents different ideas. But if you consider the fantasy setting and how it is all presented, it is far from being anti-Christian. Compared to many other anime, it's actually a very intelligent series and contains many themes that are consistant with Christianity.
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Postby Guardianking500 » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:18 am

Rogie wrote:... and there's a ton of bad religion there in that first episode. Tell me, those of you "in the know," does all of this stuff either get corrected or dropped altogether? Because if not, I don't think I'm going to be able to take all of that.

And the water into wine "miracle" in the episode was pretty bad (even offensive, if you ask me).

Let me know, people, cuz it looks like a cool show otherwise!

the only ones who think like christians in the show are the ishbalans.
they refuse alchemy and bow to only one god.
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Postby MusicRocksGBV » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:43 am

Kireihana wrote:I wasn't bothered by the religion in the first episode because they made it obvious that the religious leader guy was a phony, and had only set up that "religion" in order for his own personal gain, so it wasn't like the show was endorsing him..

I also liked what Ed said about not being able to go out of bounds of human territory, i.e. trying to bring people back to life, because that's divine business. (in our case, God's ^_^)

Okay, I know this was a page back, but yeaaaaah lol. I love what i have seen of this anime. I expect I might find myself recoiling at some of this, but I maintain what I have come to respect of Ed's knowledge. He knows a lot and was confident in his power and he wanted something returned to him that could not be. He tried and lost a lot, but came to a temporal understanding that he, although blessed with this amazing talent, had no right to interfere with the "laws of nature," might I say laws of God here. All laws came from Him after all. And I love how he fights against the ignorance and pride shown by other people who would make the same mistake. Despite being short! ;) That kid has a lot of power.
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Postby LaFlecha » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:13 pm

FMA is probably one of the best shows ever (outside of anime as well). For me, I found many parallels to Christianity in it and I believe it actually helped me understand something better.

I say this mainly because throughout out the whole series, the topic of balance in equality is very prevalent. The Bible has plenty to say about justice and equality and it's integration into the character of God. I was actually struggling a bit and confused about it and then all of the sudden I started watching FMA.

I was told by other people it was a really bad show due to the "bad" religion in it.

As far as bad relgion, when I was thinking if alchemy was something moral or immoral, I was reminded of Jesus' first miracle, and how Jesus was tempted to transform a rock into bread. I am one whom believe all things work together - yada yada yada - you should know the rest.

Alchemy does make sense if you think about it, but all alchemy has accomplished in this world is the periodical table of elements. :)
(I learned that in college so don't argue with me ;) )
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Postby RedMage » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:20 pm

Wow. Can you say "Grave-dig," boys and girls?

I knew you could. ;)
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Postby Rogie » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:06 pm

*sigh* Yeah, RedMage is right, let's not grave-dig, people. However, while I'm at it...

Wow, I had actually forgotten I had made this thread way back in '04. I did stick with FMA until the end (and recently saw the movie), and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and was able to look past any religious inconsistencies. Overall, it's a heartwarming show. And it has the best finale episode of any anime I've ever seen; I was actually satisfied with the series finale.

Anyway, yeah, let's try to not gravedig other threads from now on, okay, everyone?
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Postby Myoti » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:43 pm

(I'm bound by fanboyism to state this...)

Well, if you enjoyed it that much, perhaps it's time to check out the still-ongoing manga. =D
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:09 pm

Myoti wrote:(I'm bound by fanboyism to state this...)

Well, if you enjoyed it that much, perhaps it's time to check out the still-ongoing manga. =D

I second this advice.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:53 pm

Fish and Chips wrote:I second this advice.

Yeah, I third it, because I hated the anime, but I'm really enjoying the manga.
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Postby Nate » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:08 pm

[quote="Rogie"]And it has the best finale episode of any anime I've ever seen]
That's odd, FMA is pretty notorious for having one of the worst endings of any anime series. But, different strokes I suppose.

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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:18 pm

I like FMA anime, but the end is not greatest end that I have seen.

But at the sametime, I wasn't too hurt by the ending too. Since they set it like that for the the movie.

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