God can forgive anything, right?

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Postby Starfire1 » Wed May 25, 2005 11:21 am

Kaligraphic wrote:You don't have to accept Jesus to be saved. The Bible only says that you have to believe. (check it out - the condition is faith, not agreement.) The thing is, once you believe, God will start working on you so that you inevitably become more like He's called you to be. Of course, given that He's called us to some really amazing things, you'll find that you want to spend more and more time with God, and you'll want and actively pursue more and more of what He's called you to, simply because it's so wonderful.

As faith is the condition, the only way that the devil can get you out of grace is by convincing you that you are already out of grace - that you're guilty. The fact is, any sin on your part has to die when you die. The thing is, the Bible doesn't say "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves..." - it says "if we say we have not sinned (past tense verb), we deceive ourselves...". All your sin, past, present, and future, dies when you die - but that death is two thousand years ago. Jesus died your death, and you get a new life with his resurrection. Because your sin died two thousand years ago, you don't have sin any more.

If you know that your sin is gone, then you cannot avoid salvation - and the only way that the devil can get you out of heaven is by accusation. This is where he gets into things like showing people various bits of the Law of Moses (obsolete, and only ever in force over the tribes of Israel) to condemn various actions, or, like EireWolf said, planting ideas in your head and then telling you that you should be ashamed for them. But the thing is, you have nothing of which you need be ashamed. You were not made righteous by an act of man, and you were not made righteous by an act of Congress, but you were made righteous by an act of God, and nothing that anyone says or does can take that away.

Of course, to balance that, there are natural consequences to things. The fact that God sees you as innocent is great - just don't get too carried away, because certain actions will produce certain results - as in, if you sleep around, you'll be saved, but you'll have three kids and four venereal diseases. If you rob a bank, God will see you as innocent, but the court may disagree. As the line goes, if you commit adultery, God won't leave you - but your wife will. Some of these things that we may see as moral matters are actually just very practical ways of avoiding unpleasantness in the future. Rejoice that God has forgotten your sin, but remember that the police (and your friends with cameras) still keep records. (good reason to avoid getting drunk - if you're not drunk, you're a lot harder to get into really embarassing photos. On a more health-related note, you're also less likely to think you can outfight an entire motorcycle gang, but that would fit better earlier in this paragraph.)

Remember that nothing - not death, not life, not angels or principalities or powers, not things present or things to come, not height, not depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. NOTHING. So you can tell the devil to go back to hell, because your righteousness cannot be taken, and you are pure and holy by the declaration of God Himself!

an enourmous weight just lifted off my heart and mind. thank you friend.
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USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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Postby Hephzibah » Wed May 25, 2005 3:41 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:But this is THE WORST SIN. The unforgivable sin. And I'm so scared of commiting it I've thought about commiting it. That's scary! Are you sure you have to actaully commit it?

MATE! relax! You have NOT committed the unforgiveable sin! I think its a good idea for you to get your youth or something to pray with you. Perhaps its a good idea to not spend as much time alone as well. When you're alone, thoughts become more dominate (i've found).

Besides, all sin is equally weighed, there is no better or worse sin. The thing that makes this one unforgiveable is because you reject Jesus, who washes away all sin. YOU HAVE NOT REJECTED JESUS COBY!


I just had a quick chat with my mum, and she said that although we can pull out tonnes of Bible verses for you, only the Holy Spirit can truly convince you that you are saved, and set you free from this bondage of fear. Hence, I say we get the CAA Prayer team on this and perhaps you should ask people who are close to you (and the Lord) to pray with you, maybe even daily.
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Postby Danyasaur » Wed May 25, 2005 8:21 pm

Cobyyyyy, you don't have to worry, you haven't commited the unforgivable sin. . . I haven't posted in here cuz' I'm not good at explaining things, but I echo what most of the above have said, but I really just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and that I love you and to remind you that "all things shall pass" *I can't remember where that was in the bible* including this feeling you're having, so just keep on keepin' on and allways remember that God's crazy about you and He loves you, and that nothing can seperate you from that.
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Postby skynes » Thu May 26, 2005 5:13 am

Someone who has comitted the unforgivable sin will be separated from God forever, their conscience will be torn out, they will no longer be convicted of sin, no longer fear sin or fear God. They will be empty and TRULY hopeless. Yet they will not see their state because they will be blinded forever.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but sin seems to bother you, the thought of losing God bothers you because He is worth so much to you. Your mind is filled with fear of what you may do and what it may cost you.

