Inspired by anorexia as a god

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Inspired by anorexia as a god

Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:34 pm

The Thin Commandments:
1. If your not thin you not attractive
2. Being thin's more important than being healthy.
3. do absolutely anything to be thin
4. Thou shalt not eat without feeling guilty.
5. dont eat fattening food without punishing oneself after.
6.count calories and restrict intake accordingly.
7. What the scale says is the most important thing.
8. Losing weight is good/gaining weight is bad.
9. You can never be too thin.
10. Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success.

Can you beleive what people do to get small its so rediculous its all of the devil and only us Christians seem to understand this. :(

Also i told the girls i talked to if God wanted them scaryilly thin that he would have made them that way
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:40 pm

That list does seem to consist of what most of them are concerned about. Are you like a student counselor, or do you just know some girls who are like that?
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:46 pm

haru_bay_nay wrote:That list does seem to consist of what most of them are concerned about. Are you like a student counselor, or do you just know some girls who are like that?

I like going to various websites and witnessing to people and i copied down the list of thin comandments off of a the web and sent it along with some differant reasons not to be and some scriptures to various girls like on was gonna kill herself so i wrote her and another one was posting pics of models and saying how she wanted to be like tham and all that stuff
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Postby Mave » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:49 pm

LeaChan-4ever wrote:The Thin Commandments:
1. If your not thin you not attractive

I still struggle with #1 on a daily basis but I think I can resist the rest of them.

If one can afford to worry so much over food, try exercising and use it to take out some stress. I always feel a whole lot better eating once I've exercised. ^_^
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:57 pm

Mave wrote:I still struggle with #1 on a daily basis but I think I can resist the rest of them.

If one can afford to worry so much over food, try exercising and use it to take out some stress. I always feel a whole lot better eating once I've exercised. ^_^

I much agree i think everyone wants to be small and excercising helps alot.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:04 pm

I can't understand those at all because I feel on a daily basis that I'm too thin to be attractive. I exercise quite a bit though, and it does help some. You tend to weight more when you work out because mustle weights more than fat.
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:06 pm

LeaChan-4ever: Wow, that's cool of you. You just e-mail them or something?

Mave: You and me both. -.-; Although I seem to struggle to about just about all of those commandments a lot of the time(don't worry, I'm not anorexic! :hits_self). I guess that society has just convinced us that thin is beautiful.

CobaltAngel: People tell me all the time that muscle weighs more than fat to explain why that no matter how much I excercise, and even though I eat right and play 3 sports, I can't get any skinnier than where I'm at right now. I have lost a little weight, but not near as much as I'd like. It's frustrating. Any tips?

The closest I ever got to being anorexic was this year during track season when I got so nervous that I never ate during the meets, and later, I would punish myself for not running good enough by not eating for the whole night and sometimes the next day, as well. Of course, I'm not gonna do that again, but it surprised me that I was capable of it at all.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:27 pm

haru_bay_nay wrote:LeaChan-4ever: Wow, that's cool of you. You just e-mail them or something?

Yep just email them if there is an address on it
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Postby CobaltAngel » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:37 pm

[b]CobaltAngel: People tell me all the time that muscle weighs more than fat to explain why that no matter how much I excercise, and even though I eat right and play 3 sports, I can't get any skinnier than where I'm at right now. I have lost a little weight, but not near as much as I'd like. It's frustrating. Any tips?
Hey man, if you exercise and eat right you have nothing to worry about. Some people are just naturally bigger than others. Accososiating "thin" with "healthy" and "fit" is an inaccurate sterotype. But I'm by no means an expert;;
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Postby Alice » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:05 pm

I wonder how much anime and manga agree with all this, making us think thin is the best and only beautiful.

I looked through a comic (manga-like but not manga) by Rod Espinosa the other day, and I was *shocked* to see that the female main character wasn't extremely skinny. I mean, she looked pretty, but her legs were not skinny-skinny.

Also Ginrei in Giant Robo, sorta, but she's kinda deformed in other ways, so... only sorta.
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Postby EireWolf » Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:36 pm

LeaChan-4ever wrote:Can you beleive what people do to get small its so rediculous its all of the devil and only us Christians seem to understand this. :(

Actually, I've known some Christian girls who were anorexic and/or bulemic. Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they don't struggle with these issues.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:12 pm

EireWolf wrote:Actually, I've known some Christian girls who were anorexic and/or bulemic. Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they don't struggle with these issues.

Yeah your right my bad :hits_self
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:34 pm

as Shikamaru said to Chouji in naruto

Shikamaru wrote:She [Ino] doesn't understand that guys like a little meat on their girls
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Postby Uriah » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:53 pm

Yea.. It's one of the most stupid things...
Young women are being convinced that they aren't attractive.. Ridiculous standards are put on them, either by themselvs or others...

