Rev. Sun Moon // The 'Moonies'

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Rev. Sun Moon // The 'Moonies'

Postby Kenchii » Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:12 am

About two weeks ago I was apart of the Unification 'church'. I did not know about the Moonies until 4 days ago. I thoght it was a normal church that beleves in GOD, JESUS, and The HOLY BIBLE. But I was wrong.. Rev. Sun Moon Beleves HE is Jesus! All my friends went this this 'church' and at the moment I wasent attending church so I went along.
The first time It was alright. We worshiped and praised that GOD did for us and we recited hims' (Korean ones) The second time I realized something. There was no Pictures of JESUS anywhere! nor the cross. Then I got suspisious. They had Sun Moon & his wife images instead. I was wondering alot. Then I found up some information on ths 'church' and I was shocked. was I really in a cult?? I have looked at this gooods ite that supplied good information on the religion, I wanted to add it in here, but I couldnet find it. But here is another summary on the horrifing Univication church.

Taken From CNN Search:

By Harry V. Martin and David Caul

The buses would come in at night, filled with young people. Their destination was the Moonie facility Upvalley. Were these people "volunteers" or held against their will? According to neighbors in the area, a few males would knock on their door late at night and ask how they could "escape" from the area. Under most circumstances, the young people who live there walk outside the compounds with another person, they are seldom alone.
In the mid-70s, then Napa Sheriff Earl Randol had some major clashes with the Moonies in an attempt to gain the "release" of one young man.

The Moonies first came to prominence in Napa County in October 1976 when Charles Lotz arrived here from Arizona with his two attorneys, Wayne Howard and Michael Trauscht. Lotz suspected that his son, Steven, was living as a Moonie on the Aetna Springs Resort. With Napa Attorney John Dower, the group appeared before Superior Court Judge Thomas Kongsgaard for the purpose of having Lotz appointed temporary conservator of his son, this essentially gave him the legal right to forcibly control the actions of his son who is declared temporarily incompetent.

MOONIES: how they recruit the young people
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul

Friday, March 6, 1992

What has sparked so much controversy about the Moonie movement is the allegations that their followers are brainwashed. The movement is reported to pray on the discontent, anger and disenfranchisement of the young, transforming their youthful concepts and values into the dogma of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Gift of Deceit, written by Robert Boettcher, states: "The American System is ill-equipped to deal with Moon. He knows this and benefits from it. He can break some laws and use others for protection. By perverting freedom of religion, he can keep thousands of people in brainwashed captivity while he intimidates and manipulates the non-Moon world." The book further states, "The United States government believed brainwashing was real enough in the Korean War. Apparently that was different because Communists were doing it to American soldiers. When Moon does it in the name of God he gets away with it."

In 1974, Rev. Moon stated, "I truly disciplined and set the traditions of our movement in Korea, so that they (Moon's followers) were completely liberated from the fear of how to live, what to eat, and how to sleep." Why do people voluntarily surrender control of their life to Moon's Unification Church?

Moon's followers are generally people in their twenties, they are free of legal parental restraints and therefore less easily wooed out of the Moon organization. Young, clean-cut youths, will recruit others on college campuses or in shopping centers. They will insist that they are offering a new way of life and not a religious experience. They invite young people to their centers, such as the one in Pope Valley. The concept of love and fraternity are strongly pushed.

Generally, the recruit meets organizational officials over a quiet dinner. Moon is not mentioned, religion is seldom broached. While you eat, you listen to their lectures and prayers and share in their singing, the recruiters constantly smile throughout the encounter. The youth is asked to attend a three-day workshop. Some do last longer, seven, 21, 40 or 120 days. But generally the first encounter is only three days. The workshops are held in churches, on estates, camps or rural retreat, or a training center. The short workshops work on getting you committed, the longer ones are to groom leaders.

If the leaders of the group should slacken in their enthusiasm or diligence, they are sternly reprimanded. The recruit is rarely permitted to engage in any casual conversation with anyone. They are only allowed to speak about spiritual things within a structured framework. Creativity is frowned upon, conformity is stressed. "All day you are bombarded by ideas and concepts," states The Puppet Master. "There is little relaxation, and so your resistance is low. When you refrain from sharing or resist in any way, you are met with benevolent concern. Peer approval is an important technique which subtly tells you to conform. The family members aim directly at your most vulnerable points: the need to belong, to feel useful and to feel love. Throughout the workshop you are flooded with affection, hugs, pats, hand-holding and smiles."