These two statements are incompatible. You have not nor cannot commit this sin. You really need to turn around a give these thoughts what's coming to them. It fits in the category of what I call "First Person Assault"

Your mind is being attacked with demonic thoughts given in the first person.
i.e. You're not being told "Look what you did, you can't be forgiven now" instead you're getting "Look what I did, I can't be forgiven".

It doesn't have to be this way, it can be dealt with. Take a stand against these thoughts and tell em in Jesus' name where to go!
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Postby Kura Ookami » Thu May 26, 2005 8:20 am

The defoinition of blasphemy is to speak with contempt about God or denying God's existance. Speaking with contempt means hating God and it's clear that you do not hate God Coby. Also you're saying that you've committed the unforgivable sin against God when how can you do that if you believe in Him?

How can you truly deny that God exists with all your heart if even the smallest part of you believes that He does exist and its the same for the hating Him. If even the smallest part of you loves God you havent committed the unforgivable sin.

I dont know what more i can say on this that hasnt already been said. I hope this at least helps a little.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:50 pm

I'm so scared. I should have let it go a long time ago. There's no way God could ever forgive me. I'm in so much pain... I don'tknow what to do.
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Postby FadedOne » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:21 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:I'm so scared. I should have let it go a long time ago. There's no way God could ever forgive me. I'm in so much pain... I don'tknow what to do.


This thread is hard to read b/c I can relate so much. Back in '02 I went through a very disturbing period of time. I was dealing w/ blasphemous thoughts, thoughts pouring into my mind that were willing me to submit to evil...
It was so freaking scary and disturbing, because I felt that if I thought these things I would lose God entirely, I would lose myself to evil, and that i'd go crazy. That might sound sillly, but yeah...it feels very real when you fear that you're willfully driving God away by thoughts that you can't seem to control.

I recognize that now as a powerful spiritual attack, but at the time I just felt like I was weak and that I couldn't control my thoughts so I was in danger of losing my salvation. I stopped eating, became generally scared of myself and of being alone, and reached a point of depression i'd never seen before or since. To be honest, I promised God that I'd kill myself before it consumed me. I almost did. it's a dark place to be...

You need to grab hold of truth and banish this fear though. Not sure if you've ever seen the mini-series Dune, but it has one of my fav quotes:

Fear is the mind killer.

There are two ways that satan works best....fear and lies. he's the father of both. I know that right now you may feel as though God is utterly out of reach, but He is most definitely NOT. The best way to defeat this is to screw up your courage and deny satan's power over your mind. Because he has NONE. Not one freaking bit. he'll try to convince you that your mind is his field and that whatever thoughts he puts in there are really yours or that you've embraced them and you've lost God. not true... Declare God's power over your heart and mind and embrace that.

i think sometimes Christians forget that God loves and pursues the pagans, satanists, murders, rapists, people doing terrible unspeakable things. And yet He died for EACH one of them. He surely still loves you and pursues you...He wont let you get away. Let him drive these thoughts out of your mind.

again *hug* sorry to be preachy, but this is so close to my heart. take care..you have my prayer.

1 John 4:4

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.


http://www.christianlyricsonline.com/ar ... hobic.html

some really good lyrics that i believe apply. they've encouraged me.
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:32 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:I'm so scared. I should have let it go a long time ago. There's no way God could ever forgive me. I'm in so much pain... I don'tknow what to do.

