Ky Kiske wrote:hmm I never beat the final boss on Star Ocean 2
I stomped the final boss in Star Ocean 2...the first time. I went through the entire Cave of Trials, beat the angel chick down there, and then went back to the final boss and beat him down.
Then, I went back to my save right before the final boss (after beating the Cave of Trials and the angel) and went back to that one town and did the PA where Filia dies and releases the limiter on the final boss.
To this day I haven't been able to beat him.
Final Boss in Legend of Legaia
Whoa, really? I never had any trouble with him. Well, let's see.
First, did you get the Point Card? It was in one of the drawers in Rim Elm at the beginning of the game, and it earns points every time you buy something in a shop. These points, in turn, can be used to do damage to enemies. So the basic point of the Point Card is to save up a TON of points on it and only use it in boss battles. In fact, I never use my Point Card until the final boss fight. If you save up your points throughout the whole game, you can do 9999 damage to the boss three or four times in the final fight, which helps tremendously.
Second, make sure someone has the Ra-Seru Horn equipped (for me, it's usually Gala). Horn eats up MP, but it heals your party to full and also resurrects dead characters. Also make sure Noa knows Spoon and it's at a high level, since she usually moves before the boss. Have plenty of MP restoring items.
Third, do you have everyone's Arts, including their Miracle Arts? Yes, they cost 99 AP to use, but they do enough damage that they're worth it. Make sure you at least have Vahn's and Gala's.
Fourth, do you have everyone's Ra-Seru spells? If you don't have the Miracle Arts, you won't. You have to have everyone's full Arts list before you can gain the Ra-Seru spells. Once you have a full Arts list for a character, visit the Genesis Tree where you obtained them (Rim Elm for Vahn, the top of the mountain for Noa, and the Voz Forest for Gala). Talk to the tree and you will gain the Ra-Seru summon for that particular character. These do great amounts of damage and are a big help in the final fight.
That's about all the tips I can give you. ^^
Ghaleon- Lunar
I feel your pain. Ghaleon is a HUGE pain in the butt. You just have to keep beating on him...and knowning when to use White Dragon Protect. It's been ages since I've played the game, but as you know, bosses do different poses when they're going to use different attacks. Once you learn which poses do the most damaging attacks, always use White Dragon Protect for that. And make sure you have 20 Star Lights and all the Silver Lights you can muster. And that's about all you can do.