Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun May 29, 2005 11:53 am
Whoo! Been there, done that. I know exactly what you're going through, Lluvia. Man, do I know. I found myself in the same situation on a Kingdom Hearts forum in the debate section. Topics ranged all over, from Homosexuality to God or no God, and I did my best to keep them at bay...Unfortunately, I was one of only two or three good Christians on that forum, and they didn't always post in the sections I most frequented. Gosh, I hated going to that forum...I kept going back because I knew that I had to answer the questions they were throwing at me, not to mention defend my faith against them. It was really stressful, and I always ended up depressed afterward. I only go back once every now and then to check my PM's, but I rarely ever go to the boards, unless I'm feeling up for the challenge. I remember asking for help too, actually...But the guy never responded! -_-' Well, I can try to give you a little bit of help, but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to go...I'll do my best, though! ^_^
EDIT: Oh wow. I dropped by and registered, and it was worse than I thought it would be! I only went to one topic, one about the Bible being true or false, and the people there have no remorse...There is one member, her name was Voice, and she was doing an excellent job defending the Christian faith...I was just reading her welcoming page, and I cannot believe some of the things that were said to her! Really, the prejudice was just unbelievable. Well, I still hope I can help out, even though I'm not sure I have an adequate education for dealing with those people...
EDIT AGAIN: ^_^ Wow...It just occured to me...Are you Voice? The link you gave went straight to that thread, and the only Christian there was Voice...Well, if that was you, then you were doing a magnificent job! ^_^ While reading some of the posts, I almost PM'd you to say how much I agreed with what you said! You backed up everything you said with God's Word, and you explained everything so intelligently...I was highly impressed! I totally understand how you don't want to go back, though...I certainly wouldn't want to! Just remember: "If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you." - 1 Peter 4:14
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