Stupid Ways You've Hurt Yourself

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Stupid Ways You've Hurt Yourself

Postby haru_bay_nay » Sun May 22, 2005 1:43 pm

Okay, I didn't see any existing threads very similar to this, and after reading and posting on Pent's forum about almost dying while doing the dishes, I realized that I have almost died tons of times because of my own idiocy. Does anyone here have any painful and/or near-death experiences due to ignorance or stupidity?

Here's one of mine-
I was in the kitchen, trying to make baby carrots with peanut butter on top (yes, weird, I know). I got out the ingredients, along with a butter knife for spreading the peanut butter. I tried to break a carrot in half, but it didn't work. I then tried to saw it in half with the knife. This, also, did not work. I proceeded to start stabbing the offending orange veggie in frustration. After a particularly vicious stab, the knife pierced through and into my thumb, giving me a very nasty gash. Not realizing what happened or feeling pain, I stared at my thumb and brushed my finger across it. I was rewarded with a pleasant view of the deepest layers of my skin, and erupting blood. A butter knife can cut suprisingly deep( it even gave the edge of the cut a serrated look! haha...) Of course, I probably shouldn't have been stabbing a carrot with a butter knife in the first place...
"A chicken is a bird that is harvested for food." -Matthew Bench, an autistic kid in my school who gives the greatest advice. XD

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Postby Puguni » Sun May 22, 2005 3:03 pm

Ah, so much stuff. Usually I kick things accidentally and my toes suffer.
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Postby K. Ayato » Sun May 22, 2005 3:04 pm

You DON'T want to hear one of mine.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

*Explosion goes off in the movie*

mechana2015: Does that answer your question?

K. Ayato: Perfectly.

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Postby Syaoran » Sun May 22, 2005 3:06 pm

You don't want to hear mine ether.
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Postby Chocobo777 » Sun May 22, 2005 3:25 pm

I was looking in the fridge for something to eat when my brother opened the top part part way without telling me. I stood up rather quickly and almost knocked myself unconscious.

The same thing happened with a cupboard door, it hurt a lot.
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Postby Debitt » Sun May 22, 2005 3:37 pm

Last summer it was really hot and my computer began having troubles overheating. Frustrated with this, I decided that the best course of action was to place a fan underneath my desk next to my computer's tower in order to cool it just a tad.

More than once I'd forget the fan was there, swing my legs, and somehow managed to get my toes into the blades of the fan.

The results of that were quite painful and not pretty.

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Postby kazekami » Sun May 22, 2005 5:45 pm

Last week I was going to make sushi. Someone put the rice up really high and I couldn't reach. Since I was alone i got a chair. Well there was some water on the floor. I slipped in it and broke my little toe.

A few moths ago I was putting dishes away. They slipped out of my hand I tried to catch them slipped off the Georgeforeman grill knocked a cheese cake off the counter fellinto the open dish washer as I watched the cake bounce out of its caontainer and roll across the diningroom where it landed wrong side up. I sprained my back.

A few years ago I accidently set my clock wrong when I got back from spring break and it went off really early. I hurtled my self towards the clock only to give myself a concussion on the corner of the window seat.

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sun May 22, 2005 5:50 pm

I was snowboarding and caught an edge a few times in a row, slamming my head onto the icy snow. My mom made sure I didn't have a concusion.
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Postby PrincessZelda » Sun May 22, 2005 6:01 pm

Well, my brother was going to turn the tea pot on, but he accidently turned on the wrong burner... So, he turned on one that had a glass on pan from dinner on it. So I was walking by the kitchen and I smelt something burning. So I went into the kitchen and saw the food in the pan burning away. So I realized it probably wasn't supposed to be on. So, I was about to go and turn the burner off, but for some reason I hesitated. So I stood there for a few seconds not doing anything. So finaly I decided to turn it off. But right when I did, the pan exploded! If I hadn't hesitated I would have deffinately had a shard of boiling hot glass through my arm, if not somewhere worse! It was really freaky!!! And now there's a burnt spot on the kitchen floor...
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Postby Alice » Sun May 22, 2005 9:25 pm

Wow! That's a blessing you did hesitate!