Recruits react to the regimental control by trying to please. "But, you quickly learn that the only way to please is to conform," The Puppet Master states. "You succumb many times to small acts of conformity without realizing it. You feel guilty when you hold back, and you are told that wanting to be alone is a symptom of fear and alienation." It is at this point that the recruit is asked to join the movement. The family member who has spent all the time with the specific recruit will beg and plead for the recruit to stay. "There will even be tears along with promises. They will continue to implore until you decide to join," The Puppet Master states. You begin to fear the world and those in it. Thus you become dependent on the group for love and positive reinforcement. After alienation is complete, you are told that you can leave if you want."

After the "losing period" the regimentation becomes even more rigid. The recruit is required to adhere to even more demanding workshop schedules. They sleep five or six hours a day. Their diet consists of starchy foods and low proteins. Often they fast for many days. The recruit must now fundraise and recruit others. The recruit must sing and pray before meals, before classes, before work, before evening gatherings. Most songs are traditional or Korean hymns.

MOONIES: what Rev. Moon teaches the young
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul

To best understand the Moonies, one must look at their doctrine. The Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon warns Christians that they will be swept away. In his Divine Principle, the foundation of his teachings, Rev. Moon claims that Christians today will be like the priests and rabbis of Jesus' day, the "first to persecute the Messiah". He says that Christians will cling to their archaic beliefs and will be blind to the truths of the new age. "Innumerable Christians of today are dashing on the way which they think will lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. Nevertheless, the road is apt to lead them into hell." He says, Christians must accept the revelations within the Divine Principle and the Lord of the Second Advent or be damned.

Moon leaves no room in his philosophy for doubt about where he and Korea stand in the eyes of God. Moon claims he is the new Messiah and Korea is God's chosen nation. "This is the culmination of God's 6000 year quest to restore man from the fall of Adam." Moon tells his followers and captives that God revealed this to him when he was a young man. He states, "God said, 'You are the son I have been seeking, the one who can begin my eternal history'.

"Moon teaches that lying is necessary when one is doing God's work, whether selling flowers in the street or testifying under oath. "The truth is what the Son of God says it is. At the Garden of Eden, evil triumphed by deceiving goodness. To restore original perfection, goodness must now deceive evil. Even God lies very often."

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Postby shooraijin » Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:01 am

I'm glad you were able to escape the Unification Church, which is a truly dangerous movement. I pray that God still gives you good guidance for disentangling yourself completely.

So many cults and cultic organizations use these sorts of techniques, particularly saying that time alone to oneself is bad and never allowing you an independent thought. More importantly, they teach that exposure to the outside, to your former life, is corrupting and a bad influence -- don't reach out to them and have nothing to do with them. The Scientologists use a similar method. So do many small allegedly 'brotherhood' or 'family' cults that force communal living and constant proximity with only cult members so that any rogue influence can rapidly be identified, assessed, and either retrained or expelled. And by then, you're so hooked into the group that expulsion would be worse than death. Did you leave anyone or anything behind in the Unification church?

While we're on the subject, there's another organization that proselytises big-time within the same demographic, and is also quite dangerous: the Boston Movement, unfortunately also titled the Church of Christ or the International Churches of Christ (to great confusion with the legitimate denomination), was a heavy recruiter at UC San Diego while I was an undergraduate student. Their methods were nearly as damaging, and a few of my friends in Campus Crusade were refugees from the local Boston Movement organization. For some information on this group, look at and to find out what methods they use and the damage they have caused to people and, worst of all, to people's perception of Christians and the Christian church.
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Postby Shinja » Sun Nov 09, 2003 10:52 am

there are many groups like those, its good you got away from it
Matt blends in - and hates it.


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Postby EireWolf » Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:37 pm

That's pretty scary. I'm glad you got out of there, Kenchii.
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:05 am

the UC is one of the most dangherous "churches" out there . They not only have had the issues with tax evasion, but Sun himself has been accusesd of rape and polygamy for the sake of finding his "eternal holy wife". scary stuff glad ya got out of there...places like that can be lethal.