It's really sad, alot of the girls that I see on TV with eating disorders are convinced they are ugly, when they actually look rather attractive.. If they are told otherwise by anyone else.. The one who told them has absolutely no grasp on beauty whatsoever...
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:17 am

Mary-Kate Olsen im curious what her thoughts were when she became anorexic (or was it boulemic) she wasnt big at all its rediculous :banned:
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:30 am

EireWolf wrote:Actually, I've known some Christian girls who were anorexic and/or bulemic. Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they don't struggle with these issues.

i almost did once i thought hey i dont think God will mind im just gonna loose a little weight then ill stop but i finally came to my senses
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:09 am

You can definitely be Christian and have this sort of problem. I mean, everyone expects girls to always be skinny, but I don't see anywhere near as much similar pressure on boys. I can empathize with people who turn to eating disorders, because I almost did myself.

Even anime and manga usually further these stereotypes, although there are some exceptions(as mentioned before by Alice and Mr. SmartyPants).
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Postby Myoti » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:45 pm

I don't personally care that much about skinnyness, on me or girls. At the same time, I am consicous about eating too much without enough exercise. I'm 6'1" and 220 lbs., which is suppose to be overweight, but I prefer going but a little theory devised by comedian Thor Ramsey:

"If you're overweight, and you've always been overweight, then you're not overweight." :)

I've gotten to were I try to listen myselfand decide whether I'm really hungry anymore. It's hard when you have this incredible looking chocolate ice cream cake with melted fudge on top, and it hasn't made me skinny, but I don't worry as much about being fat anymore.
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Postby PeridotJuliet » Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:05 pm

i have the same problem as CobaltAngel. i feel like im too thin because im tall so its all kind of stretched out. i fell like a lanky clown or something.i didnt used to have that problem until my friend started complaining about how skinny she was and i saw myself in a pic. and i was like " o my gosh! my appendages look like spaghetti!" but i realize that God made me the way he wants me and i could be struggling with thinking i was too fat so i thank God for the body he gave me. (and the sense of humor lol) it's about being me and no one else!
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Postby livewire » Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:30 pm

I am replying to this thread because what was written in the original thread kind of bothered me. As someone who has, for as long as I can remember, suffered with body image issues, I can tell you that eating disorders affect people indiscriminately. These are mental/emotional illnesses that cross racial, religious AND gender lines. Boys suffer from eating disorders just as girls do, but there is more shame associated with it.
As for me...
I was raised Catholic thus, I can tell you that it is VERY possible for a Christian to suffer from skewed body image and eating disorders. Though I never had a full blown eating disorder, I went through periods of self-deprivation. I used to, and sometimes still, look in the mirror and saw someone who was grotesque. I hated the way that I looked. I hated the way that my body looked....although, I can tell you that I have never been above a size 7, I truly belueved I was fat.
There are still times when I find it hard to believe it when my boyfriend tells me that I am beautiful...and there are times when I look in the mirror and am surprised at how thin I am...and how pretty I appear to be.
For people suffering from these disorders, body weight and image are things that they can control in an otherwise uncontrolable world....and it is VERY possible for Christians to suffer from it.
I have never once in my life denounced God. I have never, ever turned my back on Him. Even in my darkest hour, when I was shrouded in darkness, did I ever say anything against Him. I have always loved Jesus with all of my heart and my soul...and yet I have suffered through this.
There is a book that I recently read called A Very Hungry Girl by Jessica Weiner. The book is a memoir about a rather amazing woman who overcame. It details the expereinces of the author and those around her...what they were thinking and what places they were in their lives. Believe me, this illness is complicated and painful...for those suffering as well as for those witnessing it.
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Postby Alice » Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:54 pm

I thought someone had already said Christians could suffer from that.

Yes, livewire, I met a Christian girl who struggled with that, too. It doesn't mean she'd not a Christian.

She told me one time she mostly wears black because black is slimming, and I was like "What? You're perfect already!" But I don't suppose anyone believes that just from being told?

Anyway, prayers for you. And bless you for being brave enough to share.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:00 pm

The Thin Commandments:
1. If your not thin you not attractive

Untrue...Many men like girls with some meat on this bones..myself included.

'Thought I'd give ya'll some uplifting words. :thumb:

Though I apolgize if I went in a rude direction
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Postby Nate » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:03 pm

*points to Ronin's post*

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Er, I mean, I agree. I don't care for the women that look like they're starving. I would tie them down and shove steak down their throat or something.

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Postby haru_bay_nay » Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:40 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Er, I mean, I agree. I don't care for the women that look like they're starving. I would tie them down and shove steak down their throat or something.

O.o "Shove steak down their throat"? Sort of funny, yet vaguely disturbing. Wait... I totally just described myself.