Um, I'm actually not that accident prone. The 'best' scar I ever got was from washing dishes. It was a broken cup, I didn't know it, twisted, and gashed my knuckles.

Wait, I think you can still just barely see the scars my cat left.

No, the knuckle scar is still better.
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Sun May 22, 2005 9:34 pm

^.^ You guys make me feel a bit less klutzy and stupid than I previously did. It helps to know I'm not the only one out there!

Another one:
At Falls Creek(a huge Christian summer camp) last year, me and a bunch of friends were running around at night before devotions, but after dark. We were hocked up on sugar and candy, and running wild. We were going through the outdoor tabernacle, and then thought, "Hey, it would probably be faster to just run across the bleachers and jump from one to another!" So we did. Me, being the accident-prone person I am, happened to land hard on a wobbly and unstable bench, and after taking one step on it, crashed to ground, bench flying out from under my feet and then on top of me. I still have the big scar on my knee. It was fun, though. :sweat:
"A chicken is a bird that is harvested for food." -Matthew Bench, an autistic kid in my school who gives the greatest advice. XD

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Otaku10 wrote:I won't release your hand even if I sweat, forever.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sun May 22, 2005 11:37 pm

Kazekami wrote:Last week I was going to make sushi. Someone put the rice up really high and I couldn't reach. Since I was alone i got a chair. Well there was some water on the floor. I slipped in it and broke my little toe.

A few moths ago I was putting dishes away. They slipped out of my hand I tried to catch them slipped off the Georgeforeman grill knocked a cheese cake off the counter fellinto the open dish washer as I watched the cake bounce out of its caontainer and roll across the diningroom where it landed wrong side up. I sprained my back.

A few years ago I accidently set my clock wrong when I got back from spring break and it went off really early. I hurtled my self towards the clock only to give myself a concussion on the corner of the window seat.

Wow, you're like a female version of Tim Allen.

Oh man, do I have stupid ways of hurting myself. Cut my fingers on can lids, slam fingers in doors (many times), oh yeah, and the whole car accident thing, that can hurt you pretty bad too, but by the grace of God I wasn't hurt, just embarrassed. Oh yeah, and the whole falling through bleachers, hitting my head on the back one, and leaving a cut on the back of my head that needed stitches thing. Missing a stair is a good one too. Oh yes, and trying to kick higher than you should without warming up and hurting your groin.

Still, even though I manage to find wonderfully stupid ways of hurting myself, whenever I get down on myself, I just think of Sponge Brick and then I feel a lot better. Man, that's a great story, I would've paid to see that.
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Postby kazekami » Sun May 22, 2005 11:41 pm

I have scars on my forehead from when i was a little kid and would ride my bike into the brick wall. I lived on an RAF base and all around the homes was a wall. And I'd not always pay attnetion to where I was going. I also fell off a toilet at that time cracked my head open. Triped and hit my head on a rock. I had some many head injuries before I was 6 that the doctors were starting to wonder about my parents. When I was in Junior high I accidently hit a parked car when I turned around to see if my sister was behind me. The owner flipped out. Luckily I was only a bit dazed.

When i lived with my sister in Northridge for a year I was washing dishes and the cup had a crack I didn't know about and it shatttered with my hand inside. Left and inch and a half gash on my hand. Been 2 years since then. I have a nice little scar.

Once back in Junior High I was riding my bike alog and some how it flipped over. Not sure what happened. But the bike ended up on top of me and I ened up on the pavement. -_-

I'm super Klutzy.

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Postby PrincessZelda » Sun May 22, 2005 11:43 pm

I've accidently walked into a brick wall before...
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Postby kazekami » Sun May 22, 2005 11:44 pm

Saint Kevin wrote:Wow, you're like a female version of Tim Allen.

My mom says its because I don't pay attnetion. heh.

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Postby Slater » Sun May 22, 2005 11:59 pm

yeah, probably the stupidest way I hurt myself was by accidently shooting myself with a nailgun 42 times.
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Postby Stephen » Mon May 23, 2005 12:02 am

Hmm. I fall off stuff at work somtimes...get to multitasking and lose my balance. Ah, I have a good one. While helping my father make a hunting trail a few years back, I kicked the top off a ground bees nest. Got stung like 5 times as I sprinted down through the woods tearing bee covered clothing off...^^;;
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Postby Slater » Mon May 23, 2005 12:13 am

whoa. that owns.