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Postby Kenchii » Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:45 pm

*sigh* most of all my friends are in the unification church. Because one of my friends I knew for a long time is in it. I just wish I can help them or somthing.. but I don't know how. I recentlt made a xanga, because all of my (unification) friends did. I noticed that they were all connected with the 'BC' blogring. I was very intested in that. I didn't know what It stood for then found out. BC stands for Blessed Child. I thought, well, Im blessed, so I added it. Recently going though web sites containing Rev. Sun Moon followers, BC is apart of the Unification church. So, Im going to take it off now. Here is a reallly good web site on the moonies I found.


I know everyone has a right to beleve what they want to, and I dont want to force any religion on my friend(s). But, im not sure they realize the whole truth behind there 'christanity' beleving. I with there was a way I can talk to them/him. :(


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Postby RoyalWing » Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:24 pm

that is scary, I never knew about them before! Thank you! o__o
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Postby Zilch » Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:05 pm

Umm, Kenchii, about that website you posted...

That's another batch of cultists. While informative, it's coming from the wrong people.
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Postby termyt » Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:30 am

I'll pray for you Kenchii. Cults are wicked stuff because a lot of what they do sounds and feels right. Thank God you saw them for what they are.

Let this be a warning to all CAAers. The ways to fall are many and they are often not easy to see. Know whatyou believe. Be able to speak it clearly and plainly so you yourself will not become confused! I don't want to lose any of you.

And just to clearthe record - standing up for the truth and stating your beliefs is your first admendment right. It is not imposing a belief system on anyone else. So, don't loose heart and don't let them intimidate you. They have the right to refuse to listen and to disagree with you! You're only responsibility is to not back down and to let them walk away iof they choose to.

Kenchii, I hope you can reach out to your friends and shine the light of truth into the darkness. But don't get sucked back in yourself!

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Postby Kenchii » Tue Jul 27, 2004 7:07 am

[quote="termyt"]I'll pray for you Kenchii. Cults are wicked stuff because a lot of what they do sounds and feels right. Thank God you saw them for what they are.

Let this be a warning to all CAAers. The ways to fall are many and they are often not easy to see. Know whatyou believe. Be able to speak it clearly and plainly so you yourself will not become confused! I don't want to lose any of you.

And just to clearthe record - standing up for the truth and stating your beliefs is your first admendment right. It is not imposing a belief system on anyone else. So, don't loose heart and don't let them intimidate you. They have the right to refuse to listen and to disagree with you! You're only responsibility is to not back down and to let them walk away iof they choose to.

Kenchii, I hope you can reach out to your friends and shine the light of truth into the darkness. But don't get sucked back in yourself!

A message from a guy in the "legitimate denomination" - Church of Christ/Christian Church ]

Thank you.


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Postby Vash is a plant » Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:10 am

OMGosh! *hugs Kenchii* That's terrible! I hope your friends get out of that before it's too late!
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Postby Kireihana » Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:01 am

My mom told me about the Moonies and all the stuff that went on in the 70s; I didn't even know that was still happening today! You sure don't hear it on the news anymore. I'm sorry for your friends.
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Postby Jasdero » Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:14 am

Oh wow. I never knew about Moonies before.. Hmm..well, I'm glad you're out of it. Thanks for informing those of us who were in the dark. I'll have to watch out for that. My mother is Korean, and we go to a Korean church, but they all speak Korean, and I don't know anything they're saying, so it's kind of useless... But wow.. that's creepy and sad. Once again, I'm glad you're out of it now.
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Postby Kenchii » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:48 am

I talked to a lot of members online from the Unification church and asked some questions. Just to understand more about the religion. Because when I sent them the links they said most of the statements arn't true. This is what I found out from them.

What do you think of Jesus? Jesus did not forfil his mission.
What do you think of the Cross? The cross represents Satins victory.
What do you think of Rev. Sun Moon? He is the second coming of Jesus. He has a perfect heart.
Do you concider yourself Christian? Yes, and no. We beleve in what Rev. Sun Moon says. Basically its easier to say we are christian.
What does BC mean? Blessed child. That is what Unification members call each other. Many people in the church go to Sunday school, and Workshops.

That was the information I got from some of my friends online. But i'm going to stop now, and just accept that its there religion and if they belong to it fine. Ill believe my religion.


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Postby Zilch » Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:02 pm

Kenchii, if you'll excuse me for saying, but you shouldn't give up on them. Keep praying for them, no matter what. No one is a hopeless case.
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Postby Kenchii » Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:18 pm

Zilch wrote:Kenchii, if you'll excuse me for saying, but you shouldn't give up on them. Keep praying for them, no matter what. No one is a hopeless case.

