Stupid Ways You've Hurt Yourself

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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu May 26, 2005 4:32 pm

also this one time i was at a band concert (that i didnt want to go to in the first place because it was my bday) and i had to wear a stupid dress and heels i might add that it is very hard to find heels in my size so i had to get smaller ones.
Well we had just finished and i was walking off stage well i fell falt on my face andmy cornet mouth peice got stuck.
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Postby livewire » Fri May 27, 2005 10:27 am

About two or three months ago we were set up as the "model" store at work...Because it was such an important visit and because I was supposed to be off because of school, my manager asked me to do a split, I spent a lot of time changing my cothes and running back and forth between CSUN and work (on public transportation I must add!) Anyways, a few of my co-workers and I were working on finishing up some aesthetic stuff in the department and we ran out of these little plastic ties we were using and I was asked to go and get some more from the shelves above our manager's desk. So, I went back to our stockroom...none of the lights were on yet and the light above his desk was dim. Stupidly....I, wearing a long skirt, stood on his ROLLING chair to look. Now, I couldn't see very well, so I leaned against the shelves to get a better look. The chair rolled backI fell and ripped my skirt, hit the desk and then the chair as I fell...
the worst part of it all was that I had just bought the skirt the previous day AND I couldn't find the plastic ties.
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 27, 2005 11:49 am

Add a new one to the list for me. Last night while doing some work on my truck...adding seat covers, steering wheel cover. I got the wrong size steering wheel cover. So I am out there in the garage...hanging upside down pulling trying to get that bad johnny on...and it just won't go. So then I get the brilliant idea...pry it on with a screw driver. Well I ended up cutting the old steering wheel...and stabbing myself under the fingernail on my left hand index finger. Conclusion? Pimp my ride makes this stuff look far to easy.
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Postby Sakura15 » Fri May 27, 2005 12:39 pm

Oh yeah, and when I was at a youth grp retreat in january, I was racing my friend to the stairs in the cabin we had. But, I was wearing my pajama pants, and they are really long and baggy lol. So, I grabbed the railing anf triped on my pants slid like someone does when they go to home base in baseball, and slammed into the wall. Lol!!! My feet hurt so darn bad, my youth grp leader was like "careful Crystal." haha.
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Fri May 27, 2005 10:31 pm

Gah! Sorry it took me so long to post again! Geez, you guys just can't keep from hurting yourselves and terrible ways, can you? And I thought my stories were bad. :lol: Anyway, keep 'em comin!

Lunis: Yay, aggressive posts!!! I have to be the single most aggressive girl post of all time. I remember a couple years ago, I was playing defense, and stole the ball, causing the girl I was guarding to fall flat on her face. As I was taking off, she grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the ground with her. I, having the short-fuse of a temper I do, in turn kicked her squarely in the face. We both almost got kicked out of the game, but did become friends after that for some reason. :sweat:

One of my best stupid injuries ever:
Last summer, I was swimming in my pool with my cousins, and we were doing tricks off of the diving board. I liked doing front flips, and had been doing them without incident the whole day. Well, as luck would have it, the last particular time, as I was ending the flip, I was so close to the board that my head actually hit the bottom of it. I sank to the pool bottom like I had cement blocks tied to my feet. It was quite painful, but funny, now that I think about it. ^.^
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Postby kazekami » Sat May 28, 2005 4:51 am

I'm just really lucky. It's cause i have my head in the clouds. Which reminds me one day I was really thrilled. I really like laungages. And I was concentrating on memorizing the order of kana. And I was also rushing to class. Well I got so deep into thought contemplating Japanese I wasn't watching where I was going. And I fell down the cement steps between the new and old music buildings at my universtiry. I think I hit hy head on the cement. I was really disoriented. One of my classmates helped me up and walked me to class. Where I discovered my pants were ripped and I had blood dripping from my shin. I had scraped myself up really badly. The professeur excused me from class so that I could go to get it treated.

Also another time I came home from school and opened my apartment door. Smoke came billowing out. I have really bad asthma. But I went in anyway discovered my roommates left the stove on and went to class. I fixed the problem opened the windows. Then I had to call my friend for help. She got home a few minutes after I left her a scary message when I was gasping for breath for help. When she got there I was outside. And she took me to her place where instead of studying like good University students we played video games. But i got really sick. My group for peer revision in histroy class ordered me to the health center for treatment the next day. What I should have done was have the fire department take care of the incident instead of making myself that sick.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat May 28, 2005 6:49 am

Often in primary school years we would line up to go as a class to the library or on an excursion or something and I would be talking to the person behind me as I walked into mulitiple poles.

When I was a small guy (in year 8 at highschool) I often stood up for others my age who were being bullied but I had the unfortunate position of not being able to stand up for myself. One time this resulted in the bullies giving me "the Tree". This unfortunate incident involved a small tree at the front of the yard. Four people would grab your arms and legs, pull your legs apart and pull you through the tree to cause extreme pain. Lucky for me I had a bit of fight in me and as I was being almost at the point of pain I freed my leg enough to kick one of the people in the face. I kicked with my other foot and they dropped me and started swearing and yelling and ran off. I guess that incident was sort of my fault but I get really bitter sometimes about all the bullying I recieved in highschool and tafe, but I guess you have to let forgiveness take its place. But its really hard, you know?

The first day of Tafe we were in an Occupational Health and Safety class and we had to go around the area and list all the none-safe objects and stuff. We walked out of the Tafe and headed down to the shopping centre nearby to look for some. There was a roadsign on the path saying, "Watch your step." I was talking so intently to the person infront that I didn't see the sign until, I fell face first into the pavement, over it. Quite embarassing, painful and very funny.
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Postby Riku777 » Sat May 28, 2005 9:55 am

simply put... going too fast o.0
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