Anyway, it's great to hear encouragement, but people around here seem to place most of their values on your physical appearance. I am always trying to lose more weight. My best friend says I'm obsessed because I check the nutritional values on the packages of everything I eat, count and keep track of how many calories/fat/carb I take in, work out a lot, and step on the scale at least 3 times a day. Sometimes I say to myself, "Oh, you're fine, it's just to make you healthier and in better shape." But other times, I think I'm really messed up. What do you guys think? Is this a problem, or a good thing?
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Postby Alice » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:21 pm

You should probably weigh yourself once a week.

It's not good to do it too much.

Plus remember that at your age, you're still growing, so you should gain weight.
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Postby Hephzibah » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:32 pm

You should probably weigh yourself once a week.

It's not good to do it too much.

I weigh myself every morning. I would call it inspiration, and as I am only a few kilos above my goal weight (which is very realistic I might add, I am by no means a bag of bones or anything likes that) its very encouraging to see the little bit of progress each day... however, lately I've been a bit naughty :P Its the muffins!! THE MUFFFIIIIIIIIINS

Anyway, I think it is very sad when a girl (or guy, but its more frequent in gals I've found) becomes so caught up in their looks and weight that they turn themselves into toothpicks. Not only is it unattractive, but it is also very unhealthy and carries alot of psychological damage as well. I have heard it said that it is better to be a bit over-weight than underweight.

However, it is also sad to see so many obese people out there today. It seems people are being pushed to either extreme, esp in most of the Western countries, where fashion and leisure reign.
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Postby KrescentMoon » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:11 am

I have to comment on this.

" wrote:I have heard it said that it is better to be a bit over-weight than underweight.

Must emphasize the "bit" part. Maybe it's wrong, but I think being skinny is better than being fat. =_=;

" wrote:However, it is also sad to see so many obese people out there today. It seems people are being pushed to either extreme, esp in most of the Western countries, where fashion and leisure reign.

Too true. I think there are too many people on the end of the ruler, and not enough in the middle.

Like Mave, I struggle with not being thin enough to be attractive; however, I'm accepting myself more. I believe that I'm pretty thin for what I'm doing (um, no excericising, and just eating well? Actually, I don't eat THAT well...but good. *truly not an eating person*). What I'm concerned more about is not excercising. I haven't excercised in over a year (for reasons concerning my location), and it's not such a pleasant feeling. I keep saying "Pathetic" to myself over and over. -___-; I'm definitely going to have to go to the gym and rebuild my stamina.

Anyway, I'd continue this post, but I feel like I'm just going to ramble on continuously for a's 3:20 AM here. ^^;

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Postby livewire » Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:03 am

For women, it IS better to be overweight than underweight for this reason: WE HAVE CHILDREN....
if you are underweight you affect your ability to be ablet to have children....if you are malnurished youa ffect your ability to have HEALTHY children. It is possible to go fact, one of the symptoms of anorexia is loss of the menstrual cycle...
Anyways, I also must say that weight and body type and what a person's physical appearance may be has NOTHING to do with how attractive he/she is. I know many women who are not "society's" image of thin, but they are still beautiful. As several men on this thread have already said, it is good to have a little "meat" on your bones.
I took a health class at my university this past of the things that we were taught is that fat not only helps insulate our bodies, but it is important in that it provides cushioning for our joints....SOME FAT IS IMPORTANT.... our bodies NEED fat....
Fat isn't the horrible monster that our society has made it out to be...
On another note....someone mentioned the obesity problem. Eating disorders aren't necessarily starvation or making oneself throw up.... the world of eating disorders encompasses a wide spectrum, including compulsive overeating....

anyways, the obesity problem that we see now a days in children and adults is due mostly from the fact that we eat fast food and don't excercise. Plus, portions are much bigger than they used to be.
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Postby livewire » Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:03 am

For women, it IS better to be overweight than underweight for this reason: WE HAVE CHILDREN....
if you are underweight you affect your ability to be ablet to have children....if you are malnurished youa ffect your ability to have HEALTHY children. It is possible to go fact, one of the symptoms of anorexia is loss of the menstrual cycle...
Anyways, I also must say that weight and body type and what a person's physical appearance may be has NOTHING to do with how attractive he/she is. I know many women who are not "society's" image of thin, but they are still beautiful. As several men on this thread have already said, it is good to have a little "meat" on your bones.
I took a health class at my university this past of the things that we were taught is that fat not only helps insulate our bodies, but it is important in that it provides cushioning for our joints....SOME FAT IS IMPORTANT.... our bodies NEED fat....
Fat isn't the horrible monster that our society has made it out to be...
On another note....someone mentioned the obesity problem. Eating disorders aren't necessarily starvation or making oneself throw up.... the world of eating disorders encompasses a wide spectrum, including compulsive overeating....

anyways, the obesity problem that we see now a days in children and adults is due mostly from the fact that we eat fast food and don't excercise. Plus, portions are much bigger than they used to be.
My health teacher drilled this mantra into our heads this semester: moderation, variety, excercise and balance...
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