Of course I'll keep praying but, I ment to say I'll stop getting information about the religion and posting.


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Postby Icarus » Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:05 am

Blessed indeed. I'm glad you are out.

Unfortunately, one of my best friends is one, and has been for some time now.
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Postby Kenchii » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:36 pm

I can't stop. >_<x (im Bawitback)

Bawitback1: how did you get in BC?
WHITEpride 7531: bc
WHITEpride 7531: what
Bawitback1: blessedchild
WHITEpride 7531: oh
WHITEpride 7531: well
WHITEpride 7531: its wierd
WHITEpride 7531: cant really explain
Bawitback1: ?
WHITEpride 7531: nvm
WHITEpride 7531: r u a bc
Bawitback1: yeah
WHITEpride 7531: oh
WHITEpride 7531: u r
WHITEpride 7531: oh
WHITEpride 7531: i thought u were an outsider
Bawitback1: I mean, were your parents bc's? so your in the church?
Bawitback1: what is a outsider?
WHITEpride 7531: like not in the church
WHITEpride 7531: no
Bawitback1: are outsiders bad?
WHITEpride 7531: my parents joined the church
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: just not in the church
Bawitback1: Im not a BC anymore
WHITEpride 7531: how come
Bawitback1: I got out.
WHITEpride 7531: how
WHITEpride 7531: u fell
Bawitback1: I said, I dont want to attend this church anymore.
WHITEpride 7531: ok
WHITEpride 7531: i c
WHITEpride 7531: y not
WHITEpride 7531: dude stay
WHITEpride 7531: seriously
Bawitback1: because, I thought it was a christian church.
WHITEpride 7531: its important
Bawitback1: why?
WHITEpride 7531: go back in
WHITEpride 7531: trust me
Bawitback1: ...Im still confused.
WHITEpride 7531: ur life will change
Bawitback1: how will it change?
WHITEpride 7531: u will be pure
WHITEpride 7531: blessed children r the ones who will save the world
Bawitback1: its not like im santaic. Im christian.
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: no
Bawitback1: no?
WHITEpride 7531: just because u beleive in jesus
WHITEpride 7531: doesnt mean u will go to heaven
Bawitback1: I beleve in the trinity
WHITEpride 7531: u kno rev moon
Bawitback1: yes.
WHITEpride 7531: he is the messiah
Bawitback1: lol
WHITEpride 7531: not a joke
WHITEpride 7531: y do u laugh
Bawitback1: a human?
WHITEpride 7531: yes
WHITEpride 7531: he is the messiah
Bawitback1: the second coming?
WHITEpride 7531: yep
Bawitback1: well
WHITEpride 7531: well what
Bawitback1: do you think he will live imortally?
WHITEpride 7531: nope
WHITEpride 7531: but there is a spirtually world
Bawitback1: what will happen when he dies?
WHITEpride 7531: he will live in heaven
WHITEpride 7531: and
WHITEpride 7531: every one who followed him
WHITEpride 7531: will take his place
Bawitback1: what about me?
WHITEpride 7531: we have a responsibilty to help the world
WHITEpride 7531: bring the world closer to god
WHITEpride 7531: by following rev. moon
Bawitback1: do you know the background of the unification church?
WHITEpride 7531: yes
Bawitback1: it started after WW2
WHITEpride 7531: yea
WHITEpride 7531: i think
WHITEpride 7531: so
Bawitback1: well, ..
Bawitback1: what if Rev sun moon says a death wish for all of his followers?
WHITEpride 7531: what do u mean
Bawitback1: sorry.
WHITEpride 7531: y u sorry
Bawitback1: for questioning your religion..
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: its ok
Bawitback1: ok..
WHITEpride 7531: i understand
Bawitback1: I dont want to be rude.
WHITEpride 7531: ask me more questions
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: i want to help u understand
WHITEpride 7531: ask if u want
Bawitback1: ok.
Bawitback1: is moon the messia?
WHITEpride 7531: yes
Bawitback1: what is the divine princable?
WHITEpride 7531: it is like the bible of our church
WHITEpride 7531: has every thing from moon
Bawitback1: ok
WHITEpride 7531: anything else
Bawitback1: lets see
WHITEpride 7531: he
WHITEpride 7531: fells
WHITEpride 7531: that they r remotly close
WHITEpride 7531: but the wont go to heaven by beliving in jesu
WHITEpride 7531: jesus
WHITEpride 7531: what else
Bawitback1: that sucks im not going to heaven huh?
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: no
WHITEpride 7531: if u follow rev moon and do as he says u could
WHITEpride 7531: find bc's in ur comunity to help u out
WHITEpride 7531: i will help u
Bawitback1: im sorry
Bawitback1: I am a christian.
WHITEpride 7531: so
WHITEpride 7531: u could change