Ok, in truth, the stupidest accident I had was on a scooter. I was going too fast and lost control, so I fell on the scooter. Problem was that the scooter fell on my left ring finger. And we slid. Yes, I did bleed. I bleeded gooood.

That last one was painful, yes. But one time I was playing rugbee at school with my PE class, 8th grade. The ball was dropped, so I went down to pick it up, running full speed (for me about 13 mph back then) so I could get down the field quickly. Well, my other teammate had the same idea as I did... except he came at a 90 degree angle to me. he and I were running about the same speed when we collided: my chin to his forehead. I got up as quickly as I was knocked down and at first thought that the whole experiance was pretty kewl. But my friend wasn't so quick to get up so I went over to check him out. Slowly he got up, blood pouring down his face. Oops. Then I turned to the class, which was staring at me as well... I needed 8 stitches, he needed 9.

Oh, and I was playing with a pair of tweezers earlier this week and they fell and scratched my navel. Been bugging the crud out of me since.
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Postby righteous_slave » Mon May 23, 2005 6:08 am

Back in high school, freshman year, I went out for track. For our warm up, the coach sent everyone to run around the whole school grounds. Despite being such a small school, all the grounds still were a long way to run, and I was terribly out of shape. I was huffing and weezing as I neared the football field, and was running with my head down. All of a sudden, I look up just in time to see the edge a bleacher in front of my face. I hit it, went down like a sack of potatoes, and felt like an enourmous idiot. Amazingly, no broken glasses or scars.
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Postby TKD Samurai » Mon May 23, 2005 6:56 am

Here are a few that I can remember:

Last week, I came home from training and went to get my stuff out of the back of our station wagon. When I opened the back door, my brother pulled his stuff out of the car quickly. My bokken, which was closest to the door, fell out and pretty much stabbed me on my big toe. I was only wearing sandals, so it was really painful.

A few weeks ago, I was training with my katana (unsharpened) after class. I was doing a technique where the blade faced downward, and accidentally poked my leg with the tip. It was a small cut, but it was still surprising.

In February I attempted a backflip, but landed on uneven ground. I sprained my ankle, and to this day it's still a little weak.

This one is probably the stupidest way I've injured myself. Early this year, I was throwing my bokken around and attempting to catch it. I suddenly got this crazy idea to try it with the bokken facing forward and throwing it back. The tip of the bokken painfully hit me on the side of the nose, causing it to bleed for a few minutes. :lol:
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Postby Felix » Mon May 23, 2005 9:18 am

Wow. You guys are great.

You wouldn't want to hear about my WORST one...but one good one is the time I almost blew up a truck. ^____^;;; Let's just say it had something to do with loads of gasoline and a few matches. Hehe. me and my friend were trying to make a torch with a big branch and some old socks...let's just say it got out of control. Hehe. we were trying to beat the fire down with big planks of woods and it was getting bigger and was about to get to the tank of gas which happened to be next to the old truck. That was wild.^^;; good memories though.

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Postby kazekami » Mon May 23, 2005 9:25 am

Back in high school my sister and I had bunkbeds. I was on the top bunk with me cat. My cat tripped and fell off. I tried to catch her and fell off after her. But i hit the book shelf on the way down. I'm sure it would have been worse if i had just hit the ground. I forgot for a moment that cats land on there feet.

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Postby Hitokiri » Mon May 23, 2005 9:26 am

I some how cut myself on a seatbelt on my arm 6 years ago and I still have the scar o_0
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Postby Bunny » Mon May 23, 2005 2:01 pm

Well, I was a really crazy kid and I only had boys for friends. (Mainly because they were the only good kids on the block.) Naturally, we all begged our parents for speed bikes and when we finally got them, we layed out what we thought was the world's greatest course. Really, it only involved a straight line of about three or four buckets with fuzzy paint rollers sticking out of them. The idea was to weave between the buckets and pick up the paint rollers. I was always the one to be volunteered for testing things out so I was the lucky one to get all the way to the end, find out that my hands weren't big enough to hold all the rollers, and drop one right into the wheel. For the few moments that I was airborne, I thought, "mom's going to kill me."

