Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Psychics are either con artists or people who get their powers from the demonic. Therefore why would there be Christian Psychics? That said, some Christians have been given the spiritual gifts of visions but they are different from telling the future and are from God and for His purpose, not for self gain.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Sometimes instincts are all they are but there are some people that God has given the spiritual gift of Discernment to help their spiritual walk with Jesus and help others in their walk of faith.
This is one of those grey matters that the bible talks little about... at least to my knowledge. In my opinion, all of humanity is psychic... that is how I believe God made us to be in tune with him while in our earthly forms. The mind being the gateway between God and our souls... I guess.
Empty and false are the hopes of the senseless, and fools are borne aloft by dreams. Like a man who catches at shadows or chases the wind, is the one who believes in dreams. What is seen in dreams is to reality what the reflection of a face is to the face itself. Can the unclean produce the clean? can the liar ever speak the truth? Divination, omens and dreams all are unreal; what you already expect, the mind depicts.
Sirach 34: 1-6
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