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Postby termyt » Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:06 pm

...disturbing. Been a while since I heard heresy on that scale.
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Postby JediSonic » Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:37 pm

WOW, kenchii! Scary stuff 0_0

If I ever see whitepride online I'll try talking to him about it. Quite frankly I'm curious as to why he beleivs what he does, whether he's read articles like the ones you posted at the beginning of this thread, etc.
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Postby Kinkosami » Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:38 pm

You know Kenchii, it isn't rude to question others religion. As long as your kind and respectful, you should be able to ask as many questions as you like. If they're really interested in sharing, they will try to answer your questions and try get you to believe what they believe.

If I were you, I would question him, a lot. It would make him have to think about what he believes and see if he really believes what he's saying. You could even have a debate between his religion and yours. There's nothing wrong with debate. And there's nothing wrong with questioning others religons, that's how your learn more about them.
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Postby JediSonic » Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:16 am

EXACTLY :grin:
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Postby Kinkosami » Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:42 am

I'm glad to see that somebody agrees.
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Postby Yojimbo » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:08 am

It's a perversion of Christianity. I can't believe that cults like this are still around brainwashing people.
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Postby Kenchii » Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:10 pm


I've been a xanga member for quite awhile now and noticed the immense BC/Unification members xanga. Its horriable. If you have a account on or if you dont, you can search Unification, Blessed Children, BC, ect and notice the ammont of users on it.

Quotes saying:

"I love Rev. Moon"
"If you are christian beyond this point your going to be converted"
"blessed children are the future"

Kids, Pre-teens, Teens, and Young Adults are everywhere with xangas related with the unification BC's from around the world! Many from US (where I live most of my friends are BC's) I know of over 45 BC's, England, Korea ect. Its crazy... pretty overwhelming to me. I don't know what to say. They are nice people, but their beleif is wrong. I wish I can help them somehow... without betraying their friendship. (personaly my 5 great friends). They also have a tendisy to call each member by either brother, sister, aunt, uncle, ect. its creepy.


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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:11 pm

I remember doing "cults are bad" for my thesis project and I remember this guy. Just liek most cults, he claims he's all mighty and everything. Hmmm... was this the guy that performed the 500 "weddings" or whatever (I remember seeing pics in my research books).

Already knowing friends that are Morman I apparently don't understand their ways (including the bit about "spiritual underwear" beign a convenent between you and God...) but either than knowing Mormans, don't really know any other cultists personally, although I know several Wiccans, it's somewhat different than what a cult would be... more close to Buddism, almost.
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Postby Kenchii » Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:47 pm



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Postby Heart of Sword » Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:04 pm

Scary... O_O

I'll pray for everyone there.
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Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
And all and all you're just another brick in the wall
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
But Bismallah will not let me go
Because I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

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Union's been on strike
Bright eyes burning like fire
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids

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Who's traveled far and cries for rest
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all
And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you!

[Pink Floyd fan listening to Queen and hugging trees which is also known as taking care of God's creation with a pair of headphones on listening to Nightwish as loud as possible while writing a novel on a computer in the middle of a field filled with Wolves.]

[Bassist...finally learning Money]
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:06 pm

That second link is very informative. Although it tries to be neutral, even a superficial reading of the list of beliefs will illustrate how dramatically incompatible Christianity is with the Unification Church.
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Postby Locke » Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:02 pm

whoa.... he owns the Washington Times paper and other media outlets. scary how much power is in the hands of a madman...

oh yeah check out the fifth one down:

# Blue Tuna Band
# Go World Brass Band
# Prime Force Band
# Providence - 481 8th Ave. Box J-40, NYC 10001
# Re-education Band -- Berkeley, CA
# Sunburst
# Voices of Freedom -- Washington, DC

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