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Postby Rita » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:36 pm

I never even thought about praying for my future spouse until I found out that my dad has been praying for my future husband (as well as me :P) since the day I was born. And so now I pray for him too. Not so much that he will come along soon, or that he will have all the qualities I want in a husband, but more that God will protect him, guard him from evil and temptation, and that he will grow into a holy man of God. I just think it would be so nice to be welcomed into a family where not only has your husband been praying for you, but also your inlaws. :D
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Postby Lehn » Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:21 am

All the time. Mostly because that poor devil will have me to deal with :grin:

No, really, I pray that he'll know that, no matter how hard it gets, that there is someone (aka me) that will love him better then anyone no matter what.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:17 am

I do... Not as much as I should, but I do... I mostly pray that I'll find someone, and someone who meets my requirements... Now, I'm not being entirely selfish... I do pray that some things in me will be fixed... It's just, I don't want to marry someone who ends up contradicting the visions God has given me or contradicting my passions...

The problem I'm having now is that I know someone who meets my exact requirements (although, i found out that one she no longer meets, which is making me a bit more nervous than I allready was) the big problem is that... Well, she isn't romantically attracted to me... I couldn't possibly be more attracted to her, she is essentially exactly what I want... We are only talking over the phone right now (I did know her IRL, this isn't a net friendship, but we haven't seen each other in years) and she said she can't be attracted to someone she didn't know in real life... There are some other factors to this, and I'm actually going to go visit her for a week or so... I'm really scared about this trip, because if she decides it won't work out after I have fallen for her so much, I'm not sure if I'll be able to recover from this, or at least not for a long time...

And, yes, I pray for HER all the time... I don't treat my future wife as an abstract anymore, but maybe I still should since this very well may not work... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:31 pm

I'm very
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:46 pm

Volt's list is very similar to mine....

This is the criteria I judge by:


1. Must be very strong in the Lord. I must have someone who cares about God as much as me. Otherwise it just won't work.

2. Like Volt's... feminine, but I love a little tomboyishness. You gotta be fun loving, perhaps willing to even ride an occasional roller coaster. :evil:


3. Likes gaming.

4. Likes anime

5. Likes an occasional scary flick or two. :evil:

6. Is interested in world travel and foreign cultures/languages.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:10 pm

Azier the Swordsman wrote:And you are not going to share? For shame! We are family here, ya know...

Actually, I HAVE family here. My entire family posts online, thank you very much (OK, it's just me and my wife, but we're sorta regulars here). If she had wanted to post a followup, she certainly could have.

Thought I do have to say, these are love letters written to me, so I hope you aren't dumb enough to expect I would POST them.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:16 pm

Mithrandir wrote:Actually, I HAVE family here. My entire family posts online, thank you very much (OK, it's just me and my wife, but we're sorta regulars here). If she had wanted to post a followup, she certainly could have.

Thought I do have to say, these are love letters written to me, so I hope you aren't dumb enough to expect I would POST them.

:lol: I wasn't actually serious.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:26 pm

I've never heard of this before. That's pretty awesome what you guys/girls (your parents) are doing. Truly blessed. I'll have to try praying for my future wife. Too be honest I'm a bit jealous but I guess its better to start praying now then never for my future wife. Where did everyone else hear of it?

My criteria are:

1. Has to be a true Christian
2. Fun-loving and reasonably feminine
3. Attracted to me
4. Preferably a virgin
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Postby Hephzibah » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:38 pm

My 'criteria' for a guy is:

HAS to be a passionate Christian. This doesn't mean he has to be Pentacostal, or a jumping-off-walls Christian (like the stereotype seems to be), but a person who really cares about his relationship with Jesus and who is willing to give up anything for the Lord. That includes even me. I don't want someone who puts me above his relationship with God.

Also, he has to have atleast a general all-round understanding of maths. I don't think I would cope well with a hubbie who couldn't use algebra XD

I've never heard of this before. That's pretty awesome what you guys/girls (your parents) are doing. Truly blessed. I'll have to try praying for my future wife. Too be honest I'm a bit jealous but I guess its better to start praying now then never for my future wife. Where did everyone else hear of it?

I can't remember where I heard of it... I probably got the idea from Rebecca St James' song "Wait for Me". Oooo! Has anyone heard La Rue - Someday? I am completely hooked on this song!