Trust God matie, trust God. Btw, you were the person I prayed for yesterday for the PG fast thingy. Are you feeling any better?
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Postby kazekami » Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:51 pm

God forgives everything as long as you accept him before you die. Satan and his evil minions only go after and have intrest in those who they do not have. Once they have you they are not intrested. And you have God in your heart. your faith is underattack. You have done nothing unforgivable. Don't be afraid. I know its hard. However, you must remember that God loves you and will not abandon you. I'll tell you a story about my aunt. My Aunt fell away from Christ. She became a pagan priestess and witch. She even taught witch classes. She called some evil things into the house my parents lived in. Which everyone heard yelling in the house. One day she was preforming a ritual and these things came to her and told her they were her ancestors. To say there names and they would give her their power. She later e-mailed someone. Who told her not to say those names that those were powerful demons. Not to say, think, or ever write them again. That scared her. After that she abandonned that life. She came back the God and Christ. And she is now living a christian life. She feels really guilty about leading people astray. But she knows that in Jesus everything is forgiven. God welcomes back even those who have commited the most terrible of sins. Everyone has a chance to come back to God. So do not be afraid of not being forgiven because you have not died and you have not rejected the holy spirit before doing so. I will pray for you and your troubled heart.

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Postby Nickychris3 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:20 pm

I have a feeling that some of you believe that there is one sin that is worse than another. It may seem that way to US. But to GOD, we must remember that sin is simply sin. There is no sin that is worse than another, they're all equally evil in GOD's eyes. And if you may not realize this, fear is a sin as well. Any type of fear is a sin. Anger, however, is NOT a sin. It's really the complete opposite. It's only if you sin while you're angry that you need to repent. If you may not remember, there were numerous times when both GOD and JESUS got really **** (at us mostly). Sadness is not a sin either. It's only if you let yourself get into grief and depression that you need to repent. CobaltAngel, I belive your problem is... you're thinking too much. Getting off into worry never helped anybody with anything, and it isn't helping you either. Here's a little word of advice that is so simple, but goes a VERY long way. Don't talk to GOD about your problems. Talk to your problems about GOD. Demand them to flee in JESUS's name. Don't ask politeley if they'll go away for a little while and hope for the best. Saying things like, "Lord, let it be your will that..." or "Lord, please..." is really complete foolishness. GOD has placed his power inside of you. You have the athourity to get rid of these rediculous emotions that the enemy has placed into your heart. What you're going through right now is nothing short of demonic. You should not ask GOD to forgive you for sins , but for your sin nature. Don't let your emotions get in the way of the simple tasks that GOD has called for us to do. CobaltAngel, you may not know this, but confessing that you are afraid is a sin. It may seem like the right thing to do to the carnal mind, but it is most certaily NOT. Quite obviously we all seem to care a lot about you, however... It isn't a BLINK compared to how much GOD loves you. Do you really believe that GOD wouldn't forgive you for a specific sin, but forgive you for every other one? NO! That would make him a hyppocrite. And if you do, you SHOULD not. THink of all of the people who have cursed GOD, and have said mean, horrible, HEARTLESS things about him. The ones that got saved were completeley reborn and forgiven. CobaltAngel, by saying that theres no way that GOD could ever forgive you is a SIN. You may not realize it, but you were actually cursing Him by saying that. It wasn't intended, but it happened. It's like saying that there was no way that GOD could love you. But if that were true, then you wouldn't exist. You're His baby; His creation. He designed you from the very smallest little meticulous detail. He knows your every thought; your every emotion. He enjoys your company and loves when you talk to him, and about him. He loves the people who are in hell as well. He didn't want them to go there; He spent their whole life trying to lead them to the right path, they just didn't listen. You have already accepted JESUS into your heart, and no matter what you do, you will go to Heaven. Is that what you're afraid of? Not getting into Heaven? CobaltAngel, for you to finally accept GOD's forgiveness, you must first accept your own.
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Postby livewire » Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:39 pm

You need to remember that God will forgive anything....
Ask for forgiveness, believe that you are forgiven and you will be. You haven't done anything truly wrong.
Satan feeds off fear and despair...
believe me...
it says in the bible, I can't remember the exact verse, that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. By being afraid, you are giving satan power....and I do not believe for an instant that this is what you want.
You seem to love Christ so much.
Ask for forgiveness. Ask for peace...
please, do not despair. I know that so many others have answered your post...
listen to what you are being told...
Please remember that our God is a loving, forgiving father that accepts all of his children and loves us no matter what our folley.
I fell away from him without even realizing that I had done so...and he accepted me back with open arms.
Ask for forgiveness and you WILL be forgiven.
I will pray for you that you may find peace.
God bless you and keep you always.
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