Lochaber Axe wrote:If you want encouragement on writing darker themed christian works with non-Christian main characters... some even dying before accepting Christ... read The Oath by Frank Peretti.
Very good for an example of proper and realistic story telling. Personally, the beastie in that book can kick any vampire's behind...
steelbeliever wrote:Ok, this is wierd of me to ask...more wondering...
when you're doing manga, do the characters always have to be like christian...or like "good"? i mean, it's a good thing to do, but i think a good story needs to have some darkness right? i've done some pretty odd stuff and some of my christians friends didn't like it because characters died and no one became a christian...it that wrong?
LightUpTheDark wrote:I think it depends on what you're trying to convey. A good christian thriller...wheither it be a comic, book, movie...whatever... needs to have that balance of Good and evil, like most of the above have mentioned. I too am writing my own manga, and most of my "good" characters all have their own flaws. The main character is an Assassin, one of the others is a married, yet flirty spy, one is nearly insane (sometimes), and another has a death wish. And one of them actually betrays the others, while a villian is eventually transformed into a good guy ( think a Saul/Paul like situation). The characters by themself don't convey anything, but when coupled with a story line about Redemption, I have hopes that God can use it for his Glory.
See, i think if someone is writing a christian manga...someone somewhere in the plot should accept Christ or whatever. If you don't have anything like that, a basic storyline about God versus Satan/Evil, why even write a "christian" manga? Because if you don't have some type of salvation/christian theme to it... it's not a christian manga, now is it? I mean, you need to ask yourself if your writing just to please yourself, of if you're using it to reach the Lost for Christ. If you're doing it to reach the Lost, Christ needs to be represented in there some where...because he's the Gateway. I'm not trying to be harsh, but this is basiclly what I think.
uc pseudonym wrote:Vampire issue aside (as it has been addressed in another thread), I feel that a story would be seriously lacking if all characters are completely "good." People are imperfect. If you wish a character to be human and connect with any readers (which you may not), they must reflect humanity.
As for people dying, I don't see a problem with it. Is the objective of your story to be happy-happy and make the readers have warm, fuzzy feelings inside? Likely not. In real life people die all the time without ever considering Christianity. If everything ends up "picture perfect" your story loses any sense of realism.
However, I'll temper that with something else: the story should have some reason for being written and labeled "Christian." Just as a secular story with no purpose is not quality, a Christian story without some manner of message is not. It is important to consider what messages or themes you are sending (as you will send them, regardless of your intent).
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