Here are the lyrics:
I don't know if you're near or far away
But I know that I'm thinking of you today
I don't know if I even know your name
But I know that I'm praying for you just the same

Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure

Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always

Our love will be so strong and pure
You will make me feel like I have never felt before
You will be perfect only for me
You will make these eyes begin to see

Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure


Your faith for the Lord will be strong
Even though I know the wait is long
And though I'm young I still belive
That you're out there praying for me

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Postby waffo_chick1 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:01 am

I pray for my future husband, but since I am in a reltionship now I pray for my boyfriend every night. It was hard at first to give the reltionship up to God and say that if God tells me to break up that I will do it. It seems cruel to pray that at times, but the only way I'm going to be happy is if he is the one God has picked out for me and if I'm following his will.... dang, I hope my bf doesn't see this...
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:41 am

If he's worth your eternal affections, Waffo, then he needs to be a man of God. He needs to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting in his life AND yours, even when it directly affronts his/your personal desires. My point is that trite as it might sound, if he doesn't understand why you would perhaps need to break up with him so as to be obedient to God, he isn't worth your consideration as a mate. Which really, is the only valid point of dating. Simply hanging out for pleasure is fine as friends, but when you are only in a relationship to satisfy this fleshly desire for that without any plans on possible marriage, you're just playing with fire. I think too you can trust that even though it may be painful, God's will is ALWAYS perfect for us and He knows our needs even before we ask them! You can rest assured then that if you are meant to have a mate in life, you will find the right one by surrendering to God's timetable (which heh, I myself struggled with a long time).

Anyway, I felt lead to say that so I hope you don't take it the wrong way or anything, Waffo.
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Postby waffo_chick1 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:46 am

I couldn't agree with you more Ashley! My bf is a Godly young man, since I made up my mind long ago that I would never date anyone who wasn't. we both know that if God calls us on different paths we will have to be faithful to his call and obey. I love him very much so this would be a incredibly hard thing for me to do, but, as you said, it's the only way that I will find true happiness. He just may not appreciate me saying this over the web...
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:49 pm

These are the basic principles I've acted on my entire life. I've never dated. Not once. Because I've been waiting on God. He understands my heart and to this day has prompted me away from relationships I thought I wanted, even though it was just my flesh talking. (None of them were even right for me in the first place, I just didn't want to pay attention). I believe that God will introduce me to the right person soon. (Or someday). I may feel lonely now, but at least I've saved myself a lot of unnecesary heartbreak and pain. I'm taking this very carefully, especially now. I will date someday. But I must have someone who puts God first. No fakeness about it either. And someone who shares my own interests. Sharing my life with someone is not something I take lightly.
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Postby steelbeliever » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:15 pm

it's great so many of you pray for your future husbands/wives. i felt pretty dumb when i first started because i didn't believe anyone else did it. when i read that some of you have specific things that you look for i realized that never crossed my mind...i definitely want my "man" to be a christian rooted firmly in God's Word, but do you think i should have specific criteria?
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Postby Rita » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:48 pm

Well, I think it depends. I gave God a list of all the things I would ideally like my husband to be, a long list with even the stuff I thought was just a little silly. (This was inspired by a talk with a lady from my church, who, after God told her not to marry the guy she was engaged to, but to wait for the best person for her, then said "Fine God, this is what I want" and proceeded to list hundreds of things she wanted, from major issues to whether he liked a certain movie or not, and she got every single thing except one in her now husband!)

But if God decides that the best person for me is the opposite of what I want, then I'm willing to accept that. That's why i decided not to be specicfic when praying for my husband-to-be, because I don't know if God wants me to have a husband like the husband I want. But I don't think there's anything wrong with praying for specifics.
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Postby waffo_chick1 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:42 pm

I think for some people praying for specifics is a good thing. For me personally I really didn't care, since if he was the one God had for me I would love him no matter what! But then I have friends that pray that their husbands will have all these different qualitys, right down to what kind of nose they want on their guy and that their eye lashes curl or somthing like that. well, I guess its good to be picky
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:22 pm

It's good to have some idea of the type of person you want to spend the
rest of your life with. :thumb:
On the other hand I think we all,i.e. those of us still single,have to realize that we need to be careful for what we prayor wish for in a mate.
For example what if I do find a girl like what I am praying for but she ends up being a terrible cook or else she snores really loudly?
Then again one must take the bad along with the good.
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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:56 am

Azier the Swordsman wrote:I believe that God will introduce me to the right person soon. (Or someday). I may feel lonely now, but at least I've saved myself a lot of unnecesary heartbreak and pain. I'm taking this very carefully, especially now. I will date someday. But I must have someone who puts God first. No fakeness about it either. And someone who shares my own interests. Sharing my life with someone is not something I take lightly.

Good words, Azier. What an awesome committment and desire for God's leading!
You're not alone - I'm not dating, either, and I'm resolved to do my utmost best to wait for the one God has for me. :)
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Postby ally-san » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:00 am

yea i have been doing it since i was in junior high, i dont think i will ever get married but if i do i know that he if covered in my prayers.
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