This one's good. I was about five when we had a picnic at my old church where my brother and his friends happened upon a large cooler of huge ice chunks. Being about the age where playing catch with unusual objects is about the most extreme thing you can do without being grounded and possibly spanked in public by your mother (translation: 12), they set about playing. Meanwhile, I wanted to be close to my brother so I took a stroll. Somehow I managed to get directly in the pathway of their game, got hit in the head, passed out for a couple of minutes, and woke up with the pastor praying over me. I had a big knot right on my forehead for about a week or so.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon May 23, 2005 5:38 pm

Geeze, kazekami. Remind me not to ever hang out with you IRL. :lol:

Boy, this could go on forever, so I'll only post one. Hmm... On second thought, I'll not post the one I was thinking of first. It might be a bit much. OK. This one works. Once, I was playing with a leatherman, opening and closing it fast (like a butterfly knife). Well, I *thought* I was holding it by the knife side, but it wasn' the file that embedded itself in the back of my hand. (In passing, I trust shooby's gotten better at bandaging since then.)
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Postby cross_slayer16 » Mon May 23, 2005 6:06 pm

Well I somehow when I was snowboarding went the wrong way down the hill on my first time and ended up on the black dimond and broke a finger spraned a arm and uptained a major concushion and then passed out for about 3 min. but like i always say if you dont do it right the first time try it again :grin: but they wouldnt let me :sniffle:
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Postby kazekami » Mon May 23, 2005 6:19 pm

Mithrandir wrote:Geeze, kazekami. Remind me not to ever hang out with you IRL. :lol:

Well my friends don't get hurt only I do since I'm a klutz. My friends won't let me walk on the side of the sidewalk by the street cause they don't want me to fall off wehn I'm walking with them.

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Postby haru_bay_nay » Mon May 23, 2005 8:23 pm

I'm starting to feel more graceful by the second, compared to everyone else's accidents! :eh: Especially yours, kazekami. O.O

Okay, here's two more.

A couple of days ago, I was trying to open a plastic container of strawberries(I always hurt myself with food!), and got frustrated(as usual), so I yanked really hard on the lid and somehow cut my whole hand up pretty badly. I don't even know how I did it. O.o

Last year was my first year in school athletics, and when track season came around, I wanted to be a hurdler. I tryed out, and got into the finals. When we timed the finals, I was in second, but on the 2nd to last hurdle, one of my over-sized toes clipped the edge of the hurdle, and I went down like I got tackled by a football player. I laughed when I hit the ground and rolled, but I stopped as soon as my knee bent the wrong way. ^.^; I finished the race in 4th, but didn't get to be a hurdler... I don't think the coaches wanted to rely on a runner who would kill herself when she tryed to compete...But I got some good scars from that one! The only really bad thing about that incident is that all athletes in our grade, boys and girls, saw it happen. :sweat:
"A chicken is a bird that is harvested for food." -Matthew Bench, an autistic kid in my school who gives the greatest advice. XD

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Otaku10 wrote:I won't release your hand even if I sweat, forever.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon May 23, 2005 10:00 pm

It was Grade 4 Gym Class, we were playing some type of crazy team tag game with beanbags and hula hoops. And I somehow managed to run head first into a wall. Well actually, it was kinda chin first, since that was where I ended up with stitches. Yup, that's the gist of it.
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Postby kazekami » Mon May 23, 2005 10:06 pm

haru_bay_nay wrote:I'm starting to feel more graceful by the second, compared to everyone else's accidents! :eh: Especially yours, kazekami. O.O

I'm the klutzies most accident prone persone I know. Probably from day dreaming all the time. I swear at my university I fell down all 4,000 stairs on campus at least once. Some more painfully then others. But I have been lucky too. Once in fencing class we were doing an exercise and the coach said we could do it without mask and not to touch each other. Since i am really short I have a shorter reach then taller fencers. And my partner didn't have a good distance between us. And she hit me right between the eyes. I freaked out. A millimeter either way and i would have lost an eye!!